Durham Holding Grand Jury, “Several” Obama Officials To Be Indicted


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

According to inside sources, the reason for the delay of the IG report on Spy-gate is that Durham is already conducting grand jury hearings and several Obama officials are set to be indicted.

They say, “It’s going to be worse than you can imagine.”

And the screaming and screeching from the Dims will be deafening.

Wanna bet Schiff or someone else on his committee charges the President with pushing Barr to have Durham go after senior Obozo officials? And introduce legislation to try to quash the grand jury activities?

Don’t get ahead of yourselves. This will come soon enough and you can bet the LSM is going to be stuck between a crack and a hard place of what to report.

More @ Breaking: Grand Jury Already Acting, “Several Obama DOJ Officials Will Be Indicted”

According to inside sources, the reason for the delay of the IG report on Spy-gate is that Durham is already conducting grand jury hearings and several Obama officials are set to be indicted.

They say, “It’s going to be worse than you can imagine.”

And the screaming and screeching from the Dims will be deafening.

Wanna bet Schiff or someone else on his committee charges the President with pushing Barr to have Durham go after senior Obozo officials? And introduce legislation to try to quash the grand jury activities?

Don’t get ahead of yourselves. This will come soon enough and you can bet the LSM is going to be stuck between a crack and a hard place of what to report.

More @ Breaking: Grand Jury Already Acting, “Several Obama DOJ Officials Will Be Indicted”

If true it will be welcome, but I won't hold my breath.

According to inside sources, the reason for the delay of the IG report on Spy-gate is that Durham is already conducting grand jury hearings and several Obama officials are set to be indicted.

They say, “It’s going to be worse than you can imagine.”

And the screaming and screeching from the Dims will be deafening.

Wanna bet Schiff or someone else on his committee charges the President with pushing Barr to have Durham go after senior Obozo officials? And introduce legislation to try to quash the grand jury activities?

Don’t get ahead of yourselves. This will come soon enough and you can bet the LSM is going to be stuck between a crack and a hard place of what to report.

More @ Breaking: Grand Jury Already Acting, “Several Obama DOJ Officials Will Be Indicted”

If true it will be welcome, but I won't hold my breath.

LoL!! Okay - So say "inside sources" at ConservativeDailyPost.

Don't get too excited. Gonna be a real letdown when none of those things happen.

:hyper: :lmao: :lol:


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  • Overall, we rate Conservative Daily Post Questionable due to extreme right wing bias and the publication of fake news.
When democrats start getting arrested, the MSM will be telling the masses to get ugly kinda violent...and the masses will!

Can you imagine what will happen when don lemon reports that jarret or lynch was arrested because she's BLACK?

Dems will go scorched earth.

Be ready for it! Stay safe!
What are these two ball sacks prattling on about? We all know ain't shit gonna come from any of this.
Merely plebeian theater.
"Okay, the first one of you who turns state's evidence gets off, but the rest of you are fucked." Gonna be some dealing going on, and pretty soon too.

"More than a year later, US Attorney Durham is leading a criminal investigation, and is in a position to get indictments from a grand jury and begin negotiating plea bargains with officials in a position to implicate higher-ups in crimes. I have no idea whether or not Lisa Page has begun testifying or has been offered a deal, but she would be high on my list of people to try to flip if I were on Durham’s team."

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When democrats start getting arrested, the MSM will be telling the masses to get ugly kinda violent...and the masses will!

Can you imagine what will happen when don lemon reports that jarret or lynch was arrested because she's BLACK?

Dems will go scorched earth.

Be ready for it! Stay safe!
Making America Great Again will not be a campaign slogan at that time it will be a way of life lol

According to inside sources, the reason for the delay of the IG report on Spy-gate is that Durham is already conducting grand jury hearings and several Obama officials are set to be indicted.

They say, “It’s going to be worse than you can imagine.”

And the screaming and screeching from the Dims will be deafening.

Wanna bet Schiff or someone else on his committee charges the President with pushing Barr to have Durham go after senior Obozo officials? And introduce legislation to try to quash the grand jury activities?

Don’t get ahead of yourselves. This will come soon enough and you can bet the LSM is going to be stuck between a crack and a hard place of what to report.

More @ Breaking: Grand Jury Already Acting, “Several Obama DOJ Officials Will Be Indicted”

If true it will be welcome, but I won't hold my breath.

Yup. We've been let down a lot by folks that were supposed to get to the bottom of something. Or asked another way, has Trey Gowdy ever accomplished squat?

BOMBSHELL: US Atty. John Durham Is investigating if Obama Admin Hid or Manipulated Evidence of Russian Meddling.

Narrators Voice: They Did:


Fake News New York Times Friday morning, U.S. Attorney John Durham has been investigating whether Obama administration officials hid or manipulated intelligence about Russia's meddling.

The Fake News NYT tries to spin the story as a partisan fishing expedition, not a legitimate investigation of Obama-era corruption. "Trump administration officials investigating the government’s response to Russia’s election interference in 2016 appear to be hunting for a basis to accuse Obama-era intelligence officials of hiding evidence or manipulating analysis about Moscow’s covert operation, according to people familiar with aspects of the inquiry."

Mr. Durham appears to be pursuing a theory that the C.I.A., under its former director John O. Brennan, had a preconceived notion about Russia or was trying to get to a particular result — and was nefariously trying to keep other agencies from seeing the full picture lest they interfere with that goal, the people said.​

The Fake News NYT then not-so-subtlely suggests that Trump is simply using the Justice Department to "go after his enemies," but there are legitimate questions about what the Obama administration did (and didn't) do when it was made clear that Russia was attempting to meddle in our elections.

It's been previously reported than Barack Obama and his administration, was not only aware that Russia was trying to interfere, but actually prevented any sort of response to it.

According to the Washington Post, Barack Obama was first alerted by John Brennan about Russia's efforts in early August of 2016. However, despite the alarm given, Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice literally gave a “stand-down” order to Obama’s cybersecurity czar, rather than respond with full force. This was first revealed in the book, Russian Roulette, by left-wing authors Michael Isikoff and David Corn. What was Obama trying to hide?

It seems like John Durham is trying to answer that question, and the New York Times is afraid of what the answer is.

NARRRATOR"S VOICE: When Obama expected a Crooked Hillary landslide, he downplayed Russian interference in order to avoid tainting Crooked Hillary's "victory". When Trump won, Obama and Crooked Hillary attempted to use Russian Interference to taint Trump's victory. In truth the massive interference in the election was committed by the Crooked Hillary, the DNC, Steele Dossier and our corrupt intelligence agencies that illegally spied on the campaign, transition and Administration.

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