Eric Cantor


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
'Mudcat' Saunders: Eric Cantor is a 'bought and paid for crook' - Lean Forward

Saunders' candidate is a retired military intelligence officer, and the strategist promised that Powell's campaign would focus on "social justice for all people, that includes gays and women. And we're going to shout that from the rooftops."

"We don't want to just beat [Cantor], we want to ruin him," Saunders said. "He shorted U.S. Treasury bonds. He bet against the United States of America while he was majority leader for his own financial portfolio.. .. Cantor was taking bets against his team."

Saunders was referring to a 2011 Salon report charging that Cantor was personally invested in a fund that “aggressively ‘shorts’ long-term U.S. Treasury bonds, meaning that it performs well when U.S. debt is undesirable.”

Another one to keep an eye on.

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