Eroticized Violence, Savage Justice in Saudi Arabia


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It's sad to see someone punished like this for speaking out. I wish he could have been here in the U.S. where he could have freely spoken his thoughts without being punished for it.

Eroticized Violence, Savage Justice in Saudi Arabia
by Valentina Colombo

July 7, 2014 at 5:00 am

"God is not fanatic; the ulema [religious scholars]... are." — Mohammed Charfi, Muslim intellectual.

Saudi Arabia's behavior comes with the bought consent of the West, which would rather constantly reprimand and punish Israel than address the Arab and Muslim world's floggings, stonings, beheadings and amputations -- not to mention executing homosexuals, gender apartheid and the often merciless treatment of foreign workers. Such a double standard exposes that many Europeans who consider themselves moral and speak about "ethical investing" are, in fact, accessories to these Saudi crimes, and therefore themselves guilty of crimes against humanity.

"He does not see this court as legitimate." — Samar Badawi, wife of human rights lawyer Walid Abu al-Khayr, who was sentenced by a Saudi court to 15 years in prison.

Raif Badawi, a Saudi blogger, has been sentenced to 1000 lashes, ten years in jail and a fine of $270,000 for a blog regarded by Saudi Arabia's regime as insulting Islam.

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Eroticized Violence, Savage Justice in Saudi Arabia
sally----I have a brilliant idea (as usual) When my baby was in the navy----his ship docked
now and then at OIL EMIRATE countries. ----observant baby that he is---he noticed
that the only people working were HINDUS----hindus ran the shops, cleaned things, fixed
things, did the engineering jobs-----etc etc. Being a kid familiar with Hindus in the
USA -----and curry----he spoke with them and they told the stories of their OPPRESSION
as foreign non muslim workers. My baby was horrified but also had a brilliant idea-----
"if all the hindus in the UAE---one day SAT ON THE GROUND and refused to work----
the UAE would fall apart within three days" (he inherited that talent for brilliant idea from me)

regarding SAUDI ARABIA----it has a 20% non muslim population----upon which it depends for
"SERVICES" ---from house maids to various technical jobs. They do suffer---the best thing
we in the civilized world can do to civilize Saudi Arabia is-----remove their non muslim population---
just open the USA borders to non muslim residents of Saudi Arabia ---even if we set them
up as AGRICULTURAL workers ----their lives would come out better than what they got
over there-----we got land somewhere out there----and food prices are out of sight-----
WE NEED THEM AND THEY NEED US ........ there are many BRILLIANT HINDU engineers---
they can make our DESERTS BLOOM

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