

Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
Could it be Obama's open borders policies and importation of children from the third world, caused the deaths of these children?

If so, shouldn't he be impeached and removed from office?

No doubt our diligent media will get to the bottom of this....yeah right.


Fifth Child Dies To Support President Obama’s Illegal Immigration Goals…. Illegal South American Immigrants Introduce Deadly Virus To U.S. Children
Posted on October 5, 2014 by sundance
Don’t think this is related to Obama’s Illegal Immigrants ? Fortunately 4 months ago we began to assemble the locations of the UAC’s. Overlay the maps and you’ll find the connection. Kansas City Missouri and Chicago Illinois were the first outbreaks identified !
Fifth Child Dies To Support President Obama 8217 s Illegal Immigration Goals 8230 . Illegal South American Immigrants Introduce Deadly Virus To U.S. Children The Last Refuge
Obama the Bioterrorist dispersed the D-68 disease vectors into schools across America

and Congress does nothing
2nd enterovirus death...

Michigan toddler dies of enterovirus D68, a pernicious strain of a spreading virus
Sat October 11, 2014 ~ A little girl named Madeline Reid dies at Children's Hospital of Michigan; The CDC found she had enterovirus D68, which she died of, doctor says; Enterovirus D68 is a pernicious strain of a common virus; children are most vulnerable; CDC confirms 691 enterovirus D68 cases in 46 states; says numbers will rise
A Michigan toddler has died of enterovirus D68, another reminder of the deadly potential of a disease that has infected hundreds nationwide in two months. Madeline Reid died at Children's Hospital of Michigan, where she had been transferred "for advanced services," according to the Detroit hospital's chief medical officer, Dr. Rudolph Valentini. "The CDC confirmed EV-D68 after her arrival here, and she subsequently succumbed to her illness," Valentini said.

A Facebook page, dubbed "Team Maddie!," devoted to the 21-month-old's plight also confirmed the sad news. "Madeline Reid became our angel at 2:55 p.m. (Friday)," read one post. "She passed peacefully in her mother and father's arms." The little girl's death spurred an outpouring of condolences online, from "rest in peace sweet baby girl" to "enjoy your wings." One of them read: "Your daughter touched more lives than you'll probably ever know. May your Angel rest now."

Enterovirus is very common, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimating 10 million to 15 million infections each year in the United States. But like the flu or other viruses, not all the roughly 100 enterovirus strains are the same. D68 is particularly pernicious. Authorities say this strain has sent more children than usual to the hospital with severe respiratory illness. It seems to be most affecting children with a history of asthma or breathing problems. Yet there are exceptions, such as a 4-year-old from Hamilton Township, New Jersey, who went to bed "asymptomatic and fine" only to be found dead the next morning, said Jeff Plunkett, Hamilton Township health officer.

I guess the US is going to have to stop flights with Latin America, the have a virus, and Europe and Africa with ebola, and I guess Asia as there's some diseases there too, even Canada has diseases. Close the borders, don't let anyone in or out, see what happens by xmas.

The world will be a safer place.
Enterovirus not found among unaccompanied illegal alien children...

HHS: No Reported Cases of Enterovirus Among 68,541 Unaccompanied Illegal Minors
October 29, 2014 – Of the 68,541 unaccompanied illegal alien children who entered the U.S. in fiscal year 2014, none were reported to have the enterovirus, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.
CNSNews.com asked, “Just to clarify, you’re saying that none of the unaccompanied minors who have entered the U.S. had the enterovirus?” “There were none reported to the Office of Refugee Resettlement,” Kenneth Wolfe, spokesman for the Administration of Children and Families for the Department of Health and Human Services, told CNSNews.com in an emailed response.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the enterovirus 68 is one of more than 100 non-polio enteroviruses. The first case of enterovirus 68 in the United States was diagnosed in 1962 in California. The virus causes respiratory illness, is found in the infected person’s respiratory secretions and is spread when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or touches a surface that is then touched by others. There are no anti-viral medications currently available to treat the disease. In 2014, eight patients who were diagnosed with the enterovirus have died, the CDC reported.


Children detainees sleep in a holding cell at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection processing facility in Brownsville,Texas.

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol reported that 68,541 unaccompanied children were apprehended along the southwest U.S. border in Fiscal Year 2014, which is from Oct. 1, 2013 to Sept. 30, 2014. As CNSNews.com previously reported, Wolfe said that between January and September 2014, 10 minors in the unaccompanied alien children were diagnosed with active tuberculosis. When CNSNews.com asked what strains of TB the illegal minors had, Wolfe responded, “sensitive to first line TB drugs.”

According to Wolfe, none of the minors had multi-drug resistant TB or extensively drug resistant TB. “Antibiotic treatment for TB can be required for six months or more. Given that the course of treatment is for such a long period of time, who monitors that the unaccompanied minors with TB are taking their antibiotics correctly for the duration required,” CNSNews.com asked. “They were referred to the local health department; health departments have protocols for directly observed therapy for TB patients,” Wolfe responded.

HHS No Reported Cases of Enterovirus Among 68 541 Unaccompanied Illegal Minors CNS News

See also:

CBP: Family Unit Border Apprehensions Up 361%
October 29, 2014 – The number of family units apprehended along the southwest border has increased 361 percent compared to last year, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
The number of family units apprehended in fiscal year 2013 was 14,855. That number ballooned to 68,445 in fiscal year 2014 – the period of Oct. 1, 2013 to Sept. 30, 2014.


As CNSNews.com previously reported, “family unit” is considered “a parent traveling with a child.”

Meanwhile, the number of unaccompanied illegal children (UAC) apprehended along the southwest border has increased 77 percent. In fiscal year 2013, there were 38,759 UACs apprehended, and just one year later, that number almost doubled to 68,541.

CBP Family Unit Border Apprehensions Up 361 CNS News
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