Cosby and Clinton Should Cut a PSA ....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
A man of great wit, and political satire acumen wrote this.... Hilarity and factualness at its finest!

RUSH: And of course, ladies and gentlemen, the women just keep coming forward. The hits just keep on coming with Bill Cosby. And, you know, somewhere Bill Clinton has to be chuckling because back in his day these would just be called "bimbo eruptions," and Hillary or somebody would deal with.
I was thinking, you know, have you seen the PSA with all the players, NFL players telling us "no more," there's not going to be any more sexual abuse? No more. We're gonna shut it down. How about Cosby and Clinton cut a PSA like that? Isn't it about time? Well, you know, "No more 'Guys will be guys.' No more 'Bills will be Bills,' as an excuse. No more 'Bills will be Bills.'" No longer will fame and power be excused, and no longer is being a Democrat an excuse. That's what it ought to say.
One had consensual sex and the other is accused of rape.

Or, put another way, to RWs, that's exactly the same thing.

Certainly explains why RWs are so quick to condemn rape victims but also makes one wonder what they consider to be "consensual" in their own lives.

It also explains why they agree with slime like Rush Limbaugh Todd Aiken about what constitutes rape.
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One had consensual sex and the other is accused of rape.

Or, put another way, to RWs, that's exactly the same thing.

Certainly explains why RWs are so quick to condemn rape victims but also makes one wonder what they consider to be "consensual" in their own lives.

It also explains why they agree with slime like Rush Limbaugh Todd Aiken about what constitutes rape.

Oh, Muttley, did your pea sized brain forget the Clinton RAPE???

Rape Allegations Media Hunts Bill Cosby Celebrates Bill Clinton
One had consensual sex and the other is accused of rape.

Actually, bill clinton has had 3 allegations of rape...and many more of sexual assault....that doesn't include what he did in Britain...
Cosby doesn't seem so "funny" or "fatherly" these days, does he? But the left will give him a pass as they did Clinton because Cosby said publicly that he likes Obama. That's all that matters. MSM will defend him (IF they even mention it).
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Bill Cosby accuser Louisa Moritz plans class lawsuit over alleged sex assaults: report

New York Daily News ^

he actress, best known for her role as Rose in the Oscar-winning ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,’ is among a dozen women who’ve leveled tawdry claims about Cosby. She contends the comedian assaulted her before a 1971 appearance on ‘The Tonight Show,’ and is reportedly trying to get at least nine others to join her in a class action against him. It’s a legal longshot, but an actress who has accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault four decades ago is planning to sue him. And Louisa Moritz is trying to get at least nine other women to join her...
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Bill Cosby: 'fixer' claims he paid off women amid multiple allegations of sexual assault

The Telegraph ^

[SNIP] And in the latest allegation, an NBC television veteran who described himself as Cosby’s “fixer” with the network described how young women from a modelling agency were sent to the star’s dressing room. Frank Scotti told the New York Daily News that he helped Cosby funnel thousands of dollars to the women and would stand guard outside the door during The Cosby Show’s run from 1984-92. He claimed that Cosby would house those of whom he was particularly fond in apartments and give them up to $2,000 per month. Most aspired to a career in the entertainment industry and...
Where there's smoke, there's fire. His conduct regarding the allegations indicate he is guilty as well.

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