Egypt: Obama’s Milli Vanilli Moment


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Those of us who listened to Barack Obama when he tried to sing acapella were not surprised at all at how badly he sounded when the street of Egypt erupted and the music stopped. This is a man who was against the Troop Surge in Iraq, was against raising the debt ceiling, and is against American exceptionalism; he even went to Cairo to chastise the USA for its role as a world leader for freedom and democracy.

When the music played and he could lipsynch over the hard work George Bush had done in Iraq he had no trouble claiming full credit for the work of others, he even convinced some people that he really could sing, that he actually capable of being POTUS.

To say that the eruption of violence caught him flat-footed, caught him as his Ashlee Simpson Milli Vanilli Girl you know Obama’s a poseur worst, is an understatement.

He’s been exposed as the fake, phony fraud we knew he was.
Milli Vanilli were better dancers.

Obama gotta re-think this thing...
US reconsiders Egypt military ties
Tue, Feb 15, 2011 - With the fall of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak’s regime, the US holds sway over Egypt’s political future thanks to its strong ties with a military it helped build over three decades, experts said.
Egypt watchers said the massive US$1.3-billion annual US military aid package to the country has largely paid off over the years — yielding cooperation on counterterrorism, the Middle East peace process and safe passage through the Suez Canal. Many warned against bowing to calls for freezing the US funds. “There are tremendous risks,” Andrew Exum of the Center for a New American Security said. “At the very least, you need to keep military-to-military exchanges and contacts because you never know how valuable those relationships might be in the future.”

Scores of Egyptian officers have conducted joint operations with their US counterparts, studied at US war colleges and developed personal relationships with US officers. Washington is keen to avoid repeating past mistakes on Pakistan, from which it cut military aid in 1979 and the 1990s over Islamabad’s nuclear weapons program, only to find itself with only very limited ties to the Pakistani military in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Yet Elliot Abrams, a senior US Department of State official under former US presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, said Washington should use the aid as leverage to counter any undemocratic moves. “We’re not going to pay for the suppression of democracy,” he told a congressional hearing this week. “Now is the time to signal to them this aid is conditional.”

The Bush administration sought to condition parts of its aid package to human rights progress in Egypt, but those efforts were “not particularly effective” because Bush’s war on terror trumped its freedom agenda, Exum said. Washington has given Egypt an average total of US$2 billion per year, making it the second-largest recipient of US foreign aid after Israel since Cairo signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979.


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