Dutch Farmers: Canaries in the Globalist Coal Mine | Michael Yon & Eva Vlaardingerbroek

A farmers' party has stunned Dutch politics, and is set to be the biggest party in the upper house of parliament after provincial elections.
The Farmer-citizen movement (BBB) was only set up in 2019 in the wake of widespread farmers' protests.
But with most votes counted they are due to win 15 of the Senate's seats with almost 20% of the vote.
"This isn't normal, but actually it is! It's all normal citizens who voted," said leader Caroline van der Plas.
The BBB aims to fight government plans to slash nitrogen emissions harmful to biodiversity by dramatically reducing livestock numbers and buying out thousands of farms.
But its appeal has spread rapidly beyond its rural heartland, on a populist platform that represents traditional, conservative Dutch social and moral values.

I mean no disrespect to the farmers of Holland. It cannot be easy to hear that your government wants to basically end your way of life for an emergency that doesn't appear to be obvious or obviously connected to your line of work.

But this is also why I think humanity is fucked. Our global economic system and our political order is dependent on growth of consumption. We're about to hit a wall and we don't really have an eject button.

I mean no disrespect to the farmers of Holland. It cannot be easy to hear that your government wants to basically end your way of life for an emergency that doesn't appear to be obvious or obviously connected to your line of work.

But this is also why I think humanity is fucked. Our global economic system and our political order is dependent on growth of consumption. We're about to hit a wall and we don't really have an eject button.

It's a fake emergency, creating self imposed shortages. Well more like imposed on the proles while the chattering class continues with their jets, parties, and gas stoves.
The Climate Change Cult is going to cause a manmade famine.

I mean no disrespect to the farmers of Holland. It cannot be easy to hear that your government wants to basically end your way of life for an emergency that doesn't appear to be obvious or obviously connected to your line of work.

But this is also why I think humanity is fucked. Our global economic system and our political order is dependent on growth of consumption. We're about to hit a wall and we don't really have an eject button.

No....there is no wall...population is declining....

What we have is a dedicated group of leftists who feel the world is over populated and that people need to be controlled...by them. The way you do this is by controlling access to food, energy and medicine...control those, and you control the population......
What we have is a dedicated group of leftists who feel the world is over populated

It pretty much is, though.

and that people need to be controlled...by them.

Hypothetically, it would be great if we could control human behavior to mitigate ecological impact. But people will inevitably resist, as they have here, so as a practical matter, it's not feasible. So I guess we'll just have to accept that the collapse of civilizations is inevitable...because it is.
It's a very real emergency, but to address the emergency requires radical change which most people - including many on the left - are not truly prepared to make.

Man made global warming/climate change is a fake ........ a lie exploited by the left to gain money, power and control......the climate changes all on its own, without the need for people......but they are going to use it to their advantage and useful idiots only help them.
Man made global warming/climate change is a fake ........

It's absolutely not fake. You can think what you want...science and the atmosphere doesn't give a shit one way or the other.

a lie exploited by the left to gain money, power and control......

And denial is grifting on a much grander scale, so there's that.

the climate changes all on its own, without the need for people......

Sure it changes on its own, but people also mitigate or amplify that change.

Forest fires happen on their own, too, but humans also cause forest fires and make them worse. Floods happen on their own but levees can actually make them worse in some cases. Haze and smog can be natural. It can also be manmade. And smog is caused by the same pollutants and gases that cause heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere.

Denying man-made climate change is fucking stupid. People impact nature. That is a fact. It should not be controversial.
It pretty much is, though.

Hypothetically, it would be great if we could control human behavior to mitigate ecological impact. But people will inevitably resist, as they have here, so as a practical matter, it's not feasible. So I guess we'll just have to accept that the collapse of civilizations is inevitable...because it is.

No, it isn't. If we do nothing the population is going to drop to around 6 billion, and stay there.

Barring catastrophe which would obviously drop it a lot more.

And yes, the ridiculous claims made about global warming are a lie.

You need to read up on the subject a lot more, and from sources that aren't paid to support it.
No, it isn't. If we do nothing the population is going to drop to around 6 billion, and stay there.

Nah, we're fucked. We ideally need to bring it down to around 1 billion or so, assuming we can retain modern industrial and digital technology and make advancements in clean consumption of energy.

Barring catastrophe which would obviously drop it a lot more.

If we can collapse without a nuclear war, that would be ideal. If world powers were to slug it out, bioweapons would be the best way to do it. Nukes would render agriculture difficult in many places for hundreds or even thousands of years on.
Nah, we're fucked. We ideally need to bring it down to around 1 billion or so, assuming we can retain modern industrial and digital technology and make advancements in clean consumption of energy.

If we can collapse without a nuclear war, that would be ideal. If world powers were to slug it out, bioweapons would be the best way to do it. Nukes would render agriculture difficult in many places for hundreds or even thousands of years on.

One billion? How did you arrive at that number?

You can fit every human being on the planet into the State of Rhode Island.

I think you need to get out more.
One billion? How did you arrive at that number?

You can fit every human being on the planet into the State of Rhode Island.

Sure you can, but you wouldn't want to obviously. Resource demands are too great as they are. If we were to give up our cars, our indoor heating/cooling, our internet, and things that make modern civilization, and lived like hunter gatherers, perhaps it's possible to stop outstripping our ecological carrying capacity, but that's obviously not feasible. We have 8 billion people and counting because our technological advances enable us to carry this many people.

But humans are not exceptional creatures. All species and forms of life that outstrip the carrying capacity of its environment will face a population crashing event.
Sure you can, but you wouldn't want to obviously. Resource demands are too great as they are. If we were to give up our cars, our indoor heating/cooling, our internet, and things that make modern civilization, and lived like hunter gatherers, perhaps it's possible to stop outstripping our ecological carrying capacity, but that's obviously not feasible. We have 8 billion people and counting because our technological advances enable us to carry this many people.

But humans are not exceptional creatures. All species and forms of life that outstrip the carrying capacity of its environment will face a population crashing event.

No, they aren't. Good, if you think humans are so worthless, YOU do the right thing and kill yourself.

But no, you always want the other people to die.

You worthless hypocrite.
No, they aren't. Good, if you think humans are so worthless,

That's not what I wrote.

YOU do the right thing and kill yourself.

Dramatic much?

But no, you always want the other people to die.

I didn't say I wanted anyone to die; you're just going batshit now. Get a hold of yourself.

I'm saying - trying to say - that modern civilization has committed ecological destruction on a grand scale, and that is going to start having consequences we won't be prepared to handle.

When climate-induced collapse happens, we probably won't necessarily recognize it as climate collapse.

Rather, it will present itself as extreme weather events (extreme heat/cold/flooding, crop failures, water shortages).

And then it will turn into inflation - permanently food and water loss = too many dollars/dinars/euros/RMB chasing too few goods. Inflation will lead to more people doing stupid things with their money, which will compound inflation with financial crisis.

And then, it will turn into conflict. Intra-national conflict (civil war) and international conflict (global war) as people compete with each other in extreme scarcity.

That is our future. It'll probably be here sooner than we imagine.

I accept that this is our fate. I know the final 5-20 years of my life are about to turn to shit. I'm trying to enjoy what I can, for as long as I can.
No, it isn't. It just an excuse for more control.

Europe had probably its hottest winter on record, preceded by the worst drought it experienced in 500 years. Much of Europe is also facing a dire fresh water crisis, which includes groundwater. How the fuck are you going to farm without water?
Europe had probably its hottest winter on record, preceded by the worst drought it experienced in 500 years. Much of Europe is also facing a dire fresh water crisis, which includes groundwater. How the fuck are you going to farm without water?

Correlation isn't causation.
Correlation isn't causation.

If you think I was only referring to the problem of global warming, I wasn't, although the science clearly supports the idea of climate extremes occurring with increased frequency.

Beyond climate change, there is the problem of resource misuse. Livestock is far more resource intensive than other types of farming. Other farmers waste too (almond farmers pissing away water, for instance), and that needs to be addressed. But livestock farming at current levels is unsustainable.

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