European Leaders Are Now Describing Trump as a Threat


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Destroying American one day at a time, our enemies are dancing

The new administration has called into question "the last 70 years of American foreign policy,” one says.

Something has fundamentally changed in the world when one of the leaders of the European Union mentions the American president among the top threats to European unity, along with Russian aggression, radical Islamic terrorism, and civil wars in the Middle East. On Tuesday, European Council President Donald Tusk did just that. In a letter to the heads of EU member states, he expressed deep misgivings about the other Donald, who has questioned the value of NATO, applauded Britain’s exit from the European Union, suggested other countries may also leave the bloc to reclaim “their own identity,” and dismissed the EU as merely a “vehicle for Germany” to assert its power.

The “change in Washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation; with the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American foreign policy,” Tusk wrote. Europe should try to preserve its close relations with the United States, he argued, but the EU should also respond to Trump’s protectionist trade policies by “intensifying” its trade talks with other countries.(The EU is the second-largest supplier of imports to the U.S. and America’s second-largest export market.)
Yeah......the that Britain has come to it's sense, the EU is starting to panic...
EU “leaders” came to power with Obama’s support and were looking forward for the prolongation of his Globalist policy with Clinton’s presidency. In has not happen (thanks God!). Trump doesn't seem to give a sh*t about the main agenda of EU (barking at Russia, creating new military bases and inviting terrorists to EU), so a lot of European “leaders” are just terrified that Trump will show the world how to make his country great and ordinary European people will like it. That will mean the end of current European “leaders“ and their stupid ideas and programs.

5,000 jihadists could be in Europe after returning from terror camps

Watch just one Polish clown talking about Trump yesterday:
European Council President Donald Tusk has called the US under President Donald Trump one of the external threats to the EU along with China, Russia and radical Islam.
US under Trump among external threats to EU – council president Tusk

However not everybody in Europe is that dumb:

A military security system, which would include Russia, should be set up instead of NATO, Sahra Wagenknecht, leader of the German Left party said in an interview, echoing Trump’s recent statements on NATO.
‘Dissolution of NATO, military alliance with Russia’: German Left leader echoes Trump
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Threat to European unity, huh?

Sounds like the remaining EU countries have figured out the stuff that cements them together in union is comprised of a lot of US dollars they don't want to see go away. Why should they have to pay their own way? That's not fair.

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