Dumbest Juries in US History


May 23, 2014
With the Ferguson Grand Jury decision pending, I thought a look back at the dumbest juries in U.S. history would be timely:
#1:) The O.J. Simpson jury. These bunch of boobs would not have convicted O.J. if they had film of him doing it. Also that fact that Marcia Clark and Chris Darden were banging each other instead of focused on the case probably did not help. The imbecile Judge Ito was the cherry on the top of this pile of crap that consumed everyone's attention for nearly a whole year.
#2.) Lizzie Borden jury. Really? She was home alone, no signs of struggle by victims and she burned the dress she wore that day. Was the jury drunk?
#3.) U.S. Senate acquits Bill Clinton. Did this case need to go to impeachment? Nope. but after it did the preponderance of the evidence showed that Clinton lied under oath and obstructed justice by trying to hush up Monica. Impeachment showed that Clinton, NOT Obama was our first Black President. Lived in public housing, smoked pot, played saxophone and liked fat White women.
#4.) Casey Anthony jury. This miserable whore killed her own daughter because she wanted to go out and party to be an even bigger whore...and these bone heads let her off.
Was in an airport with an associate watching CNN when the news broke the jury selection process was complete for the OJ trial. Next up was the racial breakdown of it. After which I said to my travelling companion the outcome would either be a hung jury or a verdict of aquittal. Whereupon my companion launched into a speech about how juries generally make the right decisions yada, yada, yada. I countered a predominantly black jury wasn't going to send the Juice to jail. So we did what guys do, we made a bet.

And the s.o.b. never did pay up.
So Det. Mark Furman didn't plant evidence against O.J.? Oh well, I'm sure he cleared that all up when he testified. Oh wait, he didn't. He plead the 5th!
With the Ferguson Grand Jury decision pending, I thought a look back at the dumbest juries in U.S. history would be timely:
#1:) The O.J. Simpson jury. These bunch of boobs would not have convicted O.J. if they had film of him doing it. Also that fact that Marcia Clark and Chris Darden were banging each other instead of focused on the case probably did not help. The imbecile Judge Ito was the cherry on the top of this pile of crap that consumed everyone's attention for nearly a whole year.
#2.) Lizzie Borden jury. Really? She was home alone, no signs of struggle by victims and she burned the dress she wore that day. Was the jury drunk?
#3.) U.S. Senate acquits Bill Clinton. Did this case need to go to impeachment? Nope. but after it did the preponderance of the evidence showed that Clinton lied under oath and obstructed justice by trying to hush up Monica. Impeachment showed that Clinton, NOT Obama was our first Black President. Lived in public housing, smoked pot, played saxophone and liked fat White women.
#4.) Casey Anthony jury. This miserable whore killed her own daughter because she wanted to go out and party to be an even bigger whore...and these bone heads let her off.
The Menendez brothers trial.
One of the jurors was interviewed and when asked about the testimony of Eric Menendez when he admitted shooting his parents her response was "he didn't know what he was talking about:"...
Of course the brothers were retried because there was a mistrial, They were found guilty.
The common refrain is juries are made up of 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty.
This is especially prevalent in California.
Everyone seems to be overlooking the power of a high-paid lawyer or law firm. Whoever has the most money wins.

Voir dire dictates who sits on a jury and in high profile cases, this is the most important part of a trial because might over right wins in picking one.

In a situation like Casey Anthony's, trial lawyers fight over those because of the national attention and free publicity they will get. I can almost name Casey Anthony's attorney without googling it. It's a Spanish name.

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