Empty Store Shelves, High Gasoline Prices, and Inflation

Our oil companies shut down a lot of their operations when the oil price went negative last year. They laid off tens of thousands of workers. They took a bath financially.

It will take a while to get back up to speed. But it will get back up to speed.

Their investors don't want them to, though.

But even the investors who are sticking with oil and gas are putting a lot of pressure on companies to rein themselves in.

And that makes a big difference. Many oil producers need Wall Street money to fund new wells. Investors control the purse strings. And right now, investors just aren't impressed by how many barrels a company says they can drill.

"Investing for the sake of growth is not what investors want," says Pickering, of Pickering Energy Partners. "Growth got us more barrels. It got us too many barrels. It got us low prices. It got us weak returns."

Less oil, more cash in hand: That, in a nutshell, is what oil financiers are demanding. And in response, executives are vowing that they'll be responsible, and focus on profits over oil.
lol, well, yes the right will not give him any credit. The right is not relevant, the center is. THEY will give Biden credit if he rights this.

And it does have to do with politics and policy. Just because it is a global problem does not mean there are not local issues exacerbating it.
Biden is tanking in the polls with moderates and independents .
No milk or water: Shoppers face shortages at UK grocery stores - France 24

British Grocery Stores Are Stocking Empty Shelves with Cardboard Cutouts of Food

Lebanon: Closed supermarkets and empty shelves as crisis hits food supplies - France 24

Coronavirus in France, empty shelves in super | IMAGO

Supply chain problems hit German supermarkets

► VIDEO: Empty streets, empty shelves: inside Italy's coronavirus epicentre
it is a Very REAL Thing...
Oh, conspiracy boi? How did Biden get all those supermarkets and gas stations around the entire planet to do that!?!?!?

WOW!!! I had NO idea he was that powerful!
What all the venom you and others threw on Trump, you don't even have the decency to admit what we are seeing is not good today. Politicians can interfere with oil supplies. Biden did just that. The prices will change with any interference or any implied threat to production.
None of this is true according to the Democrat Party and it’s loyalist liberal flock. Instead, they assure us that all such reports are lies lies lies and more lies. We aren’t seeing anything we see.

Under President Joseph Alzheimer Brandon, all is well.
No, greatest president. Trump was the greatest president ever.
Biden is a senile pedophile and a Marxist puppet
Idiot-gram ^^^: Variety BIG LIES, Hate and either brainwashed or an alien agent provocateur. What's the weather in Moscow today RSR?
None of this is true according to the Democrat Party and it’s loyalist liberal flock. Instead, they assure us that all such reports are lies lies lies and more lies. We aren’t seeing anything we see.

Under President Joseph Alzheimer Brandon, all is well.

France May Step In to Protect Motorists From Rising Oil Prices

Europe’s energy crisis goes from bad to worse as Dutch and U.K. natural gas prices see double-digit gains

Fuel Prices Soar Across Asia as Global Energy Crunch Deepens

U.K. Fuel Prices Rise Most Since July Amid Fuel Shortages

Fuel Prices Soar Across Asia as Global Energy Crunch Deepens

Energy Crisis Spurs Talk of Sweden Inflation Shock at 2008 High

- Luxembourg Times

Turkey Gas Stations Brace for Double-Digit Prices as Lira Slumps

Well worth posting this OP again and again. Today BackAgain, a rookie who libels the President of the United States, and in some strange way suggests the OP is "lies, lies, lies and more lies". To call this person stupid is an understatement!
lol, well, yes the right will not give him any credit. The right is not relevant, the center is. THEY will give Biden credit if he rights this.

And it does have to do with politics and policy. Just because it is a global problem does not mean there are not local issues exacerbating it.
And the exacerbating is built on the Private Sectors GREED!

If President Biden attempted to whip inflation now (WIN) the usual haters will claim he's moving the nation to Socialism.
Well worth posting this OP again and again. Today BackAgain, a rookie who libels the President of the United States, and in some strange way suggests the OP is "lies, lies, lies and more lies". To call this person stupid is an understatement!
A good time to laugh my ass off some more at a dolt like g5.000 and Flycatcher who imagine that the posted article constitutes proof of anything.

Btw, I haven’t endorsed any panic buying.
but here’s the thing little

I have shopped and seen whole sections of supermarket store shelves barren. I still buy gasoline. Guess what? Yes! The price is WAY the fuck up.

The denial of basic everyday observable facts by hack Dumbocratics and drooling liberal sheep is common fare from you USMB liberal simpletons. Damn but you’re stupid.

I am curious why you’re so bent on trying to convince everyone that we’re not seeing what we are all seeing and living through?

[edited for clarity.]
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A good time to laugh my ass off some more at a dolt like g5.000 who imagines that his posted article constitutes proof of anything.
Btw, I haven’t endorsed any panic buying.

but here’s the thing little g: I have shopped and seen whole sections of supermarket store shelves barren. I still buy gasoline. Guess what? Yes! The price is WAY the fuck up.

The denial of basic everyday observable facts by hack Dumbocratics and drooling liberal sheep is common fare from you USMB liberal simpletons. Damn but you’re stupid.

I am curious why you’re so bent on trying to convince everyone that we’re not seeing what we are all seeing and living through?
You're curious? I doubt that you have the mental acuity to be curious. For the readers, this is not a rebuttal, this clown's logical fallacies dominate his comments, built on hate, RW Propaganda and the perspective of a gold fish.

Now some may see this ^^^ to be an ad hominem. And I admit calling out this persons mental ability is one, with one exception - he's malicious and I'm attempting to shaping his behavior, to wit: His malicious and dishonest character assassinations, as well as his echoing of the same propaganda promulgated by Trumpanzees.
You're curious? I doubt that you have the mental acuity to be curious. For the readers, this is not a rebuttal, this clown's logical fallacies dominate his comments, built on hate, RW Propaganda and the perspective of a gold fish.

Now some may see this ^^^ to be an ad hominem. And I admit calling out this persons mental ability is one, with one exception - he's malicious and I'm attempting to shaping his behavior, to wit: His malicious and dishonest character assassinations, as well as his echoing of the same propaganda promulgated by Trumpanzees.
“For the readers” says the hack lib troll. A legend in his own “mind.” Then, to add a cherry on top of his hubris, he worries about ad hominem although it appears to be his stock in trade.

Putting Fly Catcher aside, let’s get back to reality. Since he can’t deal with reality, I’ll irritate him by repeating it. There are indeed parts of many shelves in many supermarkets that are quite bare. Gas prices are indeed ridiculously high. President Brandon is presiding over some massive spending including dangerous deficit spending that absolutely will impact badly on the economy due to inflation. Libs also deny basic economic reality.

Fly Catcher imagines that his lies and fantasies are not inherently fallacious. He is tragically just too stupid and indoctrinated to ever be educable.

Brandon is a disaster; and what the hell is that thing waiting n the wings? Oh shit. It’s Kamelhump. Oh fuck!
Well worth posting this OP again and again. Today BackAgain, a rookie who libels the President of the United States, and in some strange way suggests the OP is "lies, lies, lies and more lies". To call this person stupid is an understatement!
I stand by this comment.
I stand by this comment.
You would. You are a talentless and dishonest hack. And to underscore the point, morons like you don’t even acknowledge that massive debt and massive deficit spending is inflationary by nature. Fly Catcher proudly stands by a pile of shit and owns it.
You would. You are a talentless and dishonest hack. And to underscore the point, morons like you don’t even acknowledge that massive debt and massive deficit spending is inflationary by nature. Fly Catcher proudly stands by a pile of shit and owns it.
Why didn't you say anything about that while Trump was president?

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