Tech Billionaire Allegedly Behind A False Flag Op Played A Role In Creating Fake News Software


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
  • Tech Billionaire Allegedly Behind A False Flag Operation Played A Role In Creating Fake News Software, Nonprofit Confirms

  • Reid Hoffman, a billionaire who was allegedly involved in a false information campaign in Alabama, played a crucial role in developing software capable of creating “Deepfake” news articles, sources confirmed.
  • Tesla CEO Elon Musk suggests he distanced himself from OpenAI in 2018 after disagreements about the direction researchers were taking the group.
  • One of the big tech billionaires responsible for financing a project creating “Deepfake” news articles is a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and Democratic donor.
By Chris White ~~ The liberal billionaire who allegedly backed a misinformation campaign during the midterm elections played a significant role in funding a group responsible for creating a controversial fake news project.
Reid Hoffman greatly increased his financial contributions to artificial intelligence research group OpenAI, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The group recently developed software allowing people with the know-how to craft so-called “Deepfake” news articles, The Guardian reported.
“OpenAI has lots of co-founders, by the way, with most involved ones being our CTO Greg Brockman and Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever,” Jack Clark, the nonprofit’s head of policy, told TheDCNF, referring to OpenAI executives Greg Brockman and Ilya Sutskever.
Clark confirmed the LinkedIn founder stepped up his funding in 2018.
News of Hoffman’s role in the project comes at a strange time for both OpenAI and the tech guru. The wealthy Democratic donor became embroiled in controversy after The New York Times and other outlets reported in December 2018 and January about his role in a false flag operation in Alabama. Hoffman, for his part, apologized for his role in the effort to troll voters.
Hoffman-financed groups — New Knowledge (NK) and American Engagement Technologies (AET) — allegedly used social media in 2017 to undermine support for Republican Roy Moore’s senatorial campaign and boosted his opponent, Democrat Doug Jones, who narrowly won the race. Jones has since publicly called for an investigation into the caper.
Hoffman spent roughly $100,000 on the projects — the identical amount Facebook says the Russian Internet Research Agency spent trolling people on social media leading up to the 2016 election. It’s unclear if it had any effect on the outcome of Alabama’s election. Analysts believe allegations Moore sexually assaulted underage women three decades ago likely played a larger role.

So it's okay to pretend to be Russians influencing elections as long as you are doing it to defeat Republicans especially Donald J. Trump. This is again a perfect example of the double standard and hypocrisy of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Left. This is also an example of how the lying left, using the money of their elitists donors, attempts to buy elections by flooding the internet and social media with lies and False Flag Operations about their opponents. They've become openly seditious.
We should all be asking ourselves, who rules in this country? The extremely-wealthy by their wealth, or The People by law?
There’s about 50-100 of these guys right now, that if rounded up would solve a lot of problems in this country. There’s no limit to the number of potential crimes they could be charged with.
This is Not Politics, these so called Elitists are defrauding the public. I see this as election fraud.
This Treason was hatched by domestic Seditionists on the home front. They are supposed to give a crap about the U.S. Constitutions and laws of the United States of America, unlike the Russians who give a rat's hair about all that.
IMO, the Mueller Investigation is not an investigate. It was created solely to get Trump and protect the bad actors of the "Democrat Left". Why hasn't Tony Podesta been indicted for doing the same as Manafort and more? Why hasn't Hillary been indicted for blatant violations of National Security?

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