E Jean Carroll verdict is in.

It sure was. 100%. As anyone can see. You misinterpreted and changed someone's words and attributed it back to them. Strawman.
WTH…I changed nothing lol. Synth was the one who used the words, I called them out on it and I was 100% right. I’ve made posts in this in the last. You lefty’s are notorious for using homosexual slurs as attacks. It repeats over and over.
Not when you refuse to recognize the answers that have been given over and over in this thread.

You all haven’t given any answers. The only answer I’ve seen is “trump defamed her”…but not a one you had said specifically what it was he said that was defamatory.
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just for speaking......what ever happened to the first amendment?? suspended for Trump and his supporters?? Don't think that isn't going to catch up to democrats..meaning you bud cause you're not wealthy enough to buy YOUR 'justice'. The woman is a liar...if you knew her history...which you probably do, you'd know she is crazy as a loon and a liar... but...because it gives you but little satisfaction in your hatred of President Trump...you're fine with it. what goes 'round they say, comes 'round.

Les Moonves had six women accuse him of sexual assault or misconduct. Its certainly plausible that E jean carroll is one of those six. And assaulted by other men over the years.
No, that's not the translation. You have heard every negative word trump said about that lady. No doubt you have agreed with him. So nobody has to show you SHIT!

But here's an example since you want one.

Don't ask anymore.. I'm sure you watched this and laughed along as trump defamed Carroll. This is why he's paying 83 million.

Ok, first off, thank you, you’re the first one that has responded with some kind of statement of what he said.

Now, calling her a whack job is not defamation…it’s rude and childish but it’s not defamation. She accused him, he claims he doesn’t know her and called her a whack job.

Defamation is what SHE did, accusing him of something that she couldn’t prove.

At the end of the day, SHE set HERSELF up for this, by dragging this out in public and not being able to bring evidence.

And no, I’m not laughing, I think this whole thing is a travesty, for trump and for our legal system, and for the American people. All this is going to do is further divide the people.
Based on what evidence…that’s what I’m getting at.

It’s not my case, not my responsibility. Don’t move the goal post. This is wrong, you know it. If this happened to Biden, you’d be saying the same things I’m saying.

The 91 charges have nothing to do with this case.

In this case, I do not believe law and order are being applied. I believe campaign interference is happening.
If Biden had sat on a bus bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, he would never have have got my vote for president. And don't try those right wing accusations about him.
What’s truly disturbing – but not surprising – is the right’s pathetic, desperate efforts to defend Trump with deflections and lies when the facts and truth clearly prove Trump raped and defamed Ms. Carroll.

What…facts?? Please, show me the facts…that’s what I’ve been asking for all the time.

Apparently you have proof that trump raped her…so show it. Show what proof there is, because apparently, the court case didn’t bring any evidence. What, a photo in 1987, and she told her friends it happened, and the access Hollywood tape? None of that is evidence that he committed rape.

Heck, if there is evidence he actually raped her, then this would be a very different conversation.
If Biden had sat on a bus bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, he would never have have got my vote for president. And don't try those right wing accusations about him.

Ok, I can see someone being turned away by that, hell, I agree with you, that’s not what we need in a president, but that is not an indication that he raped someone.


If Biden had sat on a bus bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, he would never have have got my vote for president.

Really? I’d challenge you on that…if the contest were a Biden pussy grabber vs a trump pussy grabber, you’d vote for Biden to keep trump out of the White House…am I right?
Ok, first off, thank you, you’re the first one that has responded with some kind of statement of what he said.

Now, calling her a whack job is not defamation…it’s rude and childish but it’s not defamation. She accused him, he claims he doesn’t know her and called her a whack job.

Defamation is what SHE did, accusing him of something that she couldn’t prove.

At the end of the day, SHE set HERSELF up for this, by dragging this out in public and not being able to bring evidence.

And no, I’m not laughing, I think this whole thing is a travesty, for trump and for our legal system, and for the American people. All this is going to do is further divide the people.
She apparently proved it. And trump did defame her. You saw everything you that happened yet you ask people to show your ass proof. I did o to shut you up because of I'm tired of you aholes always asking everybody to show you mfs evidence. You rags have spent the last 3 years telling us how an election was stolen and not one damn one of you wack jobs has produced eviidence the first.

Trump defamed this woman after he raped her. She prooved it in court.. And that's just the way it is. Acccept it and be glad you weren't sitting in trumps place waiting for him to help you.
What…facts?? Please, show me the facts…that’s what I’ve been asking for all the time.

Apparently you have proof that trump raped her…so show it. Show what proof there is, because apparently, the court case didn’t bring any evidence. What, a photo in 1987, and she told her friends it happened, and the access Hollywood tape? None of that is evidence that he committed rape.

Heck, if there is evidence he actually raped her, then this would be a very different conversation.
You've been shown facts.. Stop asking.
Ok, I can see someone being turned away by that, hell, I agree with you, that’s not what we need in a president, but that is not an indication that he raped someone.


Really? I’d challenge you on that…if the contest were a Biden pussy grabber vs a trump pussy grabber, you’d vote for Biden to keep trump out of the White House…am I right?
Biden hasn't grabbed any pussy, and trump has. Trump has been accused of rape by at least 20 women. The man is a scumbag.
Based on what evidence…that’s what I’m getting at.

It’s not my case, not my responsibility. Don’t move the goal post. This is wrong, you know it. If this happened to Biden, you’d be saying the same things I’m saying.

The 91 charges have nothing to do with this case.

In this case, I do not believe law and order are being applied. I believe campaign interference is happening.
You are free to believe anythig you want. You're wrong, but that never stopped you before.
LOL a WaPo opinion piece behind a paywall.

The jury found Carroll did not prove she was raped.
the jury found that at the time of the sexual abuse decades ago, forcefully fingering a woman or man, or using a broomstick, or coke bottle etc, was not under New York law, considered rape.

under New York Law today, any forceful penetration of any object or finger, in to a woman's vagina, is considered rape. The jury could only apply the Laws on the books applicable at the time of the offence, thus only the sexual assault charge and not rape, at the time, but under today's law it would be RAPE.
the jury found that at the time of the sexual abuse decades ago, forcefully fingering a woman or man, or using a broomstick, or coke bottle etc, was not under New York law, considered rape.

under New York Law today, any forceful penetration of any object or finger, in to a woman's vagina, is considered rape. The jury could only apply the Laws on the books applicable at the time of the offence, thus only the sexual assault charge and not rape, at the time, but under today's law it would be RAPE.

Too bad it never happened, huh?
The only evidence of rape she presented was her testimony, her word. They didn't believe her (nice way of saying they found she was lying). Simple as that.
Of course by the same token the jury didn't believe the LOTUS' denials lies and found he'd committed sexual assault.
This was a Civil trial, not a criminal charge in a criminal trial for guilt or innocence, which in a criminal trial, proof, beyond a reasonable doubt of guilt is required to be found guilty and locked up.

In a Civil trial, the plaintiff has to prove the defendant is likely responsible for the damage done. E Jean Carroll proved that in court....according to the jury.
You really are a sea lion, aren't you?
Not that I’m aware of. Just trying to get some answers and nobody can provide them.
So you keep clapping for fish even after they're tossed straight to you. Right.

What…facts?? Please, show me the facts…that’s what I’ve been asking for all the time.

Apparently you have proof that trump raped her…so show it. Show what proof there is, because apparently, the court case didn’t bring any evidence. What, a photo in 1987, and she told her friends it happened, and the access Hollywood tape? None of that is evidence that he committed rape.

Heck, if there is evidence he actually raped her, then this would be a very different conversation.
Perhaps you should go find transcripts of the court case. All those things were proven in court.

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