A letter from Tommy Robbinson


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

A Letter From Tommy
They’re laughing at us.

All of them — Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, the European Union bureaucrats. 17.4 million of us voted for Brexit, but they don’t care about people like us. They’ve tried to silence us, and they took away our democratic rights by betraying Brexit.

The election on 23rd May is how we fight back. Put me right inside the EU and they won’t know what hit them. They’ll long for the days when it was just Nigel Farage.

I admire what Farage achieved in the past. But at the end of the day, he’s just another millionaire stockbroker who looks down at the working classes. And he’s terrified of talking about issues like the Islamification of Britain. He won’t fight the battle for the heart of our country — in fact he bad-mouths those who do.

I’ve spent a decade fighting for Britain — especially for the forgotten people who have no voice. The elites have tried to silence my own voic

Vote for Tommy Robinson

This is the WEST FALLING douches, if you leftist over there do nnot wake uup there is no hope, the US is next we are the last ones standing in the way of the NEW WORLD ORDER/NEW WORLD ORDER

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