Elle magazine gives men advice on how not to be rapists

Lets all be real for a second. If women don't want to be raped then they should all wear full body covers and hijabs... No they shouldn't. Now lets more into the next point.

Elle magazine thinks that to stop women from being raped then men should not drinking, and other things.

Does anyone else this this is crazy? Read More at Rare.us | Elle magazine gives men advice on how not to be rapists

No one should be raping women, or groping them.

Men are visual creatures...best for women not to go the workplace Christmas party wearing almost their underwear as a dress.
Could well lead to some inappropriate touching and/or leering...which of course are crimes.
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Sheikh said it's all the fault of those 'satanic skirts' etc;

Muslim cleric: women incite men's lust with 'satanic dress' - National - www.smh.com.au

Muslim cleric: women incite men's lust with 'satanic dress'

A Muslim sheik told followers at a public meeting in Bankstown that women who were raped had incited men's lust by dressing immodestly and only had themselves to blame.

"Strapless, backless, sleeveless, nothing but satanic skirts, slit skirts, translucent blouses, miniskirts, tight jeans: all this to tease man and appeal to his carnal nature."

He compared a woman dressed in such a way to a sheep. "Would you put this sheep that you adore in the middle of hungry wolves? No . . . It would be devoured. It's the same situation here. You're putting this precious girl in front of lustful, satanic eyes of hungry wolves. What is the consequence? Catastrophic devastation, sexual harassment, perversion, promiscuity."

Then there was this from another;

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

"If you take a kilo of meat, and you don't put it in the fridge or in the pot or in the kitchen but you leave it on a plate in the backyard, and then you have a fight with the neighbour because his cats eat the meat, you're crazy. Isn't this true?

"If you take uncovered meat and put it on the street, on the pavement, in a garden, in a park or in the backyard, without a cover and the cats eat it, is it the fault of the cat or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem.

"If the meat was covered, the cats wouldn't roam around it. If the meat is inside the fridge, they won't get it.

"If the meat was in the fridge and it (the cat) smelled it, it can bang its head as much as it wants, but it's no use.

"If the woman is in her boudoir, in her house and if she's wearing the veil and if she shows modesty, disasters don't happen.
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