Eric Holder visits council of African American church leaders to get the vote out


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Eric Holder visits council of African American church leaders to get the vote out

1. Attorney General Eric Holder told a council of African American church leaders Wednesday that the "sacred" right to vote is under assault nationwide, with federal lawsuits and at least a dozen state laws that could weaken — or block — minority access to the ballot box this fall.
Holder to black leaders: 'Sacred' right to vote under attack -

2. Without mentioning party affiliation, Holder praised the -- until recently exclusively Democratic -- Congressional Black Caucus as the "conscience of Congress" over the last four decades

He also told the pastors that they are "stewards of democracy," in keeping with Cleaver's call for pastors to help drive voter turnout. "You have a thoughtful voice to add to discussions about voting access -- what the struggle for freedom has long been about ensuring: the opportunity for citizens to voice their opinions, and -- through the casting of their ballots -- to signal their priorities and shape their futures," Holder concluded.

Read more: Holder to black pastors: Civil rights at risk |

3. "I've heard a consistent drumbeat of concern from citizens, who -- often for the first time in their lives -- now have reason to believe that . . . some of the achievements that defined the civil rights movement could now hang in the balance," Holder said in his prepared remarks. He cited "the all-too-common deceptive practices we’ve been fighting for years" in addition to "more recent fears and frustrations about some of the state-level voting law changes we’ve seen this legislative season."

Holder to black pastors: Civil rights at risk | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

The role of Attorney General is supposed to be apolitical. But he brought the Treasury Dept. in tow to skirt the issue of tax problems for the church when he began his real agenda…Get the Obama Vote Out.

This administration and especially Holder with his talking points from Obama is nothing but a racist who cares for “his people” above his country.

This administration will stop at nothing. Voter Id for voting has othing about blocking minorities from voting but has much to do about blocking fraud!
Eric Holder visits council of African American church leaders to get the vote out

1. Attorney General Eric Holder told a council of African American church leaders Wednesday that the "sacred" right to vote is under assault nationwide, with federal lawsuits and at least a dozen state laws that could weaken — or block — minority access to the ballot box this fall.
Holder to black leaders: 'Sacred' right to vote under attack -

2. Without mentioning party affiliation, Holder praised the -- until recently exclusively Democratic -- Congressional Black Caucus as the "conscience of Congress" over the last four decades

He also told the pastors that they are "stewards of democracy," in keeping with Cleaver's call for pastors to help drive voter turnout. "You have a thoughtful voice to add to discussions about voting access -- what the struggle for freedom has long been about ensuring: the opportunity for citizens to voice their opinions, and -- through the casting of their ballots -- to signal their priorities and shape their futures," Holder concluded.

Read more: Holder to black pastors: Civil rights at risk |

3. "I've heard a consistent drumbeat of concern from citizens, who -- often for the first time in their lives -- now have reason to believe that . . . some of the achievements that defined the civil rights movement could now hang in the balance," Holder said in his prepared remarks. He cited "the all-too-common deceptive practices we’ve been fighting for years" in addition to "more recent fears and frustrations about some of the state-level voting law changes we’ve seen this legislative season."

Holder to black pastors: Civil rights at risk | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

The role of Attorney General is supposed to be apolitical. But he brought the Treasury Dept. in tow to skirt the issue of tax problems for the church when he began his real agenda…Get the Obama Vote Out.

This administration and especially Holder with his talking points from Obama is nothing but a racist who cares for “his people” above his country.

This administration will stop at nothing. Voter Id for voting has othing about blocking minorities from voting but has much to do about blocking fraud!

-----------What utter and complete hypocrasy! Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther party when they intimidated whites from voting in Phillidelphia in 2008, and now he claims that minorities will be kept from voting?! This from the Guy who still doesn't know who authorised Fast and Furious and who is looking at a contempt charge from Congress, why is he still in office?
Eric Holder visits council of African American church leaders to get the vote out

1. Attorney General Eric Holder told a council of African American church leaders Wednesday that the "sacred" right to vote is under assault nationwide, with federal lawsuits and at least a dozen state laws that could weaken — or block — minority access to the ballot box this fall.
Holder to black leaders: 'Sacred' right to vote under attack -

2. Without mentioning party affiliation, Holder praised the -- until recently exclusively Democratic -- Congressional Black Caucus as the "conscience of Congress" over the last four decades

He also told the pastors that they are "stewards of democracy," in keeping with Cleaver's call for pastors to help drive voter turnout. "You have a thoughtful voice to add to discussions about voting access -- what the struggle for freedom has long been about ensuring: the opportunity for citizens to voice their opinions, and -- through the casting of their ballots -- to signal their priorities and shape their futures," Holder concluded.

Read more: Holder to black pastors: Civil rights at risk |

3. "I've heard a consistent drumbeat of concern from citizens, who -- often for the first time in their lives -- now have reason to believe that . . . some of the achievements that defined the civil rights movement could now hang in the balance," Holder said in his prepared remarks. He cited "the all-too-common deceptive practices we’ve been fighting for years" in addition to "more recent fears and frustrations about some of the state-level voting law changes we’ve seen this legislative season."

Holder to black pastors: Civil rights at risk | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

The role of Attorney General is supposed to be apolitical. But he brought the Treasury Dept. in tow to skirt the issue of tax problems for the church when he began his real agenda…Get the Obama Vote Out.

This administration and especially Holder with his talking points from Obama is nothing but a racist who cares for “his people” above his country.

This administration will stop at nothing. Voter Id for voting has othing about blocking minorities from voting but has much to do about blocking fraud!

-----------What utter and complete hypocrasy! Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther party when they intimidated whites from voting in Phillidelphia in 2008, and now he claims that minorities will be kept from voting?! This from the Guy who still doesn't know who authorised Fast and Furious and who is looking at a contempt charge from Congress, why is he still in office?

Good question. We can't trust the guy. He's nothing more than a henchman and could care less about justice.
Why isn't he meeting with all Pastors instead of just the black ones? .......
this is fairness? so is he also going to speak to Catholic,Jewish,Protetsant and "Polish" Priests on this get out the vote tour? or just continue to be a Chicago thug racisit and only speak to Black priests?
Eric Holder visits council of African American church leaders to get the vote out

1. Attorney General Eric Holder told a council of African American church leaders Wednesday that the "sacred" right to vote is under assault nationwide, with federal lawsuits and at least a dozen state laws that could weaken — or block — minority access to the ballot box this fall.
Holder to black leaders: 'Sacred' right to vote under attack -

2. Without mentioning party affiliation, Holder praised the -- until recently exclusively Democratic -- Congressional Black Caucus as the "conscience of Congress" over the last four decades

He also told the pastors that they are "stewards of democracy," in keeping with Cleaver's call for pastors to help drive voter turnout. "You have a thoughtful voice to add to discussions about voting access -- what the struggle for freedom has long been about ensuring: the opportunity for citizens to voice their opinions, and -- through the casting of their ballots -- to signal their priorities and shape their futures," Holder concluded.

Read more: Holder to black pastors: Civil rights at risk |

3. "I've heard a consistent drumbeat of concern from citizens, who -- often for the first time in their lives -- now have reason to believe that . . . some of the achievements that defined the civil rights movement could now hang in the balance," Holder said in his prepared remarks. He cited "the all-too-common deceptive practices we’ve been fighting for years" in addition to "more recent fears and frustrations about some of the state-level voting law changes we’ve seen this legislative season."

Holder to black pastors: Civil rights at risk | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

The role of Attorney General is supposed to be apolitical. But he brought the Treasury Dept. in tow to skirt the issue of tax problems for the church when he began his real agenda…Get the Obama Vote Out.

This administration and especially Holder with his talking points from Obama is nothing but a racist who cares for “his people” above his country.

This administration will stop at nothing. Voter Id for voting has othing about blocking minorities from voting but has much to do about blocking fraud!

-----------What utter and complete hypocrasy! Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther party when they intimidated whites from voting in Phillidelphia in 2008, and now he claims that minorities will be kept from voting?! This from the Guy who still doesn't know who authorised Fast and Furious and who is looking at a contempt charge from Congress, why is he still in office?
Holder should be Removed from office..for Fast and Furious for damn sure and now this

what the hell is he doing campaigning on our dime?

this administration has no problems using taxpayers monies to ATTACK US
You should read the comments with this article at Politico

People are NOT happy with this administration
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Just goes to show this admin really doesn't care about the constitution unless it fits their agenda.
If a repub admin had done this the libs would be screaming about the seperation of church and state and the ACLU would be filing lawsuits already.
Anything black gets whites all bothered for some reason. But they wont admit it. See Holder said something to blacks while being black. Thats a no-no. Holder should never talk to or about blacks because white people see that as being divisive.

Why? I dont know...
But this will be fine with the left....

Even though they say that Church's should be taxed, especially if they talk politics at the pulpit! What hypocrites! I guess now it's ok for black church's to do this...because they have a black president. That makes everything ok.
Anything black gets whites all bothered for some reason. But they wont admit it. See Holder said something to blacks while being black. Thats a no-no. Holder should never talk to or about blacks because white people see that as being divisive.

Why? I dont know...

oh my are so off base with this bullshit..
very pathetic
Anything black gets whites all bothered for some reason. But they wont admit it. See Holder said something to blacks while being black. Thats a no-no. Holder should never talk to or about blacks because white people see that as being divisive.

Why? I dont know...

I'll tell you why.. Number one politics and church are not supposed to mix,, and number two,, Holder is supposed to represent all the people not just black people.. that's the trouble with both obama and holder.. they don't see themselves as representing all the people they're like you it's an "us against them" mentality.. we can't get them out of office soon enough.

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