Edward Snowden Reveals CIA ‘Invented’ Global Warming Scam


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has claimed that he possesses classified information that proves the CIA is behind the “Global Warming scam”.

Edward Snowden Reveals CIA ‘Invented’ Global Warming Scam

The reason many are connecting the dots is because many whistle blowers have come forward risking thier lives to make the people aware of what goes on behind closed doors. This is against you the people, people the freedom you think you have you DON'T.
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has claimed that he possesses classified information that proves the CIA is behind the “Global Warming scam”.

Edward Snowden Reveals CIA ‘Invented’ Global Warming Scam

The reason many are connecting the dots is because many whistle blowers have come forward risking thier lives to make the people aware of what goes on behind closed doors. This is against you the people, people the freedom you think you have you DON'T.

This story really killed me. A high level meeting between Obama and Leonardo De Caprio where our president tells him that climate change is a major factor that caused the Syrian civil war. What leftist historian revisionists dare enter that into one their history text books?

Blameshifting: Obama tells DiCaprio climate change ‘contributed’ to the Syrian civil war
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has claimed that he possesses classified information that proves the CIA is behind the “Global Warming scam”.

Edward Snowden Reveals CIA ‘Invented’ Global Warming Scam

The reason many are connecting the dots is because many whistle blowers have come forward risking thier lives to make the people aware of what goes on behind closed doors. This is against you the people, people the freedom you think you have you DON'T.

Not that facts really matter in a conspiracy discussion like this, BUT

Earth faces another ICE AGE within 15 YEARS as Russian scientists discover Sun 'cooling'
The"Climate Change"discussion is humorous..ESPECIALLY if your a polar bear lookin for an iceburg.Anyone who sees this as a hoax needs to witness its effects with an Open&Educated mind...It's like Daffy Donny claiming he didn't spout his inane quotes...He has built his campaign on naivety;both in himself AND,his followers.No wonder "he loves the uneducated"...We used to run Snake Oil Salesmen"Outta Dodge"..or..,worse..! In Simple Truth,his modus and rap ARE treasonous and,I don't understand how he's avoided a Court Mandated Sanity Hearing..The ESSENTIAL Problems is that desperate and out of touch RNC actually gave him the credence to gain a platform...THAT in itself is TREASONOUS....Pleese ether lock him up and get grow away the key or,exile him to Russia where he'ld have a colorful sex life with its leader;Poo Tin,although he does qualify for a Preparation H commercial as;The Chief Hemorrhoid....or plainly....Chief Asshole..! P.S. "Lyin,Little Mind,Daffy Donny Does Not recognize"Climate Changes"but,little matter as,HE IS The Main Polluting Factor both in our country,its politics AND,On The Planet...I think I need a Longer Snorkel to be in his presence.....and,still me taller hipboots..... p.s. I've always liked and respected Snowdens writings but this? Maybe his present SB de is affecting his processing faculties....Still,he DOES deserve At Least a P.Pardon as he IS one of Americas greatest patriots who,has proved his mettle!
I'll have to be more On It while using my smartphones Spelling App....in faculties,after this post,I'm unhooking it as,It's as much of a nightmare as is this election process...Sorry for the tipoz...
No love from Gore

Emails between Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills on November 11, 2015 discuss former Vice President Al Gore stating he would not endorse Clinton for president.

Abedin tells Mills: “well that was 16 years ago. [H]ard to put on email but there is no love lost in this relationship. [R]eminder that he also refused to endorse in 2008!!!”
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Or another dumbass comment from those who don't know good sources from bs sources and the biggest BS sites are the obvious MSN , CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, FOX, ............ yeah they all get caught lying ,fixing, editing when caught admit it.

I know this site and I know their information, it's not some gawd damn site I pulled up tonight. I know my chit and what they are about.

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