Estimated Cost To Taxpayers of Jan 6 Committee-More than $9 Million


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California

The estimate comes from The Washington Post

What did we get for our money? Alot of irrelevant goop which legally means nothing. The Justice Dept can ignore it since Congress is not a Grand Jury.
Everything is relative. 9 million in congressional terms is comparable to 7 or 8 dollars to us peons.
Maybe we are lucky that they were busy doing this instead of doing something else that would have cost 20 million.
Right, don't solve the BIG problems stupid shits in congress created no instead blow time and money on a witch hunt. :cuckoo:
What was the thing?
In a legal hearing, the accused is allowed to defend himself. In a Grand Jury session, the proceedings are kept secret from the public. This fiasco was neither one. Professor Alan Dershowitz said the referral to DOJ is unconstitutional.
Donald Trump and the RNC can sue them in Federal Court. I hope they do.
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All the Uniparty does is blow money on needless Wars, domestic enslavement programs, and persecution of their enemies; all while blanketed in the signal of righteousness and virtue. And all of it is to line their own pockets while the bread and circuses continue.

Meanwhile the mass throngs of self flagellating peons bow and scrape and follow their every decree, as if it was handed down by Moses.

The estimate comes from The Washington Post

What did we get for our money? Alot of irrelevant goop which legally means nothing. The Justice Dept can ignore it since Congress is not a Grand Jury.
We’ll, to be fair, quality movie producers and directors are very expensive.

The estimate comes from The Washington Post

What did we get for our money? Alot of irrelevant goop which legally means nothing. The Justice Dept can ignore it since Congress is not a Grand Jury.

Congress is performing their oversight duties. That justifies the expenditures.
What was the thing?
In a legal hearing, the accused is allowed to defend himself. In a Grand Jury session, the proceedings are kept secret from the public. This fiasco was neither one. Professor Alan Dershowitz said the referral to DOJ is unconstitutional.
Donald Trump and the RNC can sue them in Federal Court. I hope they do.

Alan Dershowitz is not a unbiased observer. His opinion meets nothing.
That’s about the same amount as the Durham investigation which did nothing but inappropriately prosecute two innocent people.

The estimate comes from The Washington Post

What did we get for our money? Alot of irrelevant goop which legally means nothing. The Justice Dept can ignore it since Congress is not a Grand Jury.


Money for nuthin'!!
Hollywood producers aren’t cheap.
The best $9 million ever spent in order to nail your buddy's ass to the wall. Btw, how many millions did Gym Jordan, Billy Goat Trey Gowdy & the rest of that crew piss away on Benghazi which resulted in NOTHING?

The best thing about those hearings was watching Hillary drag Billy Goat Trey's ass around the hearing room for hours. Hillary sent poor Trey's sorry ass back to S. Carolina where he belongs. :abgg2q.jpg:

The estimate comes from The Washington Post

What did we get for our money? Alot of irrelevant goop which legally means nothing. The Justice Dept can ignore it since Congress is not a Grand Jury.
So that bill should be sent to Trump & Co... Thanks for that..

You are trying to blame the investigators for the crime...

This is a bill that should be fined on the criminals..

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