English? Fallout From Protests?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Breaking News
May 18, 2006

Frist, Alexander Vote For Bill Making English The National Language
posted May 18, 2006

U.S. Senators Bill Frist (R-TN) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) today cosponsored an amendment to the immigration reform bill by Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) declaring English to be the national language of the United States.

“Although we are a proud nation of immigrants, our common language is and must continue to be English,” Frist said. “The English language is one of the common threads that weave our diverse society together, and a universal language is a prerequisite when people from different cultures come together to forge a single nation. Establishing English as the national language for government operations reflects both a historical reality and an expectation that those who immigrate to the United States will learn and know the language.”

“This amendment is as important as any amendment which is being offered during this debate because it helps take our magnificent diversity and make it something even more magnificent,” Alexander said. “It recognizes that only a few things unite us: the principles of our founding documents and our common language. We are proud of where we have come from, where our ancestors have come from, but to make this land of immigrants truly one country, we must have and honor our national language, and that language is English.”

The Inhofe amendment:

States that English is the national language of the United States, but does not prevent those receiving government services in another language from continuing to do so; Establishes a clean English language precedent for those immigrants who will be able to adjust their status under the immigration reform bill, and; Establishes clear goals for the test that immigrants take to become new citizens, so that they demonstrate an understanding of English and of American history.

The amendment passed the Senate late this afternoon by a vote of 63 to 34.
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Kathianne said:

Breaking News
May 18, 2006

Frist, Alexander Vote For Bill Making English The National Language
posted May 18, 2006

U.S. Senators Bill Frist (R-TN) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) today cosponsored an amendment to the immigration reform bill by Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) declaring English to be the national language of the United States.

“Although we are a proud nation of immigrants, our common language is and must continue to be English,” Frist said. “The English language is one of the common threads that weave our diverse society together, and a universal language is a prerequisite when people from different cultures come together to forge a single nation. Establishing English as the national language for government operations reflects both a historical reality and an expectation that those who immigrate to the United States will learn and know the language.”

“This amendment is as important as any amendment which is being offered during this debate because it helps take our magnificent diversity and make it something even more magnificent,” Alexander said. “It recognizes that only a few things unite us: the principles of our founding documents and our common language. We are proud of where we have come from, where our ancestors have come from, but to make this land of immigrants truly one country, we must have and honor our national language, and that language is English.”

The Inhofe amendment:

States that English is the national language of the United States, but does not prevent those receiving government services in another language from continuing to do so; Establishes a clean English language precedent for those immigrants who will be able to adjust their status under the immigration reform bill, and; Establishes clear goals for the test that immigrants take to become new citizens, so that they demonstrate an understanding of English and of American history.

The amendment passed the Senate late this afternoon by a vote of 63 to 34.

Sounds like a little momentum is getting started here.
Pale Rider said:
Let's be thankful for our victories, no matter how small. :dance: :salute:

Too early to dance I think---I keep hearing this whole bill is gonna stall out until after the election. I will allow myself a little smile tho!! :teeth:
dilloduck said:
Too early to dance I think---I keep hearing this whole bill is gonna stall out until after the election. I will allow myself a little smile tho!! :teeth:

I don't know... I think some of the politicians are starting to get it... that if they don't start acting like they have a pair, they're going to be out of a job.
Pale Rider said:
I don't know... I think some of the politicians are starting to get it... that if they don't start acting like they have a pair, they're going to be out of a job.

But they have such a great way of looking busy and manage to get nothing done. :sleep:
dilloduck said:
But they have such a great way of looking busy and manage to get nothing done. :sleep:

Yeah well... the ones looking busy getting nothing done will be the ones looking for another job in November.

No matter HOW bad it gets, I will NEVER, EVER, EVER vote for a liberal, but I won't vote a spineless conservative into office either, or one that's been ignoring his electorate. I'll vote the middle, or write one in, I don't care. Just someone who says they're going to do what I want them to do.

1). Close the border. Not next month, not next week, TODAY!

2). Fine the holy dog shit out of employers giving jobs to illegal ALIENS. Hear that people? Illegal ALIENS!!! Not fucking "immigrants"... ALIENS!!!!

3). Start deporting ANY illegal ALIEN that law enforcement comes into contact with.

4). Make it illegal to rent to an illegal ALIEN.

5). Put a 50% surcharge on all money wire transfers to mexico.

6). Build a wall, THE WHOLE LENGTH.

7). Cut off ALL welfare and handouts to non-citizens.

8). Babies born to illegal ALIENS in America will NOT be citizens.

9). Flying the mexican flag above the American flag will carry a prison sentence.

10). Send ALL mexican inmates presently imprisoned in America BACK to mexico.

And last but not least...

DECLARE WAR ON mexico.... :teeth:
Pale Rider said:
DECLARE WAR ON mexico.... :teeth:

I am just curious how you think this will help. I mean assume we beat them... which we will. What do we win? Do we annex mexico? Well then we have to deal with all the immigrants you want to get rid of and now they are just pissed. Do we do nothing? then what was the point of fighting?
Avatar4321 said:
I am just curious how you think this will help. I mean assume we beat them... which we will. What do we win? Do we annex mexico? Well then we have to deal with all the immigrants you want to get rid of and now they are just pissed. Do we do nothing? then what was the point of fighting?

Oil...its all about oil! Plus, we can use all the conquered Mexicans as cannon fodder in our army that is hell bent on world domination and establishing the new world order. Once we have as many of those as we need we will generate a hurricane and send it into Mexico City cause we hate Mexicans.

Sarcasm, folks.
Avatar4321 said:
I am just curious how you think this will help. I mean assume we beat them... which we will. What do we win? Do we annex mexico? Well then we have to deal with all the immigrants you want to get rid of and now they are just pissed. Do we do nothing? then what was the point of fighting?

I thought that the big, red, smiley face with the teeth showing was a sufficient indication that I was JOKING.

But it is an interesting thought. Would not the 13 million illegal *ALIENS*, NOT immigrants Avatar, *ALIENS*. "Immigrants don't enter a country ILLEGALY". Why aren't the millions of wetbacks that have ILLEGALY entered our country considered an INVASION? They have declared that the south west is their's, and that they want it back.

Why you people insist on calling them "immigrants" is beyond me. You've all been whipped by the P.C. crowd with one little whiney mention.

Applicants for naturalization must be able to read, write, speak, and understand words in ordinary usage in the English language. Applicants exempt from this requirement are those who on the date of filing:

have been residing in the United States subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence for periods totaling 15 years or more and are over 55 years of age;
have been residing in the United States subsequent to a lawful admission for permanent residence for periods totaling 20 years or more and are over 50 years of age; or
have a medically determinable physical or mental impairment, where the impairment affects the applicant’s ability to learn English.
Pale Rider said:
I thought that the big, red, smiley face with the teeth showing was a sufficient indication that I was JOKING.

But it is an interesting thought. Would not the 13 million illegal *ALIENS*, NOT immigrants Avatar, *ALIENS*. "Immigrants don't enter a country ILLEGALY". Why aren't the millions of wetbacks that have ILLEGALY entered our country considered an INVASION? They have declared that the south west is their's, and that they want it back.

Why you people insist on calling them "immigrants" is beyond me. You've all been whipped by the P.C. crowd with one little whiney mention.

Whether you call them immigrants or aliens it really doesnt matter. The key word is illegal.

I dont disagree that illegal immigration is a serious problem. I just dont see any reason to joke about murdering them or how calling them names is going to solve the problem.
Avatar4321 said:
Whether you call them immigrants or aliens it really doesnt matter. The key word is illegal.

I dont disagree that illegal immigration is a serious problem. I just dont see any reason to joke about murdering them or how calling them names is going to solve the problem.

Well Avatar, where did I say I wanted to MURDER someone? And I guess since I so seldom joke on here, you're a little over sensitive to it when I do.

And the correct term IS illegal ALIEN. Anyone calling them anything else has already CAVED to the PC crowd.

Alien (law), in the US, a person who is neither a native nor a citizen of their country of residence (this term is not used outside the US for people from another country)
resident alien - an alien (foreign national) in legal residence in another country
illegal alien - an alien (foreign national) who did not legally enter another country
enemy alien - an alien (foreign national) whose country is at war with the country they reside in

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