Egypt's Grand Mufti says Bitcoin is unlawful under Sharia Law

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
I agree with his ruling. ..... :cool:

The popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin was declared unlawful under Islamic Sharia this week by Egypt’s Grand Mufti Shawki Allam.

An official fatwa was issued Monday against the digital currency, which Allam claimed was akin to gambling – a practice deemed “haram” or forbidden under Islamic law “due to its direct responsibility in financial ruin for individuals.”

Allam argued that the “currency’s risk as well as its high profit potential undermines Egypt’s ability to maintain and stabilize its own currency.”

Egypt’s Grand Mufti Says Bitcoin Unlawful Under Islamic Sharia
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If you are not a muslim. The ruling doesn't pertain to you. ..... :cool:

If you are a muslim, your financial security is guaranteed by pillage, theft,
extortion and oppression by virtue of Jizya-----by DIVINE DECREE----so you
don't need investment
The popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin was declared unlawful under Islamic Sharia this week by Egypt’s Grand Mufti Shawki Allam.
Egypt’s Grand Mufti Says Bitcoin Unlawful Under Islamic Sharia

Oh well I guess you can't use that to survive while there is an internet LOL............................ Oh well people made it in life before without the bs they can still survive without it , anywhere in the world really.
If you are not a muslim. The ruling doesn't pertain to you. ..... :cool:

If you are a muslim, your financial security is guaranteed by pillage, theft,
extortion and oppression by virtue of Jizya-----by DIVINE DECREE----so you
don't need investment
That's not even remotely true but whatever lol.

what is "not....true"? about it? read the Koran and review history------

You can't just "blanket" state some falsehood and claim your belief is founded in an understanding of history and the Koran. Quote the Koran, explain the history and then explain how Muslims live "rich lives" protected from poverty by a Jizzya on non-believers.

I see a LOT of poor Muslims in the world.
If you are not a muslim. The ruling doesn't pertain to you. ..... :cool:

If you are a muslim, your financial security is guaranteed by pillage, theft,
extortion and oppression by virtue of Jizya-----by DIVINE DECREE----so you
don't need investment
That's not even remotely true but whatever lol.

what is "not....true"? about it? read the Koran and review history------

You can't just "blanket" state some falsehood and claim your belief is founded in an understanding of history and the Koran. Quote the Koran, explain the history and then explain how Muslims live "rich lives" protected from poverty by a Jizzya on non-believers.

I see a LOT of poor Muslims in the world.
Germany? Sweden? France?
It being a currency of criminal activity should also be a reason to ban it.
If you are not a muslim. The ruling doesn't pertain to you. ..... :cool:

If you are a muslim, your financial security is guaranteed by pillage, theft,
extortion and oppression by virtue of Jizya-----by DIVINE DECREE----so you
don't need investment
That's not even remotely true but whatever lol.

what is "not....true"? about it? read the Koran and review history------

You can't just "blanket" state some falsehood and claim your belief is founded in an understanding of history and the Koran. Quote the Koran, explain the history and then explain how Muslims live "rich lives" protected from poverty by a Jizzya on non-believers.

I see a LOT of poor Muslims in the world.
Germany? Sweden? France?
And across the Muslim world as a whole.

No where is the Jizya so onerous as to support a first class Muslim aristocracy. It's a sign of penitence if anything, and used to pay bare bones administration.
Yeah but interest rates are also forbidden under Islamic law. So what?

That settles it. I guess I'll be giving up my dream of opening a casino in downtown Duabi.
Usury as it is called, is also forbidden by Christianity.

But most Christians are fake and hypocrites.

You are a fake and a hypocrite. There is no direct condemnation of interest-taking in the New Testament.

When and why did the Christian Church stop viewing usury as a sin? | Notes and Queries |
If you are not a muslim. The ruling doesn't pertain to you. ..... :cool:

If you are a muslim, your financial security is guaranteed by pillage, theft,
extortion and oppression by virtue of Jizya-----by DIVINE DECREE----so you
don't need investment
That's not even remotely true but whatever lol.

what is "not....true"? about it? read the Koran and review history------

You can't just "blanket" state some falsehood and claim your belief is founded in an understanding of history and the Koran. Quote the Koran, explain the history and then explain how Muslims live "rich lives" protected from poverty by a Jizzya on non-believers.

I see a LOT of poor Muslims in the world.
------------------------------- thats only because they haven't organized , bought swords and modern weapons and haven't gone on 'jihad' to start collecting 'jizyah' and Slaves yet Techy .
Usury as it is called, is also forbidden by Christianity.
But most Christians are fake and hypocrites.

Judaism forbids usury.

Christianity doesn't address the issue. ..... :cool:

That shit is so Old Testament, which we leave to the Joos. We're happy with our cheese and salami plates after the service, and our awesome spaghetti suppers and fish frys. :biggrin:
and if talking 'jizyah' , i think its only collected from people other than 'muslim' and only if they want to continue to live and breath Techy .
If you are not a muslim. The ruling doesn't pertain to you. ..... :cool:
. . . . actually, I hate to disagree with you here.

If you read closely the original texts of early Christianity, usury was forbidden. They had a way around this, the Knights Templar charged a flat fee for the usage of money. It wasn't interest. It was the protection of capital.

The ruling elites of Europe did not like how wealthy and powerful the Templars were becoming off of protecting the productive classes however, and thus, held the Pope hostage, assassinated and killed all the Templars on Friday the 13th, and replaced their capital requirements by letting Jews loan them money so they weren't the ones doing the loaning, thinking that this would absolve them from the sin of Usury.

This is mostly forgotten history, as now, Christian bankers engage in Usury as much as the Jews. We're all materialists now, all worshiping Mammon. Everyone believes material things will bring joy more than spiritual gifts. All of society has been corrupted.

Bit coin is the least of our worries.

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