Energy-Efficient Lighting: Democracy

Sep 22, 2013
Energy-efficient light-bulbs are a terrific item for everyday eco-consciousness applied to lifestyle.

You can find fluorescent lamps for example at your local Home Depot hardware store and see how easy it is to replace all the lighting in your house with energy-efficient lighting!

This is the hallmark of modern-era consumerism free-choice --- the opportunity to navigate through a myriad of creative goods/products that suit your personal tastes in improved 'lifestyle politics.'

That's what makes commerce a 'democratic' process, no?



While fluorescent light-bulbs are odd in appearance, they resemble in size and convenience normal light-bulbs and are very easy to screw into a regular lamp socket. These light-bulbs last very very long and you'll appreciate not having to replace your light-bulbs as frequently, saving time and labor. It's simply that do your part in reducing energy-waste in this age of great industrial apathy (and hence eco-gluttony!).


"I picked up a copy of the new video-game Mortal Kombat X today for my nephew, and he really liked playing with the apocalypto-mercenary cowboy warrior-avatar Erron Black, a gun-toting sharp-witted wanderer. As I watched my nephew play with Erron Black, I realized that modern tech-toys facilitate the imagination and the youngster's interest in using toys/gadgets to indulge human interests in daydreams. You see how electricity powers everyday creativity? This is more reason to consider why energy-efficiency is wise for our age of incredible tech-toy proliferation."


You might pick up a copy of Danny Boyle's incredibly-unusual alienation-film The Beach (Leo DiCaprio) on Blu-ray and appreciate how the film is so much more augmented by high-definition presentation formats (perhaps on your large-screen home-TV!). You might want the ideal lighting in your entertainment-center/room so your film-viewing experience is more ideal. That's when you ask yourself, "Is energy-efficient lighting compromising in any way to perceptual sensitivity?" You'll find that it really isn't, and then you might be more 'enthusiastic' about DiCaprio's interests in eco-politics (e.g., the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation)! That's democracy...


Does U.S. President Donald Trump care about energy-efficient lighting? It's more likely that First Lady Melania Trump cares about energy-efficient lighting. Firstly, Donald does not seem to have a very thorough energy-waste relevant eco-policy for geopolitical challenges (e.g., OPEC). Secondly, Melania has a lot of free time to consider what kinds of social initiatives to espouse (e.g., park litter)!


GOD: Consumerism can be democratic.
SATAN: Or it can be cholesterol...
GOD: Did you see the new sci-fi horror-film Alien: Covenant?
SATAN: Yes, it was very stark (about evolutionary horrors).
GOD: Those predatory Xenomorph creatures symbolize adaptation fears.
SATAN: How humans have adapted on Earth is a travesty.
GOD: Eco-pollution and energy-waste are pronounced maladies...
SATAN: We could try to reorient consumerism marketing (e.g., Super Bowl ads).
GOD: Yes, how people perceive goods-marketing consciousness affects attitudes.
SATAN: The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation represents citizenry-engagement.
GOD: Leo is a very wealthy American movie-superstar!
SATAN: Why not use the social pulpit for democratic diligence?
GOD: Maybe Leo thinks Alien: Covenant symbolizes species-illumination.
SATAN: Maybe energy-efficient lighting reduces wrath!
GOD: It's great how media-celebrities augment 'materialism marketing.'
SATAN: Do aliens appreciate humanity's diarism about eco-friendly consumerism?




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