Economy Improving Faster Than Expected: Bad News For Republicans?


Class Warrior
Aug 1, 2011
Private-sector jobs rise 206,000: ADP


Employment in the private sector rose by a seasonally adjusted 206,000 jobs in November — the largest gain since last December and almost twice the average increase in recent months. The October level was revised up to 130,000 from a prior estimate of 110,000.

“November’s increase in employment normally would be associated with a decline in the unemployment rate. An acceleration of employment is consistent with data showing that GDP growth, which slowed sharply around the turn of the year, is gradually recovering,” said Joel Prakken, chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers, which produces the report from anonymous payroll data supplied by Automatic Data Processing Inc.
see the lie.

its the highest consumer jump sence 2004 and they say it christmas.

Private sector jobs grow, lifts payrolls forecasts

(Reuters) - Private sector job growth accelerated in November as employers created the most jobs in nearly a year, prompting some economists to raise their forecasts for Friday's more comprehensive government labor report.

The beleaguered housing market also showed some unexpected cheer as pending home sales surged in October amid low mortgage interest rates.

The ADP National Employment Report on Wednesday showed private employers added 206,000 jobs this month, surpassing economists' expectations for a gain of 130,000 jobs. It was the biggest gain since December 2010.
"Well, I'm here to tell you, some time in the next couple of months, we're going to be creating between 250,000 jobs a month and 500,000 jobs a month." -- Joe Biden VPOTUS April 2010
Private-sector jobs rise 206,000: ADP


Employment in the private sector rose by a seasonally adjusted 206,000 jobs in November — the largest gain since last December and almost twice the average increase in recent months. The October level was revised up to 130,000 from a prior estimate of 110,000.

“November’s increase in employment normally would be associated with a decline in the unemployment rate. An acceleration of employment is consistent with data showing that GDP growth, which slowed sharply around the turn of the year, is gradually recovering,” said Joel Prakken, chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers, which produces the report from anonymous payroll data supplied by Automatic Data Processing Inc.

The question is whether or not it can sustain itself. Will job growth continue after the first of the year? Only time will tell.
And then you assholes did the debt ceiling stunt which crushed the economy for months CF
They're buying homes for Christmas too:

Pending Home Sales Surge 10.4% in October

Potential home buyers came out of the woodwork in October, signing contracts to buy existing homes at a higher-than expected pace.

Pending home sales jumped 10.4 percent compared to September, according to the National Association of Realtors, with the biggest gains in the Midwest, up 24 percent.
Dems care so much about the debt ceiling they haven't passed a budget in over 2 years
the biggest gains in the Midwest, up 24 percent.

The Northeast also saw sizeable gains, as did the South. Only out West did buyers stay on the sidelines, with pending home sales there basically flat month to month
Part time jobs during Christmas. Who woulda thunk it. The left is so far out of the loop that they think Barry is responsible.
Private-sector jobs rise 206,000: ADP


Employment in the private sector rose by a seasonally adjusted 206,000 jobs in November — the largest gain since last December and almost twice the average increase in recent months. The October level was revised up to 130,000 from a prior estimate of 110,000.

“November’s increase in employment normally would be associated with a decline in the unemployment rate. An acceleration of employment is consistent with data showing that GDP growth, which slowed sharply around the turn of the year, is gradually recovering,” said Joel Prakken, chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers, which produces the report from anonymous payroll data supplied by Automatic Data Processing Inc.

The question is whether or not it can sustain itself. Will job growth continue after the first of the year? Only time will tell.

It'd be helpful if we could get a continuation of the payroll tax and get a real jobs bill passed.

But even without those, it's starting to look like we'll be in a real expansion soon.
Part time jobs during Christmas. Who woulda thunk it. The left is so far out of the loop that they think Barry is responsible.

The problem is that you actually believe Barry created the problem to begin with, when in fact he had little to do with it. And between all the bickering and the nothing getting done in Washington, the economy is working through this on its own. Eventually it will get better no matter what Obama, the Dems, and the Republicans in Congress do.
Economy Improving Faster Than Expected: Bad News For Republicans?

But Obama has been saying that the republicans are stopping him from passing bills he wants.
So you could say that the republicans are helping the economy by keeping Obama and the dems from draging the economy down the way they did for the last few years.
Keep up the good work republicans!
Who's buying these homes?:
Who's Buying Foreclosed Homes and Why It's a Problem - Housing - The Atlantic Cities
“A lot of them are being sold to an investor and staying vacant,” says Dan Immergluck, an urban planning professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the author of the study. “You have the same problem as before.”
Are Americans buying all these homes?:
Foreigners can buy homes easily in the U.S.

I've also heard that the ChiComms are buying Farmland all over America because you know, they have all the money.
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Yeah just think if he could have been able to impliment more stimulus rather than being forced to give the wealthy more tax breaks./

Just think if the right had not pushed back the recovery with the debt ceiling stunt
Part time jobs during Christmas. Who woulda thunk it. The left is so far out of the loop that they think Barry is responsible.

There's still almost a year before the election. At some point you guys are going to have to give up on shitting on the economy as the way of getting your guy elected.
Part time jobs during Christmas. Who woulda thunk it. The left is so far out of the loop that they think Barry is responsible.

The problem is that you actually believe Barry created the problem to begin with, when in fact he had little to do with it. And between all the bickering and the nothing getting done in Washington, the economy is working through this on its own. Eventually it will get better no matter what Obama, the Dems, and the Republicans in Congress do.

A lot of conservatives said that if Obama had left things alone the economy would have recovered by now. What you just said proves the point. If Obama hadn't rammed his crap down our throats we would be in much better shape. This if a perfect example of why Obama needs to be replaced.
Part time jobs during Christmas. Who woulda thunk it. The left is so far out of the loop that they think Barry is responsible.

The problem is that you actually believe Barry created the problem to begin with, when in fact he had little to do with it. And between all the bickering and the nothing getting done in Washington, the economy is working through this on its own. Eventually it will get better no matter what Obama, the Dems, and the Republicans in Congress do.

Well obviously Obama's not responsible for the recession. It started - what? two years before he got elected?

Switching from "It's Obama's fault the economy sucks" to "It has nothing to do with Obama that the economy is getting better" is a good strategy, though.

It might take a few months to pull it off, so you'd better hurry.

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