elizabeth warren:fighter for the middle class?


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2008
on a one way cul-de-sac
Democrat Elizabeth Warren, who has made fighting for workers a focus of her Senate campaign, was a hired legal gun for a steel conglomerate trying to dodge paying health and pension benefits to thousands of retired coal miners, records show.

Warren represented LTV Steel in 1995, when she was a Harvard Law professor, aiding the bankrupt company’s bid to overturn a court ruling forcing it to pay its former employees and dependents $140 million in retirement benefits.

In Warren’s petition to the Supreme Court against the coal miners and the Clinton administration, she argued that the steel giant should be exempt from the Coal Act, a law passed by Democrats in Congress that required companies shutting down their coal mining operations to keep paying benefits to former workers.

Warren’s campaign said in a statement that her work for LTV was limited to protecting the bankruptcy system, adding the Cambridge Democrat was not trying to get the Coal Act overturned."

Miner: Elizabeth Warren’s biz ‘hypocritical’ - BostonHerald.com

it was nice of her to not want to overturn the coal act.

she didn't want to fuck over all the retired coal miners, just the ones for which she was paid.

clearly, she'll fight for me. :rolleyes:

fuck you, liz.

go back to oklahoma

your momma's callin you

the pemmican is ready
She was for fighting against the little guy before she was against it. Wait, wut?

Warren's legal work for Travelers Insurance put her squarely on the side of the "one percent" she has attacked so vigorously throughout her campaign.

The Boston Globe reported that Warren was paid $212,000 over three years from 2008 to 2010 for "of counsel" legal work for Travelers in a case that the company won when it reached the Supreme Court in 2009. Travelers' attorneys persuaded the Court that their client did not have to pay a number of asbestos claims.

Does Elizabeth Warren Have a Law License Problem? | Conservative Byte
She did what lawyers do. If you read the entire article with an open mind - it doesn't sound too bad.

Not too bad unless you have asbestos in your lungs, or not too bad if you don't mind relinquishing your hard earned pension benefits! It just goes to show she does know a thing or two about how "the system is rigged against the little guy" which has been her campaign mantra. Other than that, it doesn't sound too bad at all... :lol:
She did what lawyers do. If you read the entire article with an open mind - it doesn't sound too bad.

Not too bad unless you have asbestos in your lungs, or not too bad if you don't mind relinquishing your hard earned pension benefits! It just goes to show she does know a thing or two about how "the system is rigged against the little guy" which has been her campaign mantra. Other than that, it doesn't sound too bad at all... :lol:

What sounds worse is your reading comprehension.
elizabeth warren:fighter for the middle class?

"Warren walked on stage to a thunderous greeting and chants of "Warren! Warren!" -- underscoring the passion the Democratic base has for her Senate candidacy. She delivered the first half of her speech more like a lecture than a barnburner.

"People feel like the system is rigged against them," Warren said. "And here's the painful part: they're right. The system is rigged. Look around. Oil companies guzzle down billions in subsidies. Billionaires pay lower tax rates than their secretaries. Wall Street CEOs -- the same ones who wrecked our economy and destroyed millions of jobs -- still strut around Congress, no shame, demanding favors, and acting like we should thank them.

"Anyone here have a problem with that?"


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzspAfNkGz0]Elizabeth Warren's Full DNC Speech - Elections 2012 - YouTube[/ame]


How humorous, it is, to see TWO DEMOCRATIC-WOMEN.....slappin'-the-SHIT outta the TEABAGGER-AGENDA!!!!!


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPGGhrtd-Uk]Jennifer Granholm Hijacks Fox News & Destroys Republicans - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_X1LVgh0Vl0]EXCITING Jennifer Granholm DNC Speech Democratic National Convention - YouTube[/ame]



"All pretty girls are right-wingers.”


"Put down the pipe, Annie."
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“In the LTV steel case, there was never any question that coal miners and their surviving spouses would receive their full benefits under the Coal Act,” spokeswoman Alethea Harney. “This case involved bankruptcy principles and who would pay what into the fund.”

People read but apparently many of us do not understand what they have read.

What part of WHO PAYS confuses you guys?

Apparently all of it.
She did what lawyers do. If you read the entire article with an open mind - it doesn't sound too bad.

Not too bad unless you have asbestos in your lungs, or not too bad if you don't mind relinquishing your hard earned pension benefits! It just goes to show she does know a thing or two about how "the system is rigged against the little guy" which has been her campaign mantra. Other than that, it doesn't sound too bad at all... :lol:

What sounds worse is your reading comprehension.

Oh so it's OK for the "big guy" to be protected when she says so... :lol: And how about those asbestos claims in the other story, did they get paid by someone else too?

But Peter Buscemi, a lawyer at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, who represented the retirees, questioned Warren’s argument that retirees wouldn’t be affected by the decision.

“That’s what the people who didn’t want to pay always wanted to say. They wanted to say someone else will pay and the benefits won’t be in jeopardy,” he said. “But if one employer doesn’t pay then another and then another, then who knows what will happen?”

Buscemi said even though Warren was helping LTV Steel, she was just doing her job and “acting like a lawyer.”

The disclosure of Warren’s involvement with the controversial steel company plan could damage her image as a champion for the working class and health coverage for all. She has repeatedly attacked her Republican opponent, U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, for trying to repeal Obama-care.

Warren’s work for LTV did not keep her from slamming the company 11 years later. In a 2006 PBS interview, she upbraided LTV for treating employees “like paper towels. You use them and you throw them away.”

Warren did not mention in the interview she was a paid lawyer for LTV.
Even though so many Republicans are the Middle Class and the poor, they've been brainwashed into hating the Middle Class and the poor. It's why the Deputy Prime Minister call the GOP the "Party of Crazies and Cranks". It's not just here. The entire world thinks the GOP has gone completely loony.
Even though so many Republicans are the Middle Class and the poor, they've been brainwashed into hating the Middle Class and the poor. It's why the Deputy Prime Minister call the GOP the "Party of Crazies and Cranks". It's not just here. The entire world thinks the GOP has gone completely loony.

And...........Most of the people who voted for Scott Brown are not Republicans. :eusa_shhh:
elizabeth warren:fighter for the middle class?

September 24, 2012


"Consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren today praised the joint enforcement action against Discover Financial Services recently announced by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which requires Discover to refund consumers $200 million and pay a $14 million penalty.

The CFPB has been hard at work reducing the fine print in credit card agreements and assisting with consumer complaints. Now it is taking enforcement action against some of the largest financial institutions to try to make sure that even the biggest banks follow the rules. These actions will help protect families from financial tricks and traps and create a level playing field."

Under the settlement announced this week by the CFPB and FDIC, Discover must refund consumers $200 million and pay a $14 million penalty for deceptive marketing practices. Earlier this year in July, the consumer agency announced its first enforcement action, requiring Capital One to refund consumers $140 million and pay a $25 million penalty."

Even though so many Republicans are the Middle Class and the poor, they've been brainwashed into hating the Middle Class and the poor. It's why the Deputy Prime Minister call the GOP the "Party of Crazies and Cranks". It's not just here. The entire world thinks the GOP has gone completely loony.

who brainwashed you into hating Republicans Dean?.....for that matter anyone who doesnt agree with you?.....who did this dastardly thing to you Dean?
ANOTHER reason the current two-party monopoly on gov't breeds voter apathy. Just like a certain candidate said 10+ yrs ago- "Vote for Vanilla or the other Vanilla". :eusa_whistle:

Harvard is also an integral part of the revolving-door employment program in D.C. just like Wall St/Goldmann Sacks is. ;)
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Even though so many Republicans are the Middle Class and the poor, they've been brainwashed into hating the Middle Class and the poor. It's why the Deputy Prime Minister call the GOP the "Party of Crazies and Cranks". It's not just here. The entire world thinks the GOP has gone completely loony.

who brainwashed you into hating Republicans Dean?.....for that matter anyone who doesnt agree with you?.....who did this dastardly thing to you Dean?

Deany is as batshit crazy as a Batman villain, instead of penguins or cats Deany lost his mind over Republicans

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