Earth to Dimwit Libberhoids...


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
Attention idiots...
The whole "Obama Impeachment" thing...

A scam

Created by DEMOCRAPS...

You idiots don't even realize you're being scammed by your own party.

Fucking morons....

Libs invented the whole birther thingy?

I would think that republicans who did not like him started all that guff?

Guess it was the Kenyan after all?

Corn-fused in B'more.
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Yup, just checked. Republicans actually tried to set the record straight or so it seems...

TPM DC The Republican Lawmakers Who Want To Impeach Obama

For much of his time in the White House, President Obama has faced threats of impeachment from Republicans on Capitol Hill. His transgressions? Everything from using executive orders for his own agenda to being an impediment to theirs. TPM compiled a list of some of the members of Congress -- all Republicans -- who have invoked the "I-word" during the Obama years.
Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)

Calling Benghazi "most egregious cover-up in American history," the Oklahoma Republican floated the suggestion last week. He predicted that impeachment may no longer be a taboo subject. "People may be starting to use the I-word before too long," Inhofe said.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)

Backing up Inhofe, Chaffetz said Monday that he won't take the possibility of impeachment off the table because he didn't know what other details related to Benghazi will emerge. "It's certainly a possibility," Chaffetz said, as quoted by the Salt Lake Tribune.

Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX)

As the White House readied its gun control proposal in January, Obama said he would implement some of his ideas through executive action. That mere suggestion was enough for Stockman to issue a statement threatening to thwart the White House's efforts "by any means necessary" -- including impeachment.

Rep. Trey Radel (R-FL)

The freshman Florida Republican indicated he was receptive to Stockman's idea, saying in January that "all options should be on the table" as the White House sought gun control measures. Congress, Radel said, "needs to hold the President accountable for the decisions that he's making right now."

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)

Arguably the least surprising inclusion on this list, Gohmert in January blasted Obama, saying the president had "already abused the law enough times that it's just been staggering." Gohmert told Newsmax that using an executive order to implement gun laws would be sufficient grounds to impeach Obama. "It's not a president who steps up and says: 'You know what? Previous Congresses have passed the law -- and it's been signed into law, and I disagree with it, so I'm just going to create new law -- and as I speak, so shall it be,'" Gohmert said.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN)

It may come as a surprise to some that, when she was asked in 2010 if Obama should be impeached for failure to secure the border, the doyenne of the tea party stopped short of a full-throated endorsement. "Whether or not this is an impeachable offense is one that the Congress would have to make a determination on," Bachmann said at the time.

But by 2011, Bachmann was in the throes of a Republican presidential campaign and ready to make a "determination" on impeachment. Asked by a voter in Iowa if she would "impeach him and get him out of the way," Bachmann said repeatedly that she agreed.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)

In the summer of 2011, when he was still a member of the House of Representatives, now-Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) told a tea party group that Obama risked impeachment if he eschewed congressional approval to raise the debt limit. "This president is looking to usurp congressional oversight to find a way to get it done without us," Scott said. "My position is that is an impeachable act from my perspective."

Rep. Steve King (R-IA)

About the same time as Scott's remarks, King took to Twitter to declare that discussion of defaulting on the nation's debt was pretty much a waste of time. Such a scenario would obviously lead to Obama's impeachment, he said. End of story.

The Republican Lawmakers Who Want To Impeach Obama

^^^ warrior called it!

Nice job.
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Attention idiots...
The whole "Obama Impeachment" thing...

A scam

Created by DEMOCRAPS...

You idiots don't even realize you're being scammed by your own party.

Fucking morons....


So .... ???

Impeachment appears to be backfiring already so now they are trying to shift the blame onto the Dems in the hope that they can avoid the political fallout in November!
Impeachment appears to be backfiring already so now they are trying to shift the blame onto the Dems in the hope that they can avoid the political fallout in November!

Not hardly.
It seems to be backfiring on the dimwit Democraps who created the scam.
Impeachment appears to be backfiring already so now they are trying to shift the blame onto the Dems in the hope that they can avoid the political fallout in November!

Not hardly.
It seems to be backfiring on the dimwit Democraps who created the scam.

OK, fine.

So, WHO created it??? And was creating it the only vehicle used to propagate it?
Allow me to help:

During the Democratic Party's 2008 presidential primaries, anonymous e-mails from supporters of Hillary Clinton surfaced that questioned Obama's citizenship in an attempt to revive Clinton's faltering primary election campaign. These and numerous other chain e-mails during the subsequent presidential election circulated false rumors about Obama's origin, religion and birth certificate
Now, are these the only people we can blame for wasting years of our lives debating this pile of horse-crap that Republicans KNEW was fake and tried to WARN US about?
Impeachment appears to be backfiring already so now they are trying to shift the blame onto the Dems in the hope that they can avoid the political fallout in November!

Not hardly.
It seems to be backfiring on the dimwit Democraps who created the scam.

You're the only dimwit I see here. Michelle Bachmann has bee calling for impeachment for years. How about researching the facts instead of just taking as gospel what your favorite talking head has to say?
No, Warrior is correct, do a bit of research yourself; this all started during the Hillary campaign.

Liberals concocted this crap and Republicans seized upon it.
No, Warrior is correct, do a bit of research yourself; this all started during the Hillary campaign.

Liberals concocted this crap and Republicans seized upon it.

6 years later the Republicans suddenly figured out that they could "impeach Obama" because he was "born in Kenya"? :eusa_whistle:
The truth is, Republicans don't like black people. So they figure if they do everything they can to bring down the first black president, blacks won't sully the GOP by joining. This way, white Republicans, which are 90% of the party, will never have to deal with blacks again except as CNN camera women they can throw peanuts at and say, "This is how we feed the animals".
You're the only dimwit I see here. Michelle Bachmann has bee calling for impeachment for years. How about researching the facts instead of just taking as gospel what your favorite talking head has to say?

What does Michelle Bachmann - 10 years ago - have to do with this, dingbat?
It's July, 2014. Get with the fucking program. Quit blaming Bush. Pull your head out of your ass. Rinse and fucking repeat, dimwit.
The truth is, Republicans don't like black people.

Really? Source? Report? Study to support that claim?

Of course not.

You're a knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, inbred race bater. Just like the rest of your Libberhoid pals.
The truth is, Republicans don't like black people. So they figure if they do everything they can to bring down the first black president, blacks won't sully the GOP by joining. This way, white Republicans, which are 90% of the party, will never have to deal with blacks again except as CNN camera women they can throw peanuts at and say, "This is how we feed the animals".

Except that they want Ben Carson to run for President.:lol:
The truth is, Republicans don't like black people.

Really? Source? Report? Study to support that claim?

Of course not.

You're a knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, inbred race bater. Just like the rest of your Libberhoid pals.

Throw peanuts and saying, "This is how we feed the animals". Doesn't sound like liberals. Oh wait, that was from GOP

You don't think the endless "blacks are inferior" threads at the USMB are Democrats do you? Not really. Even you can't be that dense.
Attention idiots...
The whole "Obama Impeachment" thing...

A scam

Created by DEMOCRAPS...

You idiots don't even realize you're being scammed by your own party.

Fucking morons....


Not created by Democrats, but definitely used by Democrats to support their cause. Many Republicans have called for Obama's impeachment, mostly stupid batshit crazy right wing Tea Party types. But, you already knew that. And yes, Obama would love it if Republicans tried to impeach him, because it would just do more harm to Republicans. That is why Dems are pushing this, but they definitely did not start this. Believing they did just makes you cuckoo.

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