Ellison Says BOTH Accusers Lying, Doesn't Deny There Could Be MORE


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Vast Lying Bimbo Conspiracy Against Ellison?

'All the women who are saying I physically abused them are lying ... and ALL THOSE OTHER WOMEN who might come out are lying, too!'


Keith Ellison Defends Himself Against Allegations Of Abuse, Says He’s Not Sure What Others May ‘Cook Up’

'Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota has been accused of abuse by two different women, and during the Minnesota attorney general debate Friday, he not only denied both allegations, but also said he doesn’t know what more people could “cook up” regarding new claims.'

Where is Diane Feinstein calling for an FBI investigation?

Where is Hollywood and their videos supporting the SEVERAL women now accusing Ellison of abuse?

Where are the declarations of ' the burden of proof is now on Ellison' & 'Ellison is guilty until proven innocent'?!

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