Empty Store Shelves, High Gasoline Prices, and Inflation

Why didn't you say anything about that while Trump was president?

"It's Okay If Trump Does It!"™
You would have no idea of what I did or didn’t say when Trump was President. I wasn’t posting here.

I have decried our insane debt driven spending over the course of many presidential administrations. I have been critical of the GOP on the same basis as I am critical of the Democrat Party.

We have for far too long kept on just kicking the van down the road. There are may reasons for this. But it truly doesn’t matter who is doing it. The problem is not about assigning blame. The problem is about stopping it before it is our undoing.

France May Step In to Protect Motorists From Rising Oil Prices

Europe’s energy crisis goes from bad to worse as Dutch and U.K. natural gas prices see double-digit gains

Fuel Prices Soar Across Asia as Global Energy Crunch Deepens

U.K. Fuel Prices Rise Most Since July Amid Fuel Shortages

Fuel Prices Soar Across Asia as Global Energy Crunch Deepens

Energy Crisis Spurs Talk of Sweden Inflation Shock at 2008 High

- Luxembourg Times

Turkey Gas Stations Brace for Double-Digit Prices as Lira Slumps

And it's all president Joe's fault?
As you can see below, consumer expenditures are at an all time high. The pseudocon propagandists would be praising Trump for this if he were in office, because this is tremendously good news for our economy.


Yeah, inflation will do that to ya. Pumping trillions of dollars into an economy does that.
A week ago I bought a single cucumber for $0.99.

Today in the same store I walked away from the cucumber display where they were offered at $4.99 each.

There WAS a difference in the product, though. The ones this week are on the skinny side and come pre-wrapped in a condom (shrink-wrap that I would imagine must hurt).
A week ago I bought a single cucumber for $0.99.

Today in the same store I walked away from the cucumber display where they were offered at $4.99 each.

There WAS a difference in the product, though. The ones this week are on the skinny side and come pre-wrapped in a condom (shrink-wrap that I would imagine must hurt).
You walked into a sex shop and thought you were in a supermarket...

Yeah, inflation will do that to ya. Pumping trillions of dollars into an economy does that.
I guess you didn't see my next post (post 27) which shows consumer demand is at a record level as shown by the record number of containers coming into our ports.
Well worth posting this OP again and again. Today BackAgain, a rookie who libels the President of the United States, and in some strange way suggests the OP is "lies, lies, lies and more lies". To call this person stupid is an understatement!
I guess you didn't see my next post (post 27) which shows consumer demand is at a record level as shown by the record number of containers coming into our ports.
Hey dummy, it’s Christmas shopping season. Nice attempt to cover for Brandon but a failure nonetheless.
Hey dummy, it’s Christmas shopping season. Nice attempt to cover for Brandon but a failure nonetheless.
You really, really need to look at post 27, dumbass. The surge in demand began in May of 2020 and reached record levels at the beginning of 2021.

Don't be such a partisan hack. You look like an ass.
You really, really need to look at post 27, dumbass. The surge in demand began in May of 2020 and reached record levels at the beginning of 2021.

Don't be such a partisan hack. You look like an ass.
No, but making you look like an ass has been a lot of posters habit here. Maybe you should take a basic economics course. Couldn’t possibly be because blue states got forced to let businesses open. By the way moron, it IS Christmas shopping season. Now STFU before embarrassing yourself further. Bray away ass, bray away.
No, but making you look like an ass has been a lot of posters habit here. Maybe you should take a basic economics course. Couldn’t possibly be because blue states got forced to let businesses open. By the way moron, it IS Christmas shopping season. Now STFU before embarrassing yourself further. Bray away ass, bray away.
And now we see the self-induced delusion reinforced in the face of reality.


Blame Biden (or Trump) because only the US president matters.

Though seriously, this is just going to get worse. China has introduced certain measures that will make shipping more problematic and getting items from China worse, for a start.
A week ago I bought a single cucumber for $0.99.

Today in the same store I walked away from the cucumber display where they were offered at $4.99 each.

There WAS a difference in the product, though. The ones this week are on the skinny side and come pre-wrapped in a condom (shrink-wrap that I would imagine must hurt).

The long, skinny, shrink wrapped cucumbers are English cucumbers. They're not the ones you grow in your garden. At $4.99, it was probably organic.
The long, skinny, shrink wrapped cucumbers are English cucumbers. They're not the ones you grow in your garden. At $4.99, it was probably organic.
Don't kid yourself.
Even if the cumber was $4.99. the moron wouldn't buy it.
Unless, it was grown on the.........................................................................................Trump family farm.

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