Epstein in danger of being murdered by powerful people before his trial says victims lawyers


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A lawyer for one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims fears that a “hit” has been put out on Epstein’s life that will prevent him from implicating powerful people who are complicit in the sex trafficking of girls and young women.
Epstein in Danger of Being Murdered by “Powerful People” Before His Trial, Says Victims’ Lawyer

Oh and the dumb have no idea why they even brought him in distraction from those who the demonic pigs relish in their shit daily and the ANTIFAS who loathe these pigs and have no idea all the lies they think are truth are the lies lmfao.............. The real truth are the lies you choose to believe as being lies. That's why onnce again your are the dumbest pos losers on the planet......


yet the real dumbasses still can't figure out why INFOWARS was taken down ( they still are up and running) idiots but the censorship takes place........

none of you sheep idiiots know why any of the non msm has been bullied to shutting down or getting censored..
I would not doubt that they will try to take him out, whomever "they" is.... and I don't think it is just perverted men with a fetish for young teen girls....

There is more going on with Epstein than has met the eye.... yes, we see the young girls and his abuse....

but the whole letting him off the hook in Florida, and who was really ''behind the curtain" besides our now Secretary of Labor, Acosta. working the deal with Epsteins high profile lawyers, like Dershowitz....

But anyway, I also read some conspiracies saying that he actually worked for Israel, Mossad, as a spy... to spy on Americans and others of influential background, worldwide.... and to get Kompromat on them, so to be able to influence these high powered people to support things in the favor of Israel... I chalked it off to a conspiracy or some antisemitic garbage, when I first read about it.... though I did know that Mossad has one of the best intelligence/spy agencies in the world and have a top notch team of spies and intel apparatus and just pretty darn good at what they do, all around, so I did not rule it out, all together.

So then I read in the Search with warrant, of Epstein's home, they found a little less than $100 grand cash, and diamonds, lots of diamonds, that he could easily cash in when need for more cash happened, and diamonds are small and easy to transport, verses a bunch of cash,

And, most perplexing is they found an old passport of his.... well, his picture was on the passport, but with a different name, and with a Saudi Arabia Address?? WTF??? This brings us back to the middle east?? Is the Mossad conspiracy, not so much a conspiracy anymore? Gees, this world we live in is hard to keep up with... it's a 24/7 job, just to try to figure out what is going on.

Now let's get back to Epstein being a person that sets up compromising situations and blackmails the Influential...and maybe not for Mossad, but for himself and his own financial gain...

There are aspects of this story that meets the criteria for such, and could rule out Mossad altogether.

No one can figure out where his money comes from...

turns out this guy Les Wexner, a multi billionaire business man who owns Victoria's Secret has been funneling money to Epstein for Decades... and in some really bizarre moves made Epstein a Power of Attorney over everything he owned, and put him in charge of finding Victoria's Secret models and a bunch of other suspicious stuff....

then this Wexner guy, who is a really old dude now, bought Epstein's multi million dollar Penthouse Floor home in NYC.... it was all done in secret, everyone thought Epstein bought it, but this Wexner guy gifted it to him....


What in the heck is going on with that? Business lawyers say giving Epstein power of attorney over all of Wexner's enterprise is highly highly highly unusual....

Do a google on it! Les Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein.... all kinds of new crap coming out daily...

Plus Epstein had all of these home/complexes... in France as well, where he had other women recruit these young girls for sex... the whole thing could be an underage sex trafficking ring for the wealthy that Epstein and maybe even the Victoria's Secret owner supply, and or use to blackmail??

Sheesh, MY HEAD IS SPINNING.... this is much much bigger than Epstein being a Pervert....

he likely does have a hit put on him...
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A lawyer for one of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims fears that a “hit” has been put out on Epstein’s life that will prevent him from implicating powerful people who are complicit in the sex trafficking of girls and young women.
Epstein in Danger of Being Murdered by “Powerful People” Before His Trial, Says Victims’ Lawyer

Oh and the dumb have no idea why they even brought him in distraction from those who the demonic pigs relish in their shit daily and the ANTIFAS who loathe these pigs and have no idea all the lies they think are truth are the lies lmfao.............. The real truth are the lies you choose to believe as being lies. That's why onnce again your are the dumbest pos losers on the planet......


yet the real dumbasses still can't figure out why INFOWARS was taken down ( they still are up and running) idiots but the censorship takes place........

none of you sheep idiiots know why any of the non msm has been bullied to shutting down or getting censored..
The Clintons are the lowest of low forms

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