Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Trumpā€™s zombie claim that Obama spent $4 million to conceal school and passport records
Trump, one of the most high-profile ā€œbirthersā€ during the 2012 presidential campaign, resurfaced this zombie claim that President Obama spent $4 million in legal fees to conceal records that would indicate his true citizenship. There is no proof that Obama spent $4 million in legal fees (personally or through his campaign) to keep his school application or passport application records away from the public. Federal campaign finance records show from 2008 through 2012, the Obama for America campaign paid more than $4 million in legal services to Perkins Coie, the law firm that defended the campaign in some of the eligibility lawsuits. But campaigns have in-house and outside counsel to vet a wide range of issues, not just those related to lawsuits.

Trumpā€™s absurd claim that the ā€˜realā€™ unemployment rate is 42 percent
Trumpā€™s made a ridiculous leap in logic to come up with his claim that the ā€œrealā€ unemployment rate was 42 percent ā€” at a time when the official rate was 5.3 percent. He took an estimate for the number of people not working ā€” 93 million ā€” and assumed they were all unemployed. But the vast majority of those people do not want to work. Most are retired or simply not interested in working, such as stay-at-home parents. Even a President Trump would be unable to make much of a dent in this supposed 42-percent unemployment rate, given that most of the Americans he is counting as ā€œunemployedā€ are not in the labor force by choice.

Trumpā€™s absurd claim that the ā€˜realā€™ unemployment rate is 42 percent
Trumpā€™s made a ridiculous leap in logic to come up with his claim that the ā€œrealā€ unemployment rate was 42 percent ā€” at a time when the official rate was 5.3 percent. He took an estimate for the number of people not working ā€” 93 million ā€” and assumed they were all unemployed. But the vast majority of those people do not want to work. Most are retired or simply not interested in working, such as stay-at-home parents. Even a President Trump would be unable to make much of a dent in this supposed 42-percent unemployment rate, given that most of the Americans he is counting as ā€œunemployedā€ are not in the labor force by choice.


The rate can be calculated as those either on unemployment or on welfare. That fact they they don't want to work but still taking public money does change shit. The only ones who should not be counted are those on social security.

Now recalc the figure and see what the real unemployment number is.

The only Pinocchio are those who back the rediculously low unemployment figure while there is s record number of people on welfare b

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Trumpā€™s false claim that the 9/11 hijackersā€™ wives ā€˜knew exactly what was going to happenā€™
In the wake of the shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., involving a Muslim couple, Trump has emerged with the claim that the 9/11 hijackers sent their wives home before the attacks ā€” and those wives knew ā€œexactly what was going to happen.ā€ But there is no support for Trumpā€™s claims, as the exhaustive 9/11 Commission report states that virtually all of the hijackers were unmarried. The report includes a number of references to the hijackers cutting off communication with their families: ā€œThe other operatives had broken off regular contact with their families. ā€¦The majority of these Saudi recruits began to break with their families in late 1999 and early 2000. ā€¦[The ringleader] complained that some of the hijackers wanted to contact their families to say goodbye, something he had forbidden.ā€

Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Source: Politicususa.com
Elizabeth Warren followed up her speech that dismantled Donald Trump with a series of tweets this afternoon that left the billionaire fumbling for childish insult and blown completely out of the water.

In a series of tweets, Sen. Elizabeth Warren unloaded on Donald Trump this afternoon:

If @realDonaldTrump actually believes every stupid lie he reads on the Internet, weā€™re in for a truckload of trouble if heā€™s President.

ā€” Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) May 25, 2016


Democrats, like Warren, shrug off Trumpā€™s playground taunts and keep coming and coming and coming after the billionaire. Donald Trump has never faced anything like what Democrats are going to be throwing at him.

Over the last 24 hours, Warren has shredded Trump in a major speech and on Twitter. The Republican nomineeā€™s response has proven her correct. Trump is an empty-headed, selfish, buffoon who is unfit to be president.

Read more: Elizabeth Warren Just Shredded Trump And Brought The GOP Nominee To His Knees

Go Warren go!!! Attack loserterianism and go for the throat!!!!

Lieawatha did what now?
Claiming Cherokee on government or employment forms grants you certain benefits that being white or of European decent does not.

It may be in many cases. But that's got nothing to do with anything here. In the real world that is.
Moreover, as the link I've quoted back in 160 pointed out, Warren, when it came to the point where she could specifically have ridden some of those benefits, DECLINED. And that's on the record.

She is a fake fucking Indian and I've already beaten the shit out of your stupid fucking retarded rhetoric already.

You did a great job of jumping up and down throwing tantrums but you brought no proof of that.
No one has.

Yes Donald does want to change the constitution to further protect American by ending birthright citizenship to children born of two illegal parents.

Far more interestingly and far more basically, he wants to "open up libel laws" so that nobody can ever disagree with him again. Not to mention the whole tatooing registering and deporting Juden people on the basis of their religion --- which is a direct attack not only on the Constitution of this country but on its most basic tenet -- freedom of thought.
  • BREAKING=> TRUMP Camp Releases List of 9 of 15 States In-Play This Cycle Including NY and California
    The Gateway Pundit ^ | 5/29/2016 | Jim Hoft
    Donald Trump announced this weekend he puts 15 states potentially into play in the general election this year. The states include: ā€” Ohio ā€” Florida ā€” Virginia ā€” Minnesota ā€” Michigan ā€” Pennsylvania ā€” Wisconsin ā€” New York ā€” Maine ā€” California ** Plus Donald Trump is beating Hillary Clinton in the latest Oregon poll and is essentially tied with Hillary in New Hampshire -two more traditional blue states. And Hillary Clinton hasnā€™t even been indicted yet!
Typical demented Pussypussy type scumbags...

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    Downstreampolitics.com ^
    The peaceful, tolerant Left was out in force in San Diego this weekend. We've chronicled their crime and mayhem that started Friday. This time the mob turned their malice on a black Trump supporter. They surrounded him and spewed vile racial insults at him. In their world, if you're black you're not allowed to think for yourself. And if you try, the mob will turn on you and make you into an unperson - a sub-human not worthy of respect or the most basic dignity. It's despicable. And it's been on display at anti-Trump protests for months. This is just...
  • NYT: Clinton Campaign Implodes Against Trump
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    AMY CHOZICK, ALEXANDER BURNS, and JONATHAN MARTIN write at the NY Times: Democrats could hardly believe their good fortune last month when it became clear that Hillary Clinton was headed to a general election showdown with Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump carried so much baggage and had insulted so many voting blocs that some Clinton supporters began to imagine a landslide. But early optimism that this would be an easy race is evaporating. In the corridors of Congress, on airplane shuttles between New York and Washington, at donor gatherings and on conference calls, anxiety is spreading through the Democratic Party...
  • Trump: 600,000 people tried to attend my D.C. rally
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    Last Updated May 29, 2016 4:28 PM EDT Donald Trump asserted that more than half a million people attempted to attend his speech to the Rolling Thunder bikers DC Sunday. "We have the biggest rallies by far, far bigger than Bernie Sanders,'" he told a crowd in front of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall. "Far bigger. I mean, look at today. They say you have 600,000 people here trying to get in." "That's not gonna happen," he added. "But they say you have 600,000 people." A crowd count wasn't immediately available, but the space in front of the...
The Hildebeast has a HISTORY of FELONIES when First Lady!

  • Hillary ā€˜lostā€™ 2 years of emails to a ā€˜glitchā€™ when she was under investigation as the first lady,
    BizPac Review ^ | 5/29/16 | Michael Dorstewitz
    When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton neglected to surrender all her official emails upon leaving office, the departmentā€™s inspector general acknowledged that she violated federal record-keeping laws. What he didnā€™t report was that this has been her standard practice for decades, since at least her years in the White House while serving as first lady ā€” and on an even grander scale. During those years Clinton was at the center of numerous scandals, including Whitewater, Travelgate and Filegate, which were also the subject of investigations. When Republican lawmakers and special prosecutor Ken Starr subpoenaed more than one million emails...
  • Hillary Clinton Urged To Drop Out Of The Presidential Race
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    In light of the scathing internal audit that found Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton guilty of violating federal procedures during her time as the Secretary of State, several leading media organizations have chastised Clinton for her irresponsible acts, with some going so far as to suggest that she should drop out of the presidential race for the benefit of the Democratic Party. The Washington Post editorial board, taking note of the revelations that Hillary Clinton had never sought permission to conduct official business on her private server, roundly criticized her for what it called an ā€œinexcusable and willful disregard for the...
Ah good, Pissyante is back to bomb the thread with his colostomy bag of irrelevancies.


Looks like he's branching out from irrelevant Googly Images to irrelevant The Entire Front Page of Drudge. Lucky we.

Hey, whatever buries the topic. Can't have a topic going on.

  • Youtube ^ | May 28, 2016
    The enthusiasm for Hillary is low. One way to check this out is to go to Youtube, search "Hillary Rallies", set filter for past month, then take note at how many people have viewed her rally video's. Do the same for Trump. Hillary is NOT EVEN NEAR as popular as the media is trying to make us believe. Most of Hillary's videos there have, maybe at best, 2000 views, Trump's Rally Video's have HUNDREDS OF THOUSNDS of Views. Hillary Rallies: hillary rallies - YouTube Trump Rallies: trump rallies - YouTube Doing the same for Bernie Sanders, the viewcount is far higher than Hillary. (But much less...
Ah good, Pissyante is back to bomb the thread with his colostomy bag of irrelevancies.


Looks like he's branching out from irrelevant Googly Images to irrelevant The Entire Front Page of Drudge. Lucky we.

Hey, whatever buries the topic. Can't have a topic going on.

I just LOVE pissing you off OCDGirl....Did you say the same shit about Tyrone Pussypussy when he bombed this thread...you HYPOCRITICAL C*NT!
Claiming Cherokee on government or employment forms grants you certain benefits that being white or of European decent does not.

It may be in many cases. But that's got nothing to do with anything here. In the real world that is.
Moreover, as the link I've quoted back in 160 pointed out, Warren, when it came to the point where she could specifically have ridden some of those benefits, DECLINED. And that's on the record.

She is a fake fucking Indian and I've already beaten the shit out of your stupid fucking retarded rhetoric already.

You did a great job of jumping up and down throwing tantrums but you brought no proof of that.
No one has.

Yes Donald does want to change the constitution to further protect American by ending birthright citizenship to children born of two illegal parents.

Far more interestingly and far more basically, he wants to "open up libel laws" so that nobody can ever disagree with him again. Not to mention the whole tatooing registering and deporting Juden people on the basis of their religion --- which is a direct attack not only on the Constitution of this country but on its most basic tenet -- freedom of thought.

Poor little bitch. You're offended by Donald Trump because he said something you didn't like. He hasn't actually don't anything yet but you are offended. But you are not offended by anything the Democrats have actually done. Nothing that the piece of trash Hillary Clinton has actually done has offended you. Your selective distain is so funny.

You are an asshole.

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Meanwhile, if there is any doubt that Trump U was designed to be a scam, The Atlantic puts that to rest with a few other choice tidbits from that ā€œPrivate & Confidentialā€ playbook used by Trump presenters: Every university has admission standards and Trump University was no exception. The playbook spells out the one essential qualification in caps: ā€œALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN FULL.ā€ Basically, anyone with a valid credit card was ā€œadmittedā€ to Trump University. . . .

Read more at: Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam
Meanwhile, if there is any doubt that Trump U was designed to be a scam, The Atlantic puts that to rest with a few other choice tidbits from that ā€œPrivate & Confidentialā€ playbook used by Trump presenters: Every university has admission standards and Trump University was no exception. The playbook spells out the one essential qualification in caps: ā€œALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN FULL.ā€ Basically, anyone with a valid credit card was ā€œadmittedā€ to Trump University. . . .

Read more at: Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam

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A trio of truthful attack ads about Trump University
This is in effect a reverse Four-Pinocchio rating, as we presented a rare Geppetto Checkmark to three ads attacking Trumpā€™s involvement with Trump University. We concluded that Trump University appears to have been a classic bait-and-switch operation, designed to lure people into paying increasing sums of money. We also examined Trumpā€™s false claim that Trump University received an ā€œAā€ rating from the Better Business Bureau, when in fact its rating was D- before it started winding down. The BBB even felt compelled to dispute Trump after he made this claim again during a debate.


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