El Niño Brewing


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Bringing some relief to drought-stricken Southwest.

As Becker puts it, “The strength of El Niño doesn’t necessarily indicate the strength of its impacts on global weather. But a stronger El Niño can increase the likelihood that impacts of some kind will happen.”

If current forecasts are right, we won’t have to wait too much longer to find out just what El Niño will bring this time around.

A whole lot more @ Visualization of Pacific ocean temperatures shows El Niño brewing, heralding possible winter weather impacts - ImaGeo

Time will tell.. But major predictors say we will fall back into a cooling trend within 2 months. El Niño may never really become reality as it takes 90 days of +0.5 deg C to actually be called it and I doubt the current warm will last that long with massive cold plumes about to surface.
Well now, we have one of Silly Billy's prognostications once again. Bet it will have all the validity of the last time he chimed in on an El Nino. He was claiming it did not exist, even as it ramped up to a major El Nino. Most of Silly Billy's 'facts' have that certain smell about them because of where he get them from.
Silly Billy, going to be denying this El Nino also, until it hits him in the face. LOL +0.9 for the world temp today, +1.3 for the northern hemisphere. Some cooling there, Silly Billy. And we are not even deep into the El Nino, yet.
Silly Billy, going to be denying this El Nino also, until it hits him in the face. LOL +0.9 for the world temp today, +1.3 for the northern hemisphere. Some cooling there, Silly Billy. And we are not even deep into the El Nino, yet.
So MODOKI lasted about 46 days and deep cooling of the pacific is now again occurring... It lasted a little longer than i thought it would but it is now gone.. Excellent prediction there Goldilocks.. You failed miserably..

Nobody cares about the El Nino.....people are more interested in the new Trump supporter dating app you can now download to help men avoid the feminist bulldog-types.

So who's the lucky guy?

Oh, the topic. Here are the ENSO predictions from the sane people.

So your still playing with broken models while I am posting up empirically observed evidence.... Your an idiot...

By the way, ALL of their models predictions have failed...
Uhh ahem, the correlation between the ENSO index and the behavior of the ENSO is based on a FOOKING MODEL MR PHYSICIST.
QUOTE]So your still playing with broken models while I am posting up empirically observed evidence.... Your an idiot...

Being you've been wrong with almost every prediction for over 5 years running now, everyone correctly puts you in the same category as that crazy guy on the street corner.

Your consistent record of failure is truly impressive. You do much worse than just guessing by chance would do. There's a reason for that. Your conspiracy cult orders you to reject everything that the smart people say. As they get everything mostly right, that means you get everything mostly wrong.
Geez.....these climate crusaders and their ghey predictions. Old Rocks in particular has been making predictions on shit for over ten years now.....on tornados, hurricanes, extreme weather and EV's. All have fallen flat on their face......then these bozo's pretend like they never made the predictions. No ability to man- up....so typical of progressive men. Fucking ghey......:abgg2q.jpg:

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