England's Conservatives same as American Conservatives.

I don't vote at all, let alone in Georgia, moonbat.....Now get off the innertubes, trade in your car for a bicycle, and go move into your cave.
Sure, you lying, teabagger.
There isn't any way in hell you didn't vote for your orange retarded dear leader.
Holy fuck, what a retard.
I just fucking described them to you.
You fucking moron.

Did TRUMP throw you off?
I dont have "dear leaders" people i vote for dont win because i dont vote for idiots like you duopoly dumbfucks.
You sit there bashing republicans for voting in dumbfucks but YOU GUYS DO THE SAME THING you fucking moron.
As i said, grow the fuck up. Maybe your comprehension will increase as well.
I dont have "dear leaders" people i vote for dont win because i dont vote for idiots like you
YES, you do, fuck nuts.
You defend and support retards, like yourself.
duopoly dumbfucks.
You sit there bashing republicans for voting in dumbfucks but YOU GUYS DO THE SAME THING you fucking moron.
NOT even close to morons you defend and support, nut job.
As i said, grow the fuck up. Maybe your comprehension will increase as well.
Sure Q NUT.

There are more than two option, sub-moron....One of them is abstention.

Now go with the nice man in the white coat with the hypo of Thorazine, and take your nap.
Time to wake up from your 6 year coma, retard.

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