Edwards/ Palin 2012


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
The dream ticket for 2012 Presidential election John Edwards and Sarah Palin

The ultimate bi-partisan ticket. What pair could better represent today's politics.

Between the two of them they have all the qualities that make up today's political landscape.

Egocentricity, no moral compass, lack of intelligence, good looks, no conscience, blatant liars, power and money above family, convictions change as needed, just to name a few.

Better yet they both could divorce and marry each other. That would make history. The first President and Vice President that are married. (that we know about)

Edwards/Palin 2012
The dream ticket for 2012 Presidential election John Edwards and Sarah Palin

The ultimate bi-partisan ticket. What pair could better represent today's politics.

Between the two of them they have all the qualities that make up today's political landscape.

Egocentricity, no moral compass, lack of intelligence, good looks, no conscience, blatant liars, power and money above family, convictions change as needed, just to name a few.

Better yet they both could divorce and marry each other. That would make history. The first President and Vice President that are married. (that we know about)

Edwards/Palin 2012

I'd be more on board with a Malkin/Olbermann ticket. Cause all that matters is rhetoric.
The dream ticket for 2012 Presidential election John Edwards and Sarah Palin

The ultimate bi-partisan ticket. What pair could better represent today's politics.

Between the two of them they have all the qualities that make up today's political landscape.

Egocentricity, no moral compass, lack of intelligence, good looks, no conscience, blatant liars, power and money above family, convictions change as needed, just to name a few.

Better yet they both could divorce and marry each other. That would make history. The first President and Vice President that are married. (that we know about)

Edwards/Palin 2012

I'd be more on board with a Malkin/Olbermann ticket. Cause all that matters is rhetoric.

How about O'Reilly/Olbermann ticket.

Edwards/Palin against O'Reilly/Obermann.

I am trying to find a way to bring everyone together.
The dream ticket for 2012 Presidential election John Edwards and Sarah Palin

The ultimate bi-partisan ticket. What pair could better represent today's politics.

Between the two of them they have all the qualities that make up today's political landscape.

Egocentricity, no moral compass, lack of intelligence, good looks, no conscience, blatant liars, power and money above family, convictions change as needed, just to name a few.

Better yet they both could divorce and marry each other. That would make history. The first President and Vice President that are married. (that we know about)

Edwards/Palin 2012

I'd be more on board with a Malkin/Olbermann ticket. Cause all that matters is rhetoric.

How about O'Reilly/Olbermann ticket.

Edwards/Palin against O'Reilly/Obermann.

I am trying to find a way to bring everyone together.

That would work too, but I feel like the advantage that Malkin has is that she's a woman. That way all criticism of the campaign can be called "sexism".
Sounds like a winner. But didn't Hillary used to be VP?

Hillary is moving to Iran to run against Ahmadinejad for President. She will appoint Bill as the head Ayotollah.

It is one of the few political systems that could accomodate both of them.
The dream ticket for 2012 Presidential election John Edwards and Sarah Palin

The ultimate bi-partisan ticket. What pair could better represent today's politics.

Between the two of them they have all the qualities that make up today's political landscape.

Egocentricity, no moral compass, lack of intelligence, good looks, no conscience, blatant liars, power and money above family, convictions change as needed, just to name a few.

Better yet they both could divorce and marry each other. That would make history. The first President and Vice President that are married. (that we know about)

Edwards/Palin 2012


I responded to the thread title before I read the op. :D

Here, have some rep.
The dream ticket for 2012 Presidential election John Edwards and Sarah Palin

The ultimate bi-partisan ticket. What pair could better represent today's politics.

Between the two of them they have all the qualities that make up today's political landscape.

Egocentricity, no moral compass, lack of intelligence, good looks, no conscience, blatant liars, power and money above family, convictions change as needed, just to name a few.

Better yet they both could divorce and marry each other. That would make history. The first President and Vice President that are married. (that we know about)

Edwards/Palin 2012

It doesn't matter to Edwards if he is married or not, he will stil his willy in anything.............
I wish Lieberman would run, he is one Democrat I would vote for and respect. Wait can I call him a Democrat? Technically he's not and he votes with Republican's more then the Looney Left.
I wish Lieberman would run, he is one Democrat I would vote for and respect. Wait can I call him a Democrat? Technically he's not and he votes with Republican's more then the Looney Left.

He's an independent.
I wish Lieberman would run, he is one Democrat I would vote for and respect. Wait can I call him a Democrat? Technically he's not and he votes with Republican's more then the Looney Left.

He's an independent.

I know he switched his affiliation, but hes still a member of the Democratic Caucus and even chairs committee's, so I would say hes a Democrat.

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