Europe Conquered


Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
Except for maybe 3 nations, all of Europe is run by Muslims.

IF a Leftist posted this type of ridiculous comment I would say they were a Moonbat. I point out that from 27 EU nations we have 18 now with a Conservative-Right-Wing Nationalist-Populist Government so are you saying that those 18 nations must ALL also be run by Muslims. WTF?! Insane comments from you, I like you but please get a grip and READ and EDUCATE yourself on these issues because commenting this type of thing to a European is ridiculous.

This would be like ME looking at San Francisco and those Far Left run other places and posting a thread titled:

AMERICA CONQUERED BY COMMUNISM and then saying that apart from 3 American States ALL the rest of America is run by Far Left Moonbats.
You haven't noticed that 90% + of the hyperbolic bullshit posted here is from conservitards?

Open your eyes.

I am Right-Wing, the thing is I am not going to just agree with someone because they are Conservative if I feel what they comment is hysterical and I know NOT to be accurate ESPECIALLY IF it is about my Continent, the Continent that my family since my family begin born and lived on, the Continent I was born and live on. It's like when at random moments they post that ALL of the European Continent is Socialist when it is NOT. WHERE are they getting this ridiculas and not ACCURATE information from.

I attempt NOT to tell Americans what America is or what is or does NOT occur in America, I do read various things and various articles about America but I do NOT think I am am EXPERT of what America is and I do NOT tell Americans that they do NOT know what is going on and then ME tell them what is happening in America because I DON'T live there to EXPERIENCE anything that occur day to day in America. I LIKE Weatherman but his OP and subsequent comments are bizarro and hysterical especially his comment that this Continent is under Sharia Law when it is NOT. WHERE do they get this strange thinking from, WHAT peoples are feeding them this not accurate information? I think perhaps that crazy Pamela Geller and Jihad Watch or whatever, WTF The Onion is more accurate about my Continent than Jihad Watch.

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
5 years ago as well.
Yes, it’s even worse now.
You can go to prison just for typing Islam is controlled by people wishing to conduct violence on USMB, Brit. So be careful!

Actually they can not go to prison for that BUT I am going to ask. I have since November 2018 been working for my nations Ministry of The Interior and in an hour I have to have a Conference Call with someone first in Latvia's Ministry of The Interior and then with someone in the British Ministry of The Interior that they call The Home Office and I am going to ask them this:

Tell me in Britian if a British Subject write on the Internet Islam is controlled by a crowd wishing to conduct violence do you arrest them and put them in prison?
I know it occurred in Canada, and there are many cases of people in Europe being arrested for posting ‘hate’. Which as you know in this day is anything from it’s sunny outside to I’m going to kill you.

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
Except for maybe 3 nations, all of Europe is run by Muslims.

IF a Leftist posted this type of ridiculous comment I would say they were a Moonbat. I point out that from 27 EU nations we have 18 now with a Conservative-Right-Wing Nationalist-Populist Government so are you saying that those 18 nations must ALL also be run by Muslims. WTF?! Insane comments from you, I like you but please get a grip and READ and EDUCATE yourself on these issues because commenting this type of thing to a European is ridiculous.

This would be like ME looking at San Francisco and those Far Left run other places and posting a thread titled:

AMERICA CONQUERED BY COMMUNISM and then saying that apart from 3 American States ALL the rest of America is run by Far Left Moonbats.
You haven't noticed that 90% + of the hyperbolic bullshit posted here is from conservitards?

Open your eyes.

I am Right-Wing, the thing is I am not going to just agree with someone because they are Conservative if I feel what they comment is hysterical and I know NOT to be accurate ESPECIALLY IF it is about my Continent, the Continent that my family since my family begin born and lived on, the Continent I was born and live on. It's like when at random moments they post that ALL of the European Continent is Socialist when it is NOT. WHERE are they getting this ridiculas and not ACCURATE information from.

I attempt NOT to tell Americans what America is or what is or does NOT occur in America, I do read various things and various articles about America but I do NOT think I am am EXPERT of what America is and I do NOT tell Americans that they do NOT know what is going on and then ME tell them what is happening in America because I DON'T live there to EXPERIENCE anything that occur day to day in America. I LIKE Weatherman but his OP and subsequent comments are bizarro and hysterical especially his comment that this Continent is under Sharia Law when it is NOT. WHERE do they get this strange thinking from, WHAT peoples are feeding them this not accurate information?
Welcome to American conservatism. It's about 75% lies and 25% hypocrisy. dOnald tRump single handedly swung the needle off the 50-50 mark.

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
5 years ago as well.
Yes, it’s even worse now.
You can go to prison just for typing Islam is controlled by people wishing to conduct violence on USMB, Brit. So be careful!

Actually they can not go to prison for that BUT I am going to ask. I have since November 2018 been working for my nations Ministry of The Interior and in an hour I have to have a Conference Call with someone first in Latvia's Ministry of The Interior and then with someone in the British Ministry of The Interior that they call The Home Office and I am going to ask them this:

Tell me in Britian if a British Subject write on the Internet Islam is controlled by a crowd wishing to conduct violence do you arrest them and put them in prison?
I know it occurred in Canada, and there are many cases of people in Europe being arrested for posting ‘hate’. Which as you know in this day is anything from it’s sunny outside to I’m going to kill you.

Okay so I read the article and I LIKE Mark Steyn and I was thinking WTF this is outrageous they want to outlaw his book in Canada etc and THEN i got to THIS part of the article:

"Currently, it is hearing a complaint about Steyn's book from Mohamed Elmasry, head of the Canadian Islamic Congress. Elmasry is going after both Steyn and Maclean's magazine, which excerpted his book when it was published two years ago.

The complaint states that the article "discriminates against Muslims on the basis of their religion. It exposes Muslims to hatred and contempt due to their religion." Elmasry complains that Steyn's book tars entire Muslim communities as complicit in violent jihad."

Yes I LIKE Mark Steyn but NO I disagree strongly with him on that, the ENTIRE Muslim Community is NOT complicit in violet Jihad, NOT ALL Muslims are Radical Islamists who given the FIRST opportunity want to blow us all up. We HAVE to make the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims just as we HAVE to make the difference between White Christian Conservatives and White Supremacists, saying ALL Muslims are ready at ANY moment to commit violent Jihad is the SAME as saying ALL White Christian Conservatives are White Supremacists BECAUSE they are White.

And me commenting this does NOT all of a sudden mean I am Pro-Islam because I am not Pro-Islam but I also do NOT think that The West should drop tactical nukes on Mecca or whatever.
There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
5 years ago as well.
Yes, it’s even worse now.
You can go to prison just for typing Islam is controlled by people wishing to conduct violence on USMB, Brit. So be careful!

Actually they can not go to prison for that BUT I am going to ask. I have since November 2018 been working for my nations Ministry of The Interior and in an hour I have to have a Conference Call with someone first in Latvia's Ministry of The Interior and then with someone in the British Ministry of The Interior that they call The Home Office and I am going to ask them this:

Tell me in Britian if a British Subject write on the Internet Islam is controlled by a crowd wishing to conduct violence do you arrest them and put them in prison?
I know it occurred in Canada, and there are many cases of people in Europe being arrested for posting ‘hate’. Which as you know in this day is anything from it’s sunny outside to I’m going to kill you.

Okay so I read the article and I LIKE Mark Steyn and I was thinking WTF this is outrageous they want to outlaw his book in Canada etc and THEN i got to THIS part of the article:

"Currently, it is hearing a complaint about Steyn's book from Mohamed Elmasry, head of the Canadian Islamic Congress. Elmasry is going after both Steyn and Maclean's magazine, which excerpted his book when it was published two years ago.

The complaint states that the article "discriminates against Muslims on the basis of their religion. It exposes Muslims to hatred and contempt due to their religion." Elmasry complains that Steyn's book tars entire Muslim communities as complicit in violent jihad."

Yes I LIKE Mark Steyn but NO I disagree strongly with him on that, the ENTIRE Muslim Community is NOT complicit in violet Jihad, NOT ALL Muslims are Radical Islamists who given the FIRST opportunity want to blow us all up. We HAVE to make the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims just as we HAVE to make the difference between White Christian Conservatives and White Supremacists, saying ALL Muslims are ready at ANY moment to commit violent Jihad is the SAME as saying ALL White Christian Conservatives are White Supremacists BECAUSE they are White.

And me commenting this does NOT all of a sudden mean I am Pro-Islam because I am not Pro-Islam but I also do NOT think that The West should drop tactical nukes on Mecca or whatever.
Disagree or not, prosecutions for speech is fascist.
There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
Except for maybe 3 nations, all of Europe is run by Muslims.

IF a Leftist posted this type of ridiculous comment I would say they were a Moonbat. I point out that from 27 EU nations we have 18 now with a Conservative-Right-Wing Nationalist-Populist Government so are you saying that those 18 nations must ALL also be run by Muslims. WTF?! Insane comments from you, I like you but please get a grip and READ and EDUCATE yourself on these issues because commenting this type of thing to a European is ridiculous.

This would be like ME looking at San Francisco and those Far Left run other places and posting a thread titled:

AMERICA CONQUERED BY COMMUNISM and then saying that apart from 3 American States ALL the rest of America is run by Far Left Moonbats.
You haven't noticed that 90% + of the hyperbolic bullshit posted here is from conservitards?

Open your eyes.

I am Right-Wing, the thing is I am not going to just agree with someone because they are Conservative if I feel what they comment is hysterical and I know NOT to be accurate ESPECIALLY IF it is about my Continent, the Continent that my family since my family begin born and lived on, the Continent I was born and live on. It's like when at random moments they post that ALL of the European Continent is Socialist when it is NOT. WHERE are they getting this ridiculas and not ACCURATE information from.

I attempt NOT to tell Americans what America is or what is or does NOT occur in America, I do read various things and various articles about America but I do NOT think I am am EXPERT of what America is and I do NOT tell Americans that they do NOT know what is going on and then ME tell them what is happening in America because I DON'T live there to EXPERIENCE anything that occur day to day in America. I LIKE Weatherman but his OP and subsequent comments are bizarro and hysterical especially his comment that this Continent is under Sharia Law when it is NOT. WHERE do they get this strange thinking from, WHAT peoples are feeding them this not accurate information?
Welcome to American conservatism. It's about 75% lies and 25% hypocrisy. dOnald tRump single handedly swung the needle off the 50-50 mark.

For some time I have realised that European Right-Wingers agree with American Right-Wingers on MANY of the issues but that also we have some VERY fundamental differences on some issues.

Eg. we are NOT in general wanting to bomb random nations because they refuse to become a Vassal State or we want their oil or whatever, we do NOT support Saudi Arabia and think full on Sanctions should have been put on them after they had that journalist dismembered in the Embassy in Turkey, we DO support that a nation should have a Safety Net to protect it's most vulnerable AND a Health Service that you do NOT have to cut off an arm to pay your medical bills IF you lose your job and lose your Health Insurance, we also do NOT think that terminally ill children with VERY OBSCURE medical problems who have NO HOPE of ANY RECOVERY and are GOING TO DIE ANYWAY should be subjected like some lab experiement and KEEP them ALIVE and SUFFERING in the HOPE that perhaps in 5 years or whatever a CURE is found for their obscure medical problem eg. that British boy Alfie forget other name he one example where crowds of Quasi-Religious Fanatical Americans were accusing the British Government of MURDERING that boy. What to think of this strange situation, I do not know. We also are Anti-Abortion but DO think that exceptions SHOULD be made for rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger.

These are some of the differences I now realise from being at this forum between European Right-Winger's and American Right-Winger's, you know IF it was NOT for their bizarro Jew Fetish on some things we on this Continent probably would call them Nazi's and/or Nazi-esque and NOT in the name calling thing but in the often they OPENLY declare that ALL Muslims should be exterminated off this planet, they OPENLY want to Genocide 100 millions peoples because a percentage of that crowd are Radical Islamists.

We do NOT want ALL these Middle East Muslims and Sub Saharan Africans being on OUR beautiful Continent but we DO NOT want to MURDER them ALL we just WANT them to GTFO and go back to their OWN nations and we are even PREPARED to PAY them to leave this Continent and go to their OWN nations.
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5 years ago as well.
Yes, it’s even worse now.
You can go to prison just for typing Islam is controlled by people wishing to conduct violence on USMB, Brit. So be careful!

Actually they can not go to prison for that BUT I am going to ask. I have since November 2018 been working for my nations Ministry of The Interior and in an hour I have to have a Conference Call with someone first in Latvia's Ministry of The Interior and then with someone in the British Ministry of The Interior that they call The Home Office and I am going to ask them this:

Tell me in Britian if a British Subject write on the Internet Islam is controlled by a crowd wishing to conduct violence do you arrest them and put them in prison?
I know it occurred in Canada, and there are many cases of people in Europe being arrested for posting ‘hate’. Which as you know in this day is anything from it’s sunny outside to I’m going to kill you.

Okay so I read the article and I LIKE Mark Steyn and I was thinking WTF this is outrageous they want to outlaw his book in Canada etc and THEN i got to THIS part of the article:

"Currently, it is hearing a complaint about Steyn's book from Mohamed Elmasry, head of the Canadian Islamic Congress. Elmasry is going after both Steyn and Maclean's magazine, which excerpted his book when it was published two years ago.

The complaint states that the article "discriminates against Muslims on the basis of their religion. It exposes Muslims to hatred and contempt due to their religion." Elmasry complains that Steyn's book tars entire Muslim communities as complicit in violent jihad."

Yes I LIKE Mark Steyn but NO I disagree strongly with him on that, the ENTIRE Muslim Community is NOT complicit in violet Jihad, NOT ALL Muslims are Radical Islamists who given the FIRST opportunity want to blow us all up. We HAVE to make the difference between Muslims and Radical Muslims just as we HAVE to make the difference between White Christian Conservatives and White Supremacists, saying ALL Muslims are ready at ANY moment to commit violent Jihad is the SAME as saying ALL White Christian Conservatives are White Supremacists BECAUSE they are White.

And me commenting this does NOT all of a sudden mean I am Pro-Islam because I am not Pro-Islam but I also do NOT think that The West should drop tactical nukes on Mecca or whatever.
Disagree or not, prosecutions for speech is fascist.

Well yes on that we can agree, I did not say I supported prosecution I support Freedom of Expression I say that I STRONGLY disagree with Mark Steyn's twisted opinion on this and in general I do like Mark Steyn.

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
5 years ago as well.

I only just notice the article is from 2014. WTF?! That makes this even more crazy and if you read the middle of that article from 2014 it say that Subway begin selling Halal meat in 2007! So the Daily Mail is desperate also that they PRINT a Headline and have a hysterical article in 2014 about something that begin SEVEN YEARS before. ROFLAO. This is like Comedy Gold, perhaps whoever decide on printing the article seven years AFTER something begin they were smoking Crack or whatever.

does it really matter ? who doesnt know a western euro that isnt woke ...go sit in london and tap out something about islam and muslims
Its doesnt even have to be offensive ....when the police are knocking on your door over it ?...destroying guys who taught their pug to seig heil as a joke gets nailed to a cross?

YA got a slight problem ....if ya cant see which direction the west is heading ...I dont know what to tell yas

I saw a Canadian asking for prayers and with his simple message i knew why he was asking for them.

when my place is done im so outta here anyway :auiqs.jpg:

you went right into bu bu bu the usa
doesn't matter if youre really left or right either ...its doesnt its still a problem and bu bu bu but was still beatin into the continentals heads .AND THAT
doesn't change any of the facts as to whats going on on both sides of the Atlantic with immigration and "refugees"

GEEE its like a "refugee resettlement program " where have i heard that before ? i know first heard of it years ago hummmmmm

Both are not good and need to be brought under control

its never to late to turn the ship around ...until it is

you tolerant middle of the roader people need to wake up

tick tock
honk honk

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
5 years ago as well.

I only just notice the article is from 2014. WTF?! That makes this even more crazy and if you read the middle of that article from 2014 it say that Subway begin selling Halal meat in 2007! So the Daily Mail is desperate also that they PRINT a Headline and have a hysterical article in 2014 about something that begin SEVEN YEARS before. ROFLAO. This is like Comedy Gold, perhaps whoever decide on printing the article seven years AFTER something begin they were smoking Crack or whatever.

does it really matter ? who doesnt know a western euro that isnt woke ...go sit in london and tap out something about islam and muslims
Its doesnt even have to be offensive ....when the police are knocking on your door over it ?...destroying guys who taught their pug to seig heil as a joke gets nailed to a cross?

YA got a slight problem ....if ya cant see which direction the west is heading ...I dont know what to tell yas

I saw a Canadian asking for prayers and with his simple message i knew why he was asking for them.

when my place is done im so outta here anyway :auiqs.jpg:

you went right into bu bu bu the usa
doesn't matter if youre really left or right either ...its doesnt its still a problem and bu bu bu but was still beatin into the continentals heads .AND THAT
doesn't change any of the facts as to whats going on on both sides of the Atlantic with immigration and "refugees"

GEEE its like a "refugee resettlement program " where have i heard that before ? i know first heard of it years ago hummmmmm

Both are not good and need to be brought under control

its never to late to turn the ship around ...until it is

you tolerant middle of the roader people need to wake up

tick tock
honk honk

"honk honk"

Excellent! Honk Honk! Did not know you were also a Honkler!


The below left is what the Leftists want the world to be, the below Right is what Rightists we want the world to be:


Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
5 years ago as well.

I only just notice the article is from 2014. WTF?! That makes this even more crazy and if you read the middle of that article from 2014 it say that Subway begin selling Halal meat in 2007! So the Daily Mail is desperate also that they PRINT a Headline and have a hysterical article in 2014 about something that begin SEVEN YEARS before. ROFLAO. This is like Comedy Gold, perhaps whoever decide on printing the article seven years AFTER something begin they were smoking Crack or whatever.

does it really matter ? who doesnt know a western euro that isnt woke ...go sit in london and tap out something about islam and muslims
Its doesnt even have to be offensive ....when the police are knocking on your door over it ?...destroying guys who taught their pug to seig heil as a joke gets nailed to a cross?

YA got a slight problem ....if ya cant see which direction the west is heading ...I dont know what to tell yas

I saw a Canadian asking for prayers and with his simple message i knew why he was asking for them.

when my place is done im so outta here anyway :auiqs.jpg:

you went right into bu bu bu the usa
doesn't matter if youre really left or right either ...its doesnt its still a problem and bu bu bu but was still beatin into the continentals heads .AND THAT
doesn't change any of the facts as to whats going on on both sides of the Atlantic with immigration and "refugees"

GEEE its like a "refugee resettlement program " where have i heard that before ? i know first heard of it years ago hummmmmm

Both are not good and need to be brought under control

its never to late to turn the ship around ...until it is

you tolerant middle of the roader people need to wake up

tick tock
honk honk

"honk honk"

Excellent! Honk Honk! Did not know you were also a Honkler!

View attachment 258619

The below left is what the Leftists want the world to be, the below Right is what Rightists we want the world to be:

View attachment 258620

^^^^ This:

There's no denying that europe has been changed forever by the millions and millions of muslims Merkel allowed to freely flow in, and the change has not been for the better. Notice how FAST the Notre Dame fire cause was hush hushed? We are ALL keenly aware that muslims don't come to a nation to ASSIMILATE, they come to IMPOSE their ISLAM and ultimately SHARIA LAW where ever they go, makes no difference, europe or here in America, same thing, and the ONLY way to take back what you have LOST to the muslims is by FORCE. They don't understand anything else. They will not leave on their own accord. Their goal is to conquer the world, same as it was 1,400 years ago during the crusades. NOTHING has changed, other than their tactics. Now they use nations FREEDOMS and IGNORANCE and crippling POLITICAL CORRECTNESS against them. Europe is HELPING the muslims take over. They are FREELY handing over their national identities and freedom. You can't even SPEAK OUT against a muslim in europe or it's HATE SPEECH, you'll be thrown in jail. That's FASCISM. That's SPEECH CONTROL and MIND CONTROL and very mush like the WWII Nazis, and europeans have no way to fight back against it since they were DISARMED long ago. They are at the MERCY of their government, and their government is facilitating the gradual muslim take over.
Last edited:
Europe is doomed.

Viper Nest of Globalism

That's what Europe has become.

Until we see some change...some Patriot change, over there, across the pond.....until then when people really revolt ....

Until then....Europe is doomed.

Europa is finished, there are only few children of native Europeans.
I give Europe not more as 5 or 7 years before the beginning of big war with Islam.

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

USA did not free UK & Irealand, you are wrong.
No Americans died keeping the UK free in WW1 and 2?? You have to go to a university to learn to be so stupid.

You shall not too much believe those rubbish from Hollywood.

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

USA did not free UK & Irealand, you are wrong.
No Americans died keeping the UK free in WW1 and 2?? You have to go to a university to learn to be so stupid.

You shall not too much believe those rubbish from Hollywood.
I’m a history geek.
There should be a rule at this forum against posting threads with IGNORANT thread titles about things you do not know what you are going on about.

Europe Conquered? What HORSECRAP. ROFLAO so the UK and Ireland Subway remove ham and bacon from 200 stores and that means a Continent an ENTIRE Continent of 506 MILLIONS is suddenly conquered. What CRAP.
5 years ago as well.

I only just notice the article is from 2014. WTF?! That makes this even more crazy and if you read the middle of that article from 2014 it say that Subway begin selling Halal meat in 2007! So the Daily Mail is desperate also that they PRINT a Headline and have a hysterical article in 2014 about something that begin SEVEN YEARS before. ROFLAO. This is like Comedy Gold, perhaps whoever decide on printing the article seven years AFTER something begin they were smoking Crack or whatever.

does it really matter ? who doesnt know a western euro that isnt woke ...go sit in london and tap out something about islam and muslims
Its doesnt even have to be offensive ....when the police are knocking on your door over it ?...destroying guys who taught their pug to seig heil as a joke gets nailed to a cross?

YA got a slight problem ....if ya cant see which direction the west is heading ...I dont know what to tell yas

I saw a Canadian asking for prayers and with his simple message i knew why he was asking for them.

when my place is done im so outta here anyway :auiqs.jpg:

you went right into bu bu bu the usa
doesn't matter if youre really left or right either ...its doesnt its still a problem and bu bu bu but was still beatin into the continentals heads .AND THAT
doesn't change any of the facts as to whats going on on both sides of the Atlantic with immigration and "refugees"

GEEE its like a "refugee resettlement program " where have i heard that before ? i know first heard of it years ago hummmmmm

Both are not good and need to be brought under control

its never to late to turn the ship around ...until it is

you tolerant middle of the roader people need to wake up

tick tock
honk honk

"honk honk"

Excellent! Honk Honk! Did not know you were also a Honkler!

View attachment 258619

The below left is what the Leftists want the world to be, the below Right is what Rightists we want the world to be:

View attachment 258620

^^^^ This:

View attachment 258622
244 years ago in Lexington and Concord Massachusetts, just outside of Boston, a loosely organized militia began a fight for the freedom and independence of the United States. Why? Because the status quo was unacceptable. We saw our lives being controlled by a government that was no longer concerned about its citizens but only itself and we fought.

That Europe meekly accepts its bondage at the hands of a cowardly and savage political philosophy that is perfectly opposed in all ways to the glories of European enlightenment, personal freedom and cultural glory is disgusting, and an unequivocal sign of the its dissolution and failure. That it also accepts the destruction of its religions is a clear sign of its moral turpitude.

Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

USA did not free UK & Irealand, you are wrong.
No Americans died keeping the UK free in WW1 and 2?? You have to go to a university to learn to be so stupid.

You shall not too much believe those rubbish from Hollywood.
I’m a history geek.

Russia defeated Hitler, USA entered the war in 1944, UK earlier
Their main jobs: killing of millions civilians in Hamburg, Dresden, Cologne, plundering of Germany and erecting of Rhine Concentrations camps where in 1945-1946 were murdered more as 2m former German soldiers


Subway removes ham and bacon from nearly 200 UK & Ireland stores and offers halal meat only after ‘strong demand’ from Muslims.

A lot of Americans died in two world wars to free them. Screw them now. They made their own bed.

USA did not free UK & Irealand, you are wrong.
No Americans died keeping the UK free in WW1 and 2?? You have to go to a university to learn to be so stupid.

You shall not too much believe those rubbish from Hollywood.
I’m a history geek.

Russia defeated Hitler, USA entered the war in 1944, UK earlier
Their main jobs: killing of millions civilians in Hamburg, Dresden, Cologne, plundering of Germany and erecting of Rhine Concentrations camps where in 1945-1946 were murdered more as 2m former German soldiers

You have to go to graduate school to learn to be that stupid.
USA did not free UK & Irealand, you are wrong.
No Americans died keeping the UK free in WW1 and 2?? You have to go to a university to learn to be so stupid.

You shall not too much believe those rubbish from Hollywood.
I’m a history geek.

Russia defeated Hitler, USA entered the war in 1944, UK earlier
Their main jobs: killing of millions civilians in Hamburg, Dresden, Cologne, plundering of Germany and erecting of Rhine Concentrations camps where in 1945-1946 were murdered more as 2m former German soldiers

You have to go to graduate school to learn to be that stupid.

In difference to you I know the real history

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