Elon Musk Moves to End $44 Billion Deal to Buy Twitter

LOL. Fraud is when a company shows one set of accounting records and then does a switch-a-roo when the sale is being finalized. This isn't it.

Twitter and its spam records have long been something that Musk has gripped about. This isn't something he just discovered.

More important, nothing has changed about the bot problem since Musk signed the merger agreement. Twitter has published the same qualified estimate — that fewer than 5% of monetizable accounts are fake — for the last eight years. Musk knew those estimates, and declined to do any nonpublic due diligence before signing the merger agreement. He knew about the spam bot problem before signing the merger agreement, as we know because he talked about it constantly, including while announcing the merger agreement. If he didn’t want to buy Twitter because there are spam bots, he should not have signed a contract to buy Twitter. No new information has come to light about spam bots in the last three weeks.

Musk has long been vocal (years before putting in a bid) about Twitter's spam accounts and yet, he declines to do due diligence before signing the merger?

Sorry but this isn't going to stand up in court. He is on the hook for at least $1B. Which, of course, maybe pocket change for him but however he spins this, he is still the loser in the deal.
LOL... Doesn't change the fact that misrepresentation of worth is fraud. Lying to defraud investors and a potential buyer is fraud... LOL.. Twitter LIED and gave materially false information TO SECURE A SALE. When asked to provide proof of the claims made for the sale, they refused. Twitter has nowhere to hide.
You're too childish to be involved in any discussion
LOL This is the guy who couldn't figure out who I was talking about even after I included a video!!! Now, he is hurt that I am talking down to him. :auiqs.jpg:

Next time, try to keep up and I will bring it up a notch. :itsok:
LOL... Doesn't change the fact that misrepresentation of worth is fraud. Lying to defraud investors and a potential buyer is fraud... LOL.. Twitter LIED and gave materially false information TO SECURE A SALE. When asked to provide proof of the claims made for the sale, they refused. Twitter has nowhere to hide.
Actually, Twitter didn't do anything of the sort. They have been pretty open with their data but Musk is trying to wriggle out of the deal.

Heck, even your orange fuhrer has figured it out and labeled Musk a bull-shit artist. Coming from one bullshit artist to another... that is big!
Less than three months ago, Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, struck a blockbuster $44 billion deal to buy Twitter. He proclaimed that the company had “tremendous potential.”

Friday, Mr. Musk tried to back out of the acquisition altogether.

In a regulatory filing prepared by his lawyers, Mr. Musk said he was terminating the Twitter deal because of a continuing disagreement over the number of spam accounts on the platform. He claimed that Twitter had not provided information necessary to calculate the number of those accounts — which the company has said is lower than 5 percent — and that it had appeared to make inaccurate statements.

Musk exposed Twitter the same way Trump exposed the corporate media.
It is worth noting that Musk didn't countersue twitter trying to collect his $1B fee from them. His lawyers trying to avoid them Rule 11 sanctions I guess.

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