ESPN Bracing for Another Round of Layoffs

Whoever is sitting on a sports network executive board and believes they can turn the sacred sanctity of sports escapism into some Jerry Springer reality show is a complete fool. Whoever thinks they can turn a sports show into a CNN political debate show doesn't understand the reasons for their viewers tuning in. Do I go to CNN or MSNBC to get my sports information? If not, why would anyone think that the opposite would be true?

They always turn the cameras away from the field when some clown runs onto the field, because they "don't want to give that idiot coverage", but kneeling and insulting the flag, calling the president insulting names is something that embraced and accepted. You don't gain viewers by insulting ANYONES politics. So as a sports station, don't wade into it, and demand that their employees who do, will be unemployed.
ESPN is dying

Don't know what can save them

Um maybe not alienating their primary audience. Conservatives are more likely to be avid sports fans then liberals. Yet ESPN thought it was a good idea to alienate liberals. I have turned on ESPN in roughly 2 yrs, I don’t visit the website anymore and espn 1000 is no
longer on the dial.

I am a one of millions

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I don’t go to sports networks to get political opinion and I don’t go to cable news networks to get sports news maybe one day ESPN will figure out that’s how a lot of people are.

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