Dyson: Winsome Sears Is a ‘Black Mouth Moving,’ Justifying GOP’s ‘White Supremacist Legacy’

Republicans nationwide will ban all history? Like what kind of history?

Like the history of the Democrat Party's racism? Like when they had slaves, started a Civil War, founded the Klan, passed Jim Crow laws, and voted against the Civil Rights Act? History like Bill Clinton and Joe Biden memorializing a former Klan member, Robert Byrd? Why would we ban that?

That's what Democrats do.
Ouch! that's gotta sting!
Yes, Karen, we've established that you find racism everywhere.

Damm but these libs are nasty and condescending!

And OMG…..the irony. It‘s liberals moaning on and on about systemic racism. Blacks are all oppressed victims! Math is racist! Advanced classes are racist! The Gifted program is racist!

What is really telling is that libs see racism EVERYWHERE, but if a Jew girl dares mention antisemitism, out comes the nasty snark about victim card and seeing racism everywhere.


Blacks: Oh you are so victimized that it’s systemic.

Jews: Eh. Jews see prejudice every where.

(And note: a Jew is much more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.)
bripat9643 you be sure to tell that to healthmyths he ran a thread on how the blacks all have low IQ's...I understand what they guy is saying about the new Lt. Gov. yet I see it from the right and left.
Just a note, Dyson is a black man and you can't be racist against your own race.
Posts on USMB are marked on the curve. We can throw out ones on the edge.
Actually you can be racist against your own race.

However in this case a person (black or otherwise) stating that someone is being used by white supremacists is not a racist statement. I don't know much about the person in question so I'm not promoting what was said just pointing out that the statement made doesn't appear to be racist.
It is when the only reason she's saying that it that the person is black.
Racism is when you think one race is superior to another. This ain't it.

That's what she believes, obviously. She believes that all whites are racist.
It is when the only reason she's saying that it that the person is black.

That's what she believes, obviously. She believes that all whites are racist.
Yes, she believes that because that is a key tenet of CRT. We have got to push back against the racism against whites that the leftists are pushing.

And their comeback is getting so old. Any white who objects to the idea that whites are all racist is called a racist herself, and for added measure….told “I bet you don’t think slavery was so bad.”

These leftists are getting more nauseating by the day. And to think I was once a Democrat. Never again, that’s for sure.
Damm but these libs are nasty and condescending!

And OMG…..the irony. It‘s liberals moaning on and on about systemic racism. Blacks are all oppressed victims! Math is racist! Advanced classes are racist! The Gifted program is racist!

What is really telling is that libs see racism EVERYWHERE, but if a Jew girl dares mention antisemitism, out comes the nasty snark about victim card and seeing racism everywhere.


Blacks: Oh you are so victimized that it’s systemic.

Jews: Eh. Jews see prejudice every where.

(And note: a Jew is much more likely to be the victim of a hate crime than a black.)
Am I wrong? Did you not find racism without any real proof, Karen? Let alone blame is on CRT for which nobody in that restaurant had any dealings with the subject matter while in their K-12 education.
The flatout racism of those prog hypocrites it beyond belief.
Vanderbilt University professor Michael Eric Dyson said Thursday on MSNBCs “The ReidOut” that Republican Winsome Sears, who was elected lieutenant governor on Tuesday in Virginia, is a “black mouth moving” that is “speaking on behalf of a white supremacist legacy” of the GOP.
Host Joy Reid said, “What Republicans are now doing is they basically demand credit any time any of them ever voted for anybody black or if there’s a black guy on the Supreme Court that’s conservative. Any black conservative is supposedly or the black president having ever been elected, right? The fact that he was elected, period, means there’s no racism.”
...Michael Eric Dyson

Wasn't he the black scientist from Terminator 2?
Fox News had Dyson one quite a bit a few years ago, the guy is a total loon. He talks over everybody with rehearsed anti-white racist rhetoric. He reminds me of Farrakhan.
The flatout racism of those prog hypocrites it beyond belief.
Vanderbilt University professor Michael Eric Dyson said Thursday on MSNBCs “The ReidOut” that Republican Winsome Sears, who was elected lieutenant governor on Tuesday in Virginia, is a “black mouth moving” that is “speaking on behalf of a white supremacist legacy” of the GOP.
Host Joy Reid said, “What Republicans are now doing is they basically demand credit any time any of them ever voted for anybody black or if there’s a black guy on the Supreme Court that’s conservative. Any black conservative is supposedly or the black president having ever been elected, right? The fact that he was elected, period, means there’s no racism.”
Jezuz Baby Krist, still the biggest fucking Idiot on USMB.

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