EMTALA started in 1986 UNDER REAGAN!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So fu...king WHAT!!!
Unlike Obama Reagan was NOT a god, was human and did things like Sign EMTALA!
And if he hadn't signed we wouldn't be having this stupid Obamacare!
What always happens is the LAW of Unintended Consequences!

Trying to be all things to everyone the Federal Govt. thought this would be a good idea!

Reagan was wrong to sign EMTALA into law and because of it we have hospitals BILLING Medicare 6,000% more then their costs.
For example in In 2009 the University Community Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 2,110 claims for CAT scan no contrast.
Each claim averaged: at $2,635 which is what was billed by the hospital to Medicare...
But the hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN was $43 a mark up 6,127.91%

All because Reagan signed in 1986 EMTALA!!!
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So, Reagan was wrong, but it's Obama's fault? What in the hell are you blathering about?
So, Reagan was wrong, but it's Obama's fault? What in the hell are you blathering about?

Obama has said.."
when he said.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program." Obama's words exactly!!
He admits he wants 1,300 companies out of business, 400,000 people unemployed and $100 billion a year in LOST TAX REVENUE!!!
"I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes AND local property taxes on their office buildings! I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"

Reagan WOULD never want anything destroyed MUCH less the health care system as Obama is doing!

Reagan and other well meaning people thought geez.. wouldn't be nice if the "uninsured" could go to the hospital and if the hospital takes Medicare, then they can pass on the small amounts of "uninsured" costs to Medicare"!

What Reagan and other well meaning people NEVER knew was the ambulance chasing lawyers making billions in fees started the whole mess that grew to $600 billion a year in plain simple "Defensive Medicine" and not what you idiots think is malpractice costs..dumb fu...ks!
NO lawyers phony ambulance chasing created "$600 billion a year in duplicate tests, specialists referrals" all of which is paid
by Medicare/private insurance... WHICH in turn passed it on in the form of higher premiums!

ONLY dumb..fu..ks like YOU and Obama who have absolutely NO knowledge as evidenced by your stupid ass comments as to how
health financing has worked GREAT until the lawyers started their foolish wasteful lawsuits that as a result 90% of physicians say causes them to out of FEAR order duplicate tests,etc.!

But you dumbf...ks who HAVE NO idea of what you are talking about suck... on the crap Obama has put out and now we are seeing the consequences...
I don't expect you to know what an actuary does because you are dumb f...ks!
But actuaries are predicting health insurance premiums for private health will INCREASE DUE to Obamacare 122% in the next 5 years... what was $4,000 a year today $9,000 in 2017 ... but you dumb f..ks like Obama HAVE no idea why???
You dumbshits think it's greedy insurance companies and like Obama will force them to no longer make a profit!

And of course you assholes have NO IDEA that state insurance regulations require "Profits" AND WHY???
Called Reserves to cover future claim payments that's why... but you dumbf...ks think it is just greedy profits!! Just like Obama and
once again ignorance will take over the land!

I am sure you dumb f..ks don't OWN any property like a home etc. so it won't matter to bums like you ... BUT if you had any intelligence you'd know that putting 1,300 insurance companies out of business as Obama WANTS.. will have severe financial consequences to the tune of $100 billion lost Federal/state/local and property taxes ... AND because dumb f..ks like Obama have nO idea what "profits" mean!!! That's because HE ONLY knows "NON-Profits"! The dumb f...k like you obviously never asked..
where did the money that pays my Non-Profit employer that pays my salary come from?????

And so for that reason you dumb f..ks like Obama are the TAKERS!!! Like wild animals all you can feel is tearing and destroying!
What pathetic wretches you all are!
Blathering is right. You can't jusr rubberstamp one thing and say that was wrong or the problem. EMTALA was just one part of a healthcare reorganization.
Yup - in 1986 reagan and congress took their corporate bribes and gave free health care to illegals. This came on the heels of 1982 when the supreme court gave free k-12 to illegals. No wonder they come here.
But NOT once did Reagan ever suggest he would like to see businesses go bankrupt!
No president except Obama has said that specifically when he said he preferred single payer!
I mean "single Payer" means ONE company that pays ..not 1,300 and the choices those 1,300 offer!
Single payer means NO profits.. No tax payments.. Anyone considered that over $100 billion will NOT be paid by these 1,300 companies nor will their 400,000 employees be paid but the Govt. will have to pay unemployment to them?

Some of you idiots don't think any farther then the end of your noses!
Again.. EMTALA started as a well intentioned (replace Obamacare..) program that has snowballed by requiring hospitals to pad and pass on to payers as I pointed out medicare has paid in 2009 claims marked up 6,000% all because hospitals under EMTALA must see uninsured!
and there is a much simpler method to take care of the 8 million truly uninsured, reduce drastically the "padding and passing" on of 6,000% mark ups and reduce the $600 billion a year in "defensive medicine".. but it will take battling lawyers!!!
So, Reagan was wrong, but it's Obama's fault? What in the hell are you blathering about?

Obama has said.."
when he said.."I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program." Obama's words exactly!!
He admits he wants 1,300 companies out of business, 400,000 people unemployed and $100 billion a year in LOST TAX REVENUE!!!
"I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes AND local property taxes on their office buildings! I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"

Reagan WOULD never want anything destroyed MUCH less the health care system as Obama is doing!

Reagan and other well meaning people thought geez.. wouldn't be nice if the "uninsured" could go to the hospital and if the hospital takes Medicare, then they can pass on the small amounts of "uninsured" costs to Medicare"!

What Reagan and other well meaning people NEVER knew was the ambulance chasing lawyers making billions in fees started the whole mess that grew to $600 billion a year in plain simple "Defensive Medicine" and not what you idiots think is malpractice costs..dumb fu...ks!
NO lawyers phony ambulance chasing created "$600 billion a year in duplicate tests, specialists referrals" all of which is paid
by Medicare/private insurance... WHICH in turn passed it on in the form of higher premiums!

ONLY dumb..fu..ks like YOU and Obama who have absolutely NO knowledge as evidenced by your stupid ass comments as to how
health financing has worked GREAT until the lawyers started their foolish wasteful lawsuits that as a result 90% of physicians say causes them to out of FEAR order duplicate tests,etc.!

But you dumbf...ks who HAVE NO idea of what you are talking about suck... on the crap Obama has put out and now we are seeing the consequences...
I don't expect you to know what an actuary does because you are dumb f...ks!
But actuaries are predicting health insurance premiums for private health will INCREASE DUE to Obamacare 122% in the next 5 years... what was $4,000 a year today $9,000 in 2017 ... but you dumb f..ks like Obama HAVE no idea why???
You dumbshits think it's greedy insurance companies and like Obama will force them to no longer make a profit!

And of course you assholes have NO IDEA that state insurance regulations require "Profits" AND WHY???
Called Reserves to cover future claim payments that's why... but you dumbf...ks think it is just greedy profits!! Just like Obama and
once again ignorance will take over the land!

I am sure you dumb f..ks don't OWN any property like a home etc. so it won't matter to bums like you ... BUT if you had any intelligence you'd know that putting 1,300 insurance companies out of business as Obama WANTS.. will have severe financial consequences to the tune of $100 billion lost Federal/state/local and property taxes ... AND because dumb f..ks like Obama have nO idea what "profits" mean!!! That's because HE ONLY knows "NON-Profits"! The dumb f...k like you obviously never asked..
where did the money that pays my Non-Profit employer that pays my salary come from?????

And so for that reason you dumb f..ks like Obama are the TAKERS!!! Like wild animals all you can feel is tearing and destroying!
What pathetic wretches you all are!

In other words, if it weren't for Reagan's policies, Medicare would be in better health; but, Obama is scum.


You're insane.

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