Elizabeth Warren's gun control initiative


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
This idiot doesn't want to do anything about crime just going after gun manufacturers and law-abiding citizens.

The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.
But Warren also ties it to her signature anti-corruption bill, arguing that the prospects for legislative action rest on wholesale reform to lobbying laws. Additionally, the Massachusetts senator would move to hold gun manufacturers "strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action" -- opening the industry up to lawsuits from victims of gun violence.
As part of that push, Warren points to previously introduced legislation -- typically associated with bankers -- designed to hold corporate executives more directly accountable for the actions of their companies. The result, she writes, could mean "holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable" over potential wrongdoing or negligence.
On Friday, Warren called on retail giant Walmart to remove firearms from its shelves.
Elizabeth Warren takes on NRA with sweeping new gun control plans - CNNPolitics
This idiot doesn't want to do anything about crime just going after gun manufacturers and law-abiding citizens.

The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.
But Warren also ties it to her signature anti-corruption bill, arguing that the prospects for legislative action rest on wholesale reform to lobbying laws. Additionally, the Massachusetts senator would move to hold gun manufacturers "strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action" -- opening the industry up to lawsuits from victims of gun violence.
As part of that push, Warren points to previously introduced legislation -- typically associated with bankers -- designed to hold corporate executives more directly accountable for the actions of their companies. The result, she writes, could mean "holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable" over potential wrongdoing or negligence.
On Friday, Warren called on retail giant Walmart to remove firearms from its shelves.
Elizabeth Warren takes on NRA with sweeping new gun control plans - CNNPolitics

The LefTarded pukes won’t fuck with criminals...they are their constituents, their foundation.
In LibTardia shit is all backwards....bad guy is good and good guy is bad.
Hate productive whitey, love the dependent illegal wetback, hate the rich, love the poor, hate the heterosexual, love the pole puffer, hate the Christian, love the atheist...It’s just how they roll.
This idiot doesn't want to do anything about crime just going after gun manufacturers and law-abiding citizens.

The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.
But Warren also ties it to her signature anti-corruption bill, arguing that the prospects for legislative action rest on wholesale reform to lobbying laws. Additionally, the Massachusetts senator would move to hold gun manufacturers "strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action" -- opening the industry up to lawsuits from victims of gun violence.
As part of that push, Warren points to previously introduced legislation -- typically associated with bankers -- designed to hold corporate executives more directly accountable for the actions of their companies. The result, she writes, could mean "holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable" over potential wrongdoing or negligence.
On Friday, Warren called on retail giant Walmart to remove firearms from its shelves.
Elizabeth Warren takes on NRA with sweeping new gun control plans - CNNPolitics
She's pulling a Schumer; propose sweeping legislation but tie it to legislation that even she knows has a snowball's chance of hell being passed. This way she can satisfy her base, pick up more votes and blame the Republicans when it doesn't pass, her base being less the wiser.
Schumer did the same with Wall Street legislation.
Yes....they want to take our guns..... anyone who says differently is either terminally stupid or lying.
This idiot doesn't want to do anything about crime just going after gun manufacturers and law-abiding citizens.

The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.
But Warren also ties it to her signature anti-corruption bill, arguing that the prospects for legislative action rest on wholesale reform to lobbying laws. Additionally, the Massachusetts senator would move to hold gun manufacturers "strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action" -- opening the industry up to lawsuits from victims of gun violence.
As part of that push, Warren points to previously introduced legislation -- typically associated with bankers -- designed to hold corporate executives more directly accountable for the actions of their companies. The result, she writes, could mean "holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable" over potential wrongdoing or negligence.
On Friday, Warren called on retail giant Walmart to remove firearms from its shelves.
Elizabeth Warren takes on NRA with sweeping new gun control plans - CNNPolitics
Looks like common sense legislation
This idiot doesn't want to do anything about crime just going after gun manufacturers and law-abiding citizens.

The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.
But Warren also ties it to her signature anti-corruption bill, arguing that the prospects for legislative action rest on wholesale reform to lobbying laws. Additionally, the Massachusetts senator would move to hold gun manufacturers "strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action" -- opening the industry up to lawsuits from victims of gun violence.
As part of that push, Warren points to previously introduced legislation -- typically associated with bankers -- designed to hold corporate executives more directly accountable for the actions of their companies. The result, she writes, could mean "holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable" over potential wrongdoing or negligence.
On Friday, Warren called on retail giant Walmart to remove firearms from its shelves.
Elizabeth Warren takes on NRA with sweeping new gun control plans - CNNPolitics
Looks like common sense legislation

Yes....if you are insane or stupid..... nothing she wants reduces gun crime or mass shootings.

If they cared, they would focus on putting actual gun criminals in jail for life.....and 10-15 years for carrying an illegal gun for actual criminals...

They don't care about actual crime, or murder. They want to ban guns. What she wants will not do that.
This idiot doesn't want to do anything about crime just going after gun manufacturers and law-abiding citizens.

The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.
But Warren also ties it to her signature anti-corruption bill, arguing that the prospects for legislative action rest on wholesale reform to lobbying laws. Additionally, the Massachusetts senator would move to hold gun manufacturers "strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action" -- opening the industry up to lawsuits from victims of gun violence.
As part of that push, Warren points to previously introduced legislation -- typically associated with bankers -- designed to hold corporate executives more directly accountable for the actions of their companies. The result, she writes, could mean "holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable" over potential wrongdoing or negligence.
On Friday, Warren called on retail giant Walmart to remove firearms from its shelves.
Elizabeth Warren takes on NRA with sweeping new gun control plans - CNNPolitics
Looks like common sense legislation
that's what you call common sense? You're what I call an idiot.
This idiot doesn't want to do anything about crime just going after gun manufacturers and law-abiding citizens.

The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.
But Warren also ties it to her signature anti-corruption bill, arguing that the prospects for legislative action rest on wholesale reform to lobbying laws. Additionally, the Massachusetts senator would move to hold gun manufacturers "strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action" -- opening the industry up to lawsuits from victims of gun violence.
As part of that push, Warren points to previously introduced legislation -- typically associated with bankers -- designed to hold corporate executives more directly accountable for the actions of their companies. The result, she writes, could mean "holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable" over potential wrongdoing or negligence.
On Friday, Warren called on retail giant Walmart to remove firearms from its shelves.
Elizabeth Warren takes on NRA with sweeping new gun control plans - CNNPolitics
Looks like common sense legislation
That bitch is as stupid as you are.

We disarmed a group of people a few times. Some ended up on reservations. Others in internment camps.

You’ve lost your fucking mind if you think I’m going to follow their paths just because you’re feelings got hurt.
The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.

Two reasons why it won't work:

1. People are going to get guns regardless of the laws. People always seem to find a way to get guns. There will always be shootings. Whether it will be another school shooting. Another "lone wolf" shooter who wants to "televise" his manifesto just for the sake - to make a senseless point and getting attention.
People are also going to bypass any restrictions of purchasing a gun (or guns) by going online - aka the Dark web.

2. Warren just wants to put on her "Supergirl" outfit on, and "save the world". The problem is, she can't even save herself. And she thinks her supporters will be behind her 100%. I am thinking, her supporters will only be behind her 75%. They know if they screw up, Elizabeth can be the next Hillary.
Besides, her platform is out-of-whack. She is all over the map on issues.

This idiot doesn't want to do anything about crime just going after gun manufacturers and law-abiding citizens.

The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.
But Warren also ties it to her signature anti-corruption bill, arguing that the prospects for legislative action rest on wholesale reform to lobbying laws. Additionally, the Massachusetts senator would move to hold gun manufacturers "strictly liable for the harm they cause through a federal private right of action" -- opening the industry up to lawsuits from victims of gun violence.
As part of that push, Warren points to previously introduced legislation -- typically associated with bankers -- designed to hold corporate executives more directly accountable for the actions of their companies. The result, she writes, could mean "holding gun industry CEOs personally accountable" over potential wrongdoing or negligence.
On Friday, Warren called on retail giant Walmart to remove firearms from its shelves.
Elizabeth Warren takes on NRA with sweeping new gun control plans - CNNPolitics

So another Democrat has no real plans, no solutions, no new ideas, and is merely stoking her supporter's irrational fears?

What else is new? :laughing0301:
The new plan is among Warren's broadest to date, calling for universal background checks, the passage of a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and the closure of loopholes often targeted by gun control activists.

Two reasons why it won't work:

1. People are going to get guns regardless of the laws. People always seem to find a way to get guns. There will always be shootings. Whether it will be another school shooting. Another "lone wolf" shooter who wants to "televise" his manifesto just for the sake - to make a senseless point and getting attention.
People are also going to bypass any restrictions of purchasing a gun (or guns) by going online - aka the Dark web.

2. Warren just wants to put on her "Supergirl" outfit on, and "save the world". The problem is, she can't even save herself. And she thinks her supporters will be behind her 100%. I am thinking, her supporters will only be behind her 75%. They know if they screw up, Elizabeth can be the next Hillary.
Besides, her platform is out-of-whack. She is all over the map on issues.

Man I want her to win the dem nomination.

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