Ebola Hero Paul Allen Pledges $100 million


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
To Get More Doctors to Africa, Paul Allen Pledges to Fly Sick Ones Home
By Justin Bachman October 24, 2014

To contain the spread of the Ebola virus, organizations working in West Africa need more medical professionals to join that effort. Yet, if those doctors and nurses get sick, many of them want to be flown back home for medical treatment, but medical evacuation isn’t easy or cheap—flights can cost $250,000 or more.

To tackle that problem, billionaire Paul Allen is funding the development and deployment of new containment units for medical evacuation use, “to get you back to your home country safely and quickly if you get infected,” he said on Thursday in a news release. The effort is aimed at persuading more doctors to help treat the thousands of people who have contracted the disease in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea.

Allen’s foundation has also set up an Ebola Medevac Fund to help cover the costs of an evacuation that a charitable organization’s insurance carrier does not. Most insurers don’t pay the entire $200,000 to $250,000 cost of a medical evacuation flight, says Dune Ives, senior director of Allen’s Vulcan Philanthropies in Seattle.

“What I really hope is that this gets medical care professionals more interested in going to West Africa,” Ives said on Thursday.

Where was our hero during the last 20 years of his billionaireship?

Yer kidding, right?
Is there some other 100 million he has sent for Ebola that we haven't heard about?

Where have you been?
Next time you crawl out from under your rock, flush the dirt out of your eyes. Paul Allen is one of the most philanthropic people on the planet.
Paul Allen has contributed a half billion dollars to brain research alone, and in 2011...

Paul Allen was most charitable living American in 2011

BY KIRO Radio Staff
February 8, 2012

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen is a giver, in fact, he was the most charitable living person in the U.S. last year.

Allen's donations totaling $372.6 million were beat out by only two others, but both of them are dead.

LOl typical deflection. In any case so no. Like all rich folks he did not throw his money towards Ebola because he it was something he belived in. He did it because it was feelgood buzzword disease of the day.
Somebody has to do it...

SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are giving $25 million to the CDC Foundation to help fight the Ebola epidemic.


In 2013, Zuckerberg and Chan set a record for charitable donations by giving Facebook shares worth nearly $1 billion to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

A year earlier, he and Chan gave the same number of shares, then worth about $500 million, to the foundation.

Once again the white man steps up to save the ass of the black man.

The white man is saving himself. Ebola was a distant curiosity until it hit home. Now while conservatives shit their pants and hide under their beds liberal groups and doctors will finish the vaccine and help stem the spread in Africa to save your lilly white ass DD.

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