Eric Holder Claims Racism: No, You're Just A Jerk

Actually,'s Darrell Issa that's the disgrace.

Here you have a case where the mental patients are running the Mental Institution.

Issa is a bonafide, made his bones, criminal. He's boosted cars and got caught with an unregistered handgun. He was also involved in a suspicious fire of his business.

He's opened multiple investigations that seem to have no end. By comparison, the 9/11 commission took place a year after 9/11 and wrapped up in under a year. The conclusions placed blame, astonishingly on the prior administration, even though 9/11 took place EIGHT MONTHS after Bush took office, and made recommendations, some of which, were followed. The Bush administration's officials were allowed to testify in secret and many of the "classified" documents, never came to light. The commission's report was heavily redacted as well.

Most of Issa's investigations span multiple years and none seem to have an end in sight. He's received thousands of documents, many of which he leaks, un-redacted, to the media. This places ongoing investigations in jeopardy and in the case of Benghazi, threatens the lives of people who are helping the United States. Additionally, he edits these documents to fit the agenda he puts forth. Sometimes the administration has to release the entire document to the media so that the context is fully understood.

In not one of these fishing expeditions, has Issa found any wrong doing.

And he's conducted them in highly inappropriate fashion. Shutting down the mike on a colleague was the latest example of this.

It's time to wrap this crap up.

Yup, nothing to see here, move along....move along.....
You would also think if there are no serious implications towards this administration they would work around the clock to get the investigation and documents supporting such out there quickly.

Investigation, according to the law, must be done in cooperation with the DoJ, but this doesn't take into account a criminal AG.

That is the barrier. Arresting him while he's on Capital grounds would be a ballsy move. The reason it hasn't happened is the media would have a field day with it.

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