Energy Corporations now bribing state AG's


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
The letter to the Environmental Protection Agency from Attorney General Scott Pruitt of Oklahoma carried a blunt accusation: Federal regulators were grossly overestimating the amount of air pollution caused by energy companies drilling new natural gas wells in his state.

But Mr. Pruitt left out one critical point. The three-page letter was written by lawyers for Devon Energy, one of Oklahoma’s biggest oil and gas companies, and was delivered to him by Devon’s chief of lobbying.


Attorneys general in at least a dozen states are working with energy companies and other corporate interests, which in turn are providing them with record amounts of money for their political campaigns, including at least $16 million this year.

Needless to say, all of those bribed AG's are Republicans.

Since it's Republican big-government corruption, all the conservatives here are now required by TheParty to tell us how wonderful such big-government corruption is. I await their interesting theories concerning how the liberals forced them to be so corrupt, which makes it all the fault of the dirty liberals.
Nothing from the Extraction industries suprises me anymore or the depths their puppet's in congress sink to accommodate them. :(
You can blame big business, but they know government and its politicians are for sale. If we elected honest moral people, rather than a bunch of psychopaths, this would not be happening. Welcome to the third world.
The letter to the Environmental Protection Agency from Attorney General Scott Pruitt of Oklahoma carried a blunt accusation: Federal regulators were grossly overestimating the amount of air pollution caused by energy companies drilling new natural gas wells in his state.

But Mr. Pruitt left out one critical point. The three-page letter was written by lawyers for Devon Energy, one of Oklahoma’s biggest oil and gas companies, and was delivered to him by Devon’s chief of lobbying.


Attorneys general in at least a dozen states are working with energy companies and other corporate interests, which in turn are providing them with record amounts of money for their political campaigns, including at least $16 million this year.

Needless to say, all of those bribed AG's are Republicans.

Since it's Republican big-government corruption, all the conservatives here are now required by TheParty to tell us how wonderful such big-government corruption is. I await their interesting theories concerning how the liberals forced them to be so corrupt, which makes it all the fault of the dirty liberals.

But its A-OK for environmental groups to have access to EPA and to basically be told how to sue EPA by the EPA ITSELF.

You doth protest too much.
So Marty uses the lame "But everyone does it!" excuse for his party's corruption.

Come on Republicans, I'm sure the rest of you can think up some more imaginative excuses.
So Marty uses the lame "But everyone does it!" excuse for his party's corruption.

Come on Republicans, I'm sure the rest of you can think up some more imaginative excuses.

So what you are saying is that the people being regulated should have zero input, but those who seek to destroy the regulated should have all the input they want? Its only collusion when the other side does it, right?

Fucking hypocrite, whining when the regulated get a say but whitewashing direct collusion between the feds and environmental groups.

A pox on your house and progeny.
Attorneys general said they had no choice but to team up with corporate America. “When the federal government oversteps its legal authority and takes actions that hurt our businesses and residents, it’s entirely appropriate for us to partner with the adversely affected private entities in fighting back,” said Attorney General Pam Bondi of Florida, whose top deputy attended the meeting.

That's it in a nutshell, you nut from hell. :fu:

This article is much to do about nothing. Typical of the NYT.

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