Election Night Coverage Sucked Big Time


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
Carrabelle, fl. 60 miles s of tallahassee
Yes I mostly watched fox, what a sorry night. Juan Williams meltdown. Roves over the top hating on trump. Megan's unending soapbox sermons. Everyone got too much time to pontificate and,they droned on way too long. Bright spots were Brit Hume, Bret Bair, Bill Hemmer, Martha McCallum, Monika Crowley, and Tucker Carlson.

Every time I turned to CNN, John king was looking for more votes for Hilary Clinton in the states she lost at the end.

I even switched over to the comedy network and they had some good stuff. But in general the election coverage was horrible. The backpedaling by the pollsters was laughable. The shock even at fox that Donald trump might win was totally unexpected and Unprepared for. They literally were totally unprepared and it showed. Talk about a corrupt media. It would actually have been better to have more commercials. Grade. D
Omg it was classic. I enjoy nothing more than watching tear-choked *media* be *shocked* by the reality that they have tried to deny for years.
At least it was better than the other stations. It was 'your children will die' or 'the Russians are coming'. Lol Definitely a grade of f-.

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