Escalator UP for Obama???


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Im thinking NOT judging by today's headlines over at DRUDGE..................

Obama Approval at All-time Low for Second Week...

Jarrett: Obama Not Releasing College Records...

More secrets?

Dollar drops to lowest since 2008...

Investors flee greenback; silver hits all-time high, gold sets new record...

GALLUP: U.S. confidence plunges, only 27% say economy is growing...

WAL-MART: Our shoppers are 'running out of money'...JOBLESS CLAIMS 429,000...

FLASHBACK 2008: Blamed 'Oil Men in the White House' For High Gas Prices...

IDK........perhaps Im wrong?? Maybe the public is still blaming Bush!!! Wonder how the 30 million who will see those headlines tonight feel??
Im thinking NOT judging by today's headlines over at DRUDGE..................

Obama Approval at All-time Low for Second Week...

Jarrett: Obama Not Releasing College Records...

More secrets?

Dollar drops to lowest since 2008...

Investors flee greenback; silver hits all-time high, gold sets new record...

GALLUP: U.S. confidence plunges, only 27% say economy is growing...

WAL-MART: Our shoppers are 'running out of money'...JOBLESS CLAIMS 429,000...

FLASHBACK 2008: Blamed 'Oil Men in the White House' For High Gas Prices...


IDK........perhaps Im wrong?? Maybe the public is still blaming Bush!!! Wonder how the 30 million who will see those headlines tonight feel??

Sorry. Most of us are still laughin our asses off at the humiliated "birfers".....
Im thinking NOT judging by today's headlines over at DRUDGE..................

Obama Approval at All-time Low for Second Week...

Jarrett: Obama Not Releasing College Records...

More secrets?

Dollar drops to lowest since 2008...

Investors flee greenback; silver hits all-time high, gold sets new record...

GALLUP: U.S. confidence plunges, only 27% say economy is growing...

WAL-MART: Our shoppers are 'running out of money'...JOBLESS CLAIMS 429,000...

FLASHBACK 2008: Blamed 'Oil Men in the White House' For High Gas Prices...


IDK........perhaps Im wrong?? Maybe the public is still blaming Bush!!! Wonder how the 30 million who will see those headlines tonight feel??

Sorry. Most of us are still laughin our asses off at the humiliated "birfers".....

Me funny was it that the president concludes his statement, "We have important things to do instead of this silliness!!"..................

and flies off to the Oprah show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/B]:blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:

Only far lefties can go and totally screw up something impossible to screw up!!
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Nice attempt at deflecting. Obama has more mobile electronic devices than you can shake a stick at. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Obama can only get things done when he is sitting inthe Oval Office?
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Nice attempt at deflecting. Obama has more mobile elctronic devices than you can shake a stick at. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Obama can only get things done when he is sitting inthe Oval Office?

Now this is just too hilarious. :lol:

The lefties were crying about Bush's vacations, and him being away from the Whitehouse. He had all of the electronics at his disposal as does Barry. But with BOOOOOOOOOSH it was a big issue. It really is two faced isn't it?
I felt so inspired by the DRUDGE headlines today, I decided to create some new gay MSPAINT Photobucket masterpiece, this one, Ive decided will be my 2012 campaign slogan since the Obam team has decided to punt on the HOPE AND CHANGE theme ( geee........what a surprise.......and why would that be??)


But seriously.............just wondering if those board members on the left are a bit surprised to have seen the poll #'s drop so precipitiously..........from 67% to 43%. I find it pretty astonishing!!
Nice attempt at deflecting. Obama has more mobile elctronic devices than you can shake a stick at. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Obama can only get things done when he is sitting inthe Oval Office?

Now this is just too hilarious. :lol:

The lefties were crying about Bush's vacations, and him being away from the Whitehouse. He had all of the electronics at his disposal as does Barry. But with BOOOOOOOOOSH it was a big issue. It really is two faced isn't it?

Meanwhile, you righties defended him to the hilt, only to attack Obama for doing the same things. Of course, Dubya spent more time on vacation in Crawford than any President in history, but who's counting?
Im thinking NOT judging by today's headlines over at DRUDGE..................

Obama Approval at All-time Low for Second Week...

Jarrett: Obama Not Releasing College Records...

More secrets?

Dollar drops to lowest since 2008...

Investors flee greenback; silver hits all-time high, gold sets new record...

GALLUP: U.S. confidence plunges, only 27% say economy is growing...

WAL-MART: Our shoppers are 'running out of money'...JOBLESS CLAIMS 429,000...

FLASHBACK 2008: Blamed 'Oil Men in the White House' For High Gas Prices...


IDK........perhaps Im wrong?? Maybe the public is still blaming Bush!!! Wonder how the 30 million who will see those headlines tonight feel??

Sorry. Most of us are still laughin our asses off at the humiliated "birfers".....

yeah, sure you are.
Ignoring what the thread is about isn't going to make it ANY BETTER, face it, the American people are sick of the Obama and his COMRADES IN ARMS. can't wait to see them go.
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Nice attempt at deflecting. Obama has more mobile electronic devices than you can shake a stick at. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Obama can only get things done when he is sitting inthe Oval Office?

In all fairness, I don't think he can get anything done while he's in the oval office either.
Nice attempt at deflecting. Obama has more mobile elctronic devices than you can shake a stick at. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Obama can only get things done when he is sitting inthe Oval Office?

Now this is just too hilarious. :lol:

The lefties were crying about Bush's vacations, and him being away from the Whitehouse. He had all of the electronics at his disposal as does Barry. But with BOOOOOOOOOSH it was a big issue. It really is two faced isn't it?

Meanwhile, you righties defended him to the hilt, only to attack Obama for doing the same things. Of course, Dubya spent more time on vacation in Crawford than any President in history, but who's counting?

See....what your projecting isn't accurate. I attacked Bush in a few areas, such as the Iraqi war and his fiscal spending.

Of course, Dubya spent more time in was HIS ranch and no other presidents ranch. But, I'm glad you proved my point with the crying about Bush's vacations. I never hammered any president for taking time off, Va. Because I know they are up to date on everything, just as they would have been in Wa. DC.

But thanks for playing....I wasn't even trying to set a trap....but look what I caught. :lol:
Now this is just too hilarious. :lol:

The lefties were crying about Bush's vacations, and him being away from the Whitehouse. He had all of the electronics at his disposal as does Barry. But with BOOOOOOOOOSH it was a big issue. It really is two faced isn't it?

Meanwhile, you righties defended him to the hilt, only to attack Obama for doing the same things. Of course, Dubya spent more time on vacation in Crawford than any President in history, but who's counting?

See....what your projecting isn't accurate. I attacked Bush in a few areas, such as the Iraqi war and his fiscal spending.

Of course, Dubya spent more time in was HIS ranch and no other presidents ranch. But, I'm glad you proved my point with the crying about Bush's vacations. I never hammered any president for taking time off, Va. Because I know they are up to date on everything, just as they would have been in Wa. DC.

But thanks for playing....I wasn't even trying to set a trap....but look what I caught. :lol:

I never questioned Bush's vacations. I only question the blatant hypocrisy since apparently, it is no longer OK for the sitting President to go on TV shows or raise funds for his own re-election campaign. When did these new rules go into effect, exactly?
Meanwhile, you righties defended him to the hilt, only to attack Obama for doing the same things. Of course, Dubya spent more time on vacation in Crawford than any President in history, but who's counting?

See....what your projecting isn't accurate. I attacked Bush in a few areas, such as the Iraqi war and his fiscal spending.

Of course, Dubya spent more time in was HIS ranch and no other presidents ranch. But, I'm glad you proved my point with the crying about Bush's vacations. I never hammered any president for taking time off, Va. Because I know they are up to date on everything, just as they would have been in Wa. DC.

But thanks for playing....I wasn't even trying to set a trap....but look what I caught. :lol:

I never questioned Bush's vacations. I only question the blatant hypocrisy since apparently, it is no longer OK for the sitting President to go on TV shows or raise funds for his own re-election campaign. When did these new rules go into effect, exactly?

The only reason there is hypocrisy from the right is because the lefties were hammering your remark about Bush's vacations to the ranch. I think they are just pointing it out.
You got to ask somebody who is concerned about it. I already made my point about being away from the oval office.
Nice attempt at deflecting. Obama has more mobile electronic devices than you can shake a stick at. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Obama can only get things done when he is sitting inthe Oval Office?

You: "Sorry. Most of us are still laughin our asses off at the humiliated "birfers"....."

2 points....

1: Are you bither haters really that slow and mentally challenged that you can't focus on more than 1 thing at a time? Maybe you need giddits and gadgets like Obama to achieve something so simplistic.

2: Nice attempt at deflecting.
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Nice attempt at deflecting. Obama has more mobile elctronic devices than you can shake a stick at. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Obama can only get things done when he is sitting inthe Oval Office?

Now this is just too hilarious. :lol:

The lefties were crying about Bush's vacations, and him being away from the Whitehouse. He had all of the electronics at his disposal as does Barry. But with BOOOOOOOOOSH it was a big issue. It really is two faced isn't it?

Meanwhile, you righties defended him to the hilt, only to attack Obama for doing the same things. Of course, Dubya spent more time on vacation in Crawford than any President in history, but who's counting?

Yes you hurricane of stupidity... Bush's glorious approval rating of 28% -32% was because he had so many admirers on the right, ready to attack and defend him anytime, anywhere. Also the whole fracturing of the Republican party and birth of the TPM was just another show of admiration and support for Neocons like Bush.
Nice attempt at deflecting. Obama has more mobile electronic devices than you can shake a stick at. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Obama can only get things done when he is sitting inthe Oval Office?

What is he getting done while he's sitting on a set talking to Oprah? How much of his time did it take him to produce his birth certificate.

The answers to those questions should demonstrate what an idiot you are.
Nice attempt at deflecting. Obama has more mobile electronic devices than you can shake a stick at. Are you really stupid enough to believe that Obama can only get things done when he is sitting inthe Oval Office?

What is he getting done while he's sitting on a set talking to Oprah? How much of his time did it take him to produce his birth certificate.

The answers to those questions should demonstrate what an idiot you are.

So, having the POTUS out of direct communique for a 45 minute talk show somehow proves he is not doing his job? Are you really this stupid? Or just this partisan?

As far as his birth certificate goes, he never should have had to produce it to the American public in the first place. The board of elections obviously saw enough to allow him to particpate in the election, and that should have been enough. But Noooooo, because he is the first black President in our history, he is the only President in our history to be hounded like he was by "conservatives"....
Im thinking NOT judging by today's headlines over at DRUDGE..................

Obama Approval at All-time Low for Second Week...

Jarrett: Obama Not Releasing College Records...

More secrets?

Dollar drops to lowest since 2008...

Investors flee greenback; silver hits all-time high, gold sets new record...

GALLUP: U.S. confidence plunges, only 27% say economy is growing...

WAL-MART: Our shoppers are 'running out of money'...JOBLESS CLAIMS 429,000...

FLASHBACK 2008: Blamed 'Oil Men in the White House' For High Gas Prices...


IDK........perhaps Im wrong?? Maybe the public is still blaming Bush!!! Wonder how the 30 million who will see those headlines tonight feel??

Sorry. Most of us are still laughin our asses off at the humiliated "birfers".....

Me funny was it that the president concludes his statement, "We have important things to do instead of this silliness!!"..................

and flies off to the Oprah show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/B]:blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:

Only far lefties can go and totally screw up something impossible to screw up!!

I guess you don't understand that elections are more important that the birthers' silliness.

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