ebola and jihad


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
I imagine that somewhere someone in the jihad world in the ME is busy on a plan to smuggle several vials of ebola for injection into willing jihadists here.

I wonder what plan is being designed to combat such a threat.
First they will just smooch and dispense with the whole viles of blood thing.

second, when it was ebola in the South I was like "Oh nooooo's!!!!" but now that it is confined to Blue Yankee City I am like, "eh, whatever"
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Ok, so no one has any idea. That's not a good thing.
I imagine that somewhere someone in the jihad world in the ME is busy on a plan to smuggle several vials of ebola for injection into willing jihadists here.

I wonder what plan is being designed to combat such a threat.

I made sure my deer rifle is dialed in for longer shots. I should probably clear out the neighbors obstructions (trees, fences, outbuildings, trees, etc), I want clear shots and don't want to give the infected little fuckers any cover. Does anybody have some spare claymores I can borrow? I promise only to use them once. ;)
If anyone doubted Jake was a Republican this thread should set your mind at rest. He's spreading fear just like a good GOPer loves to do.

Ravi, you libs love to tell us all the world's falling if you are not in power.

Take a hike. Putting in Yurt's signature is funny, though.

Let's be serious, because the OP is serious.
I imagine that somewhere someone in the jihad world in the ME is busy on a plan to smuggle several vials of ebola for injection into willing jihadists here.

I wonder what plan is being designed to combat such a threat.

Given Obama and Frieden's handing of the current outbreak, I'd say the Jihadist were wasting their fucking time. Short of Spraying Ebola from a crop-duster, Obama is doing all he can to insure an outbreak in the USA
Ravi, you libs love to tell us all the world's falling if you are not in power.

Take a hike. Putting in Yurt's signature is funny, though.

Let's be serious, because the OP is serious.
I wasn't putting in Yurt's signature. I was tagging him so he'd know that you really are a Republican.

No, kid, it is not absurd at all.

Sorry Jake, I really do think the idea is absurd. Number one, just from a standpoint of practicality, anyone who was going to pursue such a Doctor Doom comic book plot wouldn't bother trying to smuggle blood -- they'd intentionally infect a carrier and immediately send them over. Smuggling can be much more easily detected.

Then again though, the idea that a political group waging a war a gazillion miles away even cares about sending infections across the oceans, let alone that any of them would volunteer for a suicide mission where suicide is guaranteed but the mission is not -- because they still have to find a way to infect somebody -- reeeeeally stretches the limits of credulity.

I could see this idea being used as a Fox Noise fearmonger chyron. It's too silly to be applied anywhere else.
No, kid, it is not absurd at all.

Sorry Jake, I really do think the idea is absurd. Number one, just from a standpoint of practicality, anyone who was going to pursue such a Doctor Doom comic book plot wouldn't bother trying to smuggle blood -- they'd intentionally infect a carrier and immediately send them over. Smuggling can be much more easily detected.

Then again though, the idea that a political group waging a war a gazillion miles away even cares about sending infections across the oceans, let alone that any of them would volunteer for a suicide mission where suicide is guaranteed but the mission is not -- because they still have to find a way to infect somebody -- reeeeeally stretches the limits of credulity.

I could see this idea being used as a Fox Noise fearmonger chyron. It's too silly to be applied anywhere else.

Infecting a Trojan Horse is a better idea, yes.

Yep, the jihadists would never send an infected person(s) across the ocean anymore than they would try to fly airplanes into skyscrapers, right?

Infect somebody? Give them $$$ to go infect prostitutes who will end up in unprepared ERs.
No, kid, it is not absurd at all.

Sorry Jake, I really do think the idea is absurd. Number one, just from a standpoint of practicality, anyone who was going to pursue such a Doctor Doom comic book plot wouldn't bother trying to smuggle blood -- they'd intentionally infect a carrier and immediately send them over. Smuggling can be much more easily detected.

Then again though, the idea that a political group waging a war a gazillion miles away even cares about sending infections across the oceans, let alone that any of them would volunteer for a suicide mission where suicide is guaranteed but the mission is not -- because they still have to find a way to infect somebody -- reeeeeally stretches the limits of credulity.

I could see this idea being used as a Fox Noise fearmonger chyron. It's too silly to be applied anywhere else.

Infecting a Trojan Horse is a better idea, yes.

Yep, the jihadists would never send an infected person(s) across the ocean anymore than they would try to fly airplanes into skyscrapers, right?

Infect somebody? Give them $$$ to go infect prostitutes who will end up in unprepared ERs.

They're not "jihadists"; they're political fringe radicals. What they're interested in is power -- their own theater. Lex Luthor plots of flying infected mules across an ocean to a place that has nothing to do with any of that serve no purpose to that end.

With all due respect Pogo it's no crazier a plot than what happened on 9/11.

I've often thought that with all the "what if terror plots" that the President Bush and his advisors were presented with, the one scenario where everyone would go "get the fuck out of here" would be that 19 terrorists would board planes with tiny box cutters and hijack them and fly them into the WTC and the Pentagon.

I mean seriously I'd have been sitting in that meeting going "What were you smoking man? Hijackers with box cutters taking over commercial airliners? Are you freaking nuts?".

So I don't think we can rule out any wild and crazy case scenario. We have to remember we are dealing with madmen.
I imagine that somewhere someone in the jihad world in the ME is busy on a plan to smuggle several vials of ebola for injection into willing jihadists here.

I wonder what plan is being designed to combat such a threat.

I made sure my deer rifle is dialed in for longer shots. I should probably clear out the neighbors obstructions (trees, fences, outbuildings, trees, etc), I want clear shots and don't want to give the infected little fuckers any cover. Does anybody have some spare claymores I can borrow? I promise only to use them once. ;)

First case of Ebola in my area, and I am putting up EBOLA FREE FIRE ZONE signs around my place.

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