European Socialism


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Where are all the people wanting to be like Europe now? did they jump off the ship already?
The idiots here that admire the socialists of Europe have never lived there like me. I've lived there 3 different times in addition to about a month traveling Europe on vacation. I've seen the place inside and out.

Many Europeans are content with their small home with no yard, no car, etc just relying on public transportation. I loved getting around without a car there but it is smaller than here where I need to drive 5-15 miles to get to places.

Most idiots that equate Europe with the US live in NYC, DC, etc where they live within their own little area and rely on the subway. They have no clue why people in Texas need a pick up truck, why people in California drive 1-2 hours for work each day, etc. They expect everyone to ride a bus or subway to work everyday and to live within .5 mile of their "apartment" like in NYC.

They're just idiots.....
Romney wants us to follow Europe using austerity measures. It's killing them, and will kill the US, too.
Romney wants us to follow Europe using austerity measures. It's killing them, and will kill the US, too.

How is it killing them?

Is it like your parent telling you to eat your veggies?

If it was actually implemented it would work.... it was never even given a chance, and the citizens are whiney bitches!!

Plus, I knew the European Union would never work.
Romney wants us to follow Europe using austerity measures. It's killing them, and will kill the US, too.

Wait decades of socialism and they thought it's working so well, what they hell lets cut back, hmmmmm I dont think so,

I mean greece and spain were failing before measures were taken place and France is not doing too well and they havent done much in France or Spain yet, but you keep believing it was the austerity measures. LOL
The idiots here that admire the socialists of Europe have never lived there like me. I've lived there 3 different times in addition to about a month traveling Europe on vacation. I've seen the place inside and out.

Many Europeans are content with their small home with no yard, no car, etc just relying on public transportation. I loved getting around without a car there but it is smaller than here where I need to drive 5-15 miles to get to places.

Most idiots that equate Europe with the US live in NYC, DC, etc where they live within their own little area and rely on the subway. They have no clue why people in Texas need a pick up truck, why people in California drive 1-2 hours for work each day, etc. They expect everyone to ride a bus or subway to work everyday and to live within .5 mile of their "apartment" like in NYC.

They're just idiots.....

Europeans also live in apartments that are half the size of the apartments that Americans live in, and they pay twice as much in rent.

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