Duh wake up folks... Medicare is privatized!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Reading this story I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb the vast majority of the MSM really is!

If House Speaker Paul Ryan has his way, the 115th Congress won’t just repeal Obamacare, it will dramatically reform Medicare, turning the program into a form of private insurance.

Ryan has long supported the controversial idea and, immediately after the election, he suggested that any Obamacare reform should include Medicare reform. Another key player, House Budget Chairman Tom Price, said Medicare reform was a top priority for the unified Republican government.
Can Paul Ryan actually privatize Medicare?

Dummies! Medicare IS privatized!!!
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) employs over 6,000 employees.
So let's see... how do these 6,000 people pay the over 1 billion claims submitted by over 900,000 Medicare providers for a total of $500 billion a year?
My goodness these people must be so efficient that works out to 168,000 claims per employee but wait
do supervisors do that? NOPE... assume 1 supervisor for every 10 employees or now 187,407 per employee!
now working 2,000 hours a year that works out to 100 claims per hour for a six hour day..breaks,etc.
or 1.7 claims per minute. IMPOSSIBILITY!

So how are these 6,000 employees SO DAMN efficient!
IT is because CMS has contracted with private for profit what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that bid on a profit basis to administer all these 1 billion claims, over 900,000 providers and 35 million beneficiaries.
AGAIN privatized management of Medicare is already happening!
Then add to it the nearly 500 Medicare Advantage (MAs) plans ...almost all for profit that also contract with
Medicare to provide ALL services at a basic charge to Medicare of $800/month per beneficiary!
So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.
Again privatization of Medicare already has been happening since Bush's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act
which only the dummies of the world fault Bush for the Part D component.
This privatization and modernization of Medicare has managed fairly well 46 million Americans and
all this palaver about oh Trump will privatize Medicare...BULL SHIT... It's already been done!
Didn't CMS sub-contract to private service providers to build the Healthcare.gov web site?

How did that work out? It was a total disaster.
You are right. Obamacare was so convoluted, so screwed up that it would never ever be successful!
Starting off with the major lie told by Obama..."46 million uninsured Americans"! LIE.
1) 10 million are NOT Americans but illegals... PROOF? http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb10-144.html
2) 14 million were eligible for Medicaid except for the incompetency of Obama's people!: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf
3) 18 million Never wanted insurance. Never needed as they were under 34. Could afford (made over $50,000) but now forced to buy something they didn't want!
So that leaves truly 5 million Americans! That's it!
And for that Obama totally lied and hired Gruber who ADMITTED it took
"the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."

OUT RIGHT lies, counting on ignorant people to pass the legislation...(by the way NOT ONE GOP and 34 Democrats voted against it!)
So it was doomed from the first because it was so ill-conceived!
so how does Ryan plan to make Medicare even MORE privatized? And do you agree with Ryan's plan?

does he want to give it to the insurance companies, like Obama care?
Reading this story I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb the vast majority of the MSM really is!

If House Speaker Paul Ryan has his way, the 115th Congress won’t just repeal Obamacare, it will dramatically reform Medicare, turning the program into a form of private insurance.

Ryan has long supported the controversial idea and, immediately after the election, he suggested that any Obamacare reform should include Medicare reform. Another key player, House Budget Chairman Tom Price, said Medicare reform was a top priority for the unified Republican government.
Can Paul Ryan actually privatize Medicare?

Dummies! Medicare IS privatized!!!
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) employs over 6,000 employees.
So let's see... how do these 6,000 people pay the over 1 billion claims submitted by over 900,000 Medicare providers for a total of $500 billion a year?
My goodness these people must be so efficient that works out to 168,000 claims per employee but wait
do supervisors do that? NOPE... assume 1 supervisor for every 10 employees or now 187,407 per employee!
now working 2,000 hours a year that works out to 100 claims per hour for a six hour day..breaks,etc.
or 1.7 claims per minute. IMPOSSIBILITY!

So how are these 6,000 employees SO DAMN efficient!
IT is because CMS has contracted with private for profit what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that bid on a profit basis to administer all these 1 billion claims, over 900,000 providers and 35 million beneficiaries.
AGAIN privatized management of Medicare is already happening!
Then add to it the nearly 500 Medicare Advantage (MAs) plans ...almost all for profit that also contract with
Medicare to provide ALL services at a basic charge to Medicare of $800/month per beneficiary!
So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.
Again privatization of Medicare already has been happening since Bush's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act
which only the dummies of the world fault Bush for the Part D component.
This privatization and modernization of Medicare has managed fairly well 46 million Americans and
all this palaver about oh Trump will privatize Medicare...BULL SHIT... It's already been done!
Curious about how many of these beneficiaries are there involved here that "$800/ month per beneficiary" on. Do you have that figure?
Reading this story I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb the vast majority of the MSM really is!

If House Speaker Paul Ryan has his way, the 115th Congress won’t just repeal Obamacare, it will dramatically reform Medicare, turning the program into a form of private insurance.

Ryan has long supported the controversial idea and, immediately after the election, he suggested that any Obamacare reform should include Medicare reform. Another key player, House Budget Chairman Tom Price, said Medicare reform was a top priority for the unified Republican government.
Can Paul Ryan actually privatize Medicare?

Dummies! Medicare IS privatized!!!
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) employs over 6,000 employees.
So let's see... how do these 6,000 people pay the over 1 billion claims submitted by over 900,000 Medicare providers for a total of $500 billion a year?
My goodness these people must be so efficient that works out to 168,000 claims per employee but wait
do supervisors do that? NOPE... assume 1 supervisor for every 10 employees or now 187,407 per employee!
now working 2,000 hours a year that works out to 100 claims per hour for a six hour day..breaks,etc.
or 1.7 claims per minute. IMPOSSIBILITY!

So how are these 6,000 employees SO DAMN efficient!
IT is because CMS has contracted with private for profit what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that bid on a profit basis to administer all these 1 billion claims, over 900,000 providers and 35 million beneficiaries.
AGAIN privatized management of Medicare is already happening!
Then add to it the nearly 500 Medicare Advantage (MAs) plans ...almost all for profit that also contract with
Medicare to provide ALL services at a basic charge to Medicare of $800/month per beneficiary!
So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Again privatization of Medicare already has been happening since Bush's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act
which only the dummies of the world fault Bush for the Part D component.
This privatization and modernization of Medicare has managed fairly well 46 million Americans and
all this palaver about oh Trump will privatize Medicare...BULL SHIT... It's already been done!
Curious about how many of these beneficiaries are there involved here that "$800/ month per beneficiary" on. Do you have that figure?

So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Furthermore that is the expense to Medicare. $800 per month. That's it! I'm on a Medicare Advantage plan as I mentioned now for the 3rd time
nearly 12 million of us are! And it is far superior then the traditional Medicare starting with THESE ADVANTAGES:

1) Traditional Medicare beneficiaries i.e. NON- Medicare Advantage plan... get $104.00 deducted per month from their SS payment.
This Medicare deduction reduces people SS check to pay for Part B i.e. their physicians,therapists,etc. component.
I and some of the MA members don't HAVE that deduction because in my case by careful shopping I found my Medicare Advantage plan
actually PAYS my $104.90 monthly payment so I DON"T have it deducted. PLUS side... my MA plan!
2) My MA has an over the counter service that provides me with up to $50 per month in a variety of non-prescription supplies...aspirin, I've even
got a digital blood pressure monitoring system, all sorts of supplies that I'd have to pay for if I weren't a MA member!
3) My MA calls me frequently to advise me of preventative visits that I should make with my physician.
These are the major reasons I like 12 million other Medicare beneficiaries LOVE our MA plans... something Obama hated though!

See these plans are able to make a profit. They have to by the way. Just as insurance companies do. BECAUSE and this is where the
VAST majority of idiots who don't know about health insurance is because WITHOUT profits there are no RESERVES!!!!
Reserves are REQUIRED by the state the insurance company sells in so if you don't make a profit you don't have reserves you can't sell!

But idiot Obama didn't like the fact capitalism worked so well with Medicare Advantage plans he jacked up the costs for my MA plan.
So instead of the year before I was able to get $50/month in OTC my MA reduced to $40.00... One of the reasons I changed my MA!!!!

I KNOW this is way too much information for you to digest but again this is the biggest problem with our country in the last 8 years!
Too many people like Obama looking for QUICK easy solutions WITHOUT knowing the problems!

As a result of GWB's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act thank goodness we have MAs. These MAs have grown tremendously BECAUSE
they being profit making entities are able to more efficiently manage then traditional medicare which as I pointed out earlier don't process a single claim!

MAs are the model that Trump is looking at as these 500+ MAs are successfully managing 12 million retirees health care costs while paying
Federal TAXES on their profits!!!
Reading this story I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb the vast majority of the MSM really is!

If House Speaker Paul Ryan has his way, the 115th Congress won’t just repeal Obamacare, it will dramatically reform Medicare, turning the program into a form of private insurance.

Ryan has long supported the controversial idea and, immediately after the election, he suggested that any Obamacare reform should include Medicare reform. Another key player, House Budget Chairman Tom Price, said Medicare reform was a top priority for the unified Republican government.
Can Paul Ryan actually privatize Medicare?

Dummies! Medicare IS privatized!!!
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) employs over 6,000 employees.
So let's see... how do these 6,000 people pay the over 1 billion claims submitted by over 900,000 Medicare providers for a total of $500 billion a year?
My goodness these people must be so efficient that works out to 168,000 claims per employee but wait
do supervisors do that? NOPE... assume 1 supervisor for every 10 employees or now 187,407 per employee!
now working 2,000 hours a year that works out to 100 claims per hour for a six hour day..breaks,etc.
or 1.7 claims per minute. IMPOSSIBILITY!

So how are these 6,000 employees SO DAMN efficient!
IT is because CMS has contracted with private for profit what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that bid on a profit basis to administer all these 1 billion claims, over 900,000 providers and 35 million beneficiaries.
AGAIN privatized management of Medicare is already happening!
Then add to it the nearly 500 Medicare Advantage (MAs) plans ...almost all for profit that also contract with
Medicare to provide ALL services at a basic charge to Medicare of $800/month per beneficiary!
So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Again privatization of Medicare already has been happening since Bush's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act
which only the dummies of the world fault Bush for the Part D component.
This privatization and modernization of Medicare has managed fairly well 46 million Americans and
all this palaver about oh Trump will privatize Medicare...BULL SHIT... It's already been done!
Curious about how many of these beneficiaries are there involved here that "$800/ month per beneficiary" on. Do you have that figure?

So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Furthermore that is the expense to Medicare. $800 per month. That's it! I'm on a Medicare Advantage plan as I mentioned now for the 3rd time
nearly 12 million of us are! And it is far superior then the traditional Medicare starting with THESE ADVANTAGES:

1) Traditional Medicare beneficiaries i.e. NON- Medicare Advantage plan... get $104.00 deducted per month from their SS payment.
This Medicare deduction reduces people SS check to pay for Part B i.e. their physicians,therapists,etc. component.
I and some of the MA members don't HAVE that deduction because in my case by careful shopping I found my Medicare Advantage plan
actually PAYS my $104.90 monthly payment so I DON"T have it deducted. PLUS side... my MA plan!
2) My MA has an over the counter service that provides me with up to $50 per month in a variety of non-prescription supplies...aspirin, I've even
got a digital blood pressure monitoring system, all sorts of supplies that I'd have to pay for if I weren't a MA member!
3) My MA calls me frequently to advise me of preventative visits that I should make with my physician.
These are the major reasons I like 12 million other Medicare beneficiaries LOVE our MA plans... something Obama hated though!

See these plans are able to make a profit. They have to by the way. Just as insurance companies do. BECAUSE and this is where the
VAST majority of idiots who don't know about health insurance is because WITHOUT profits there are no RESERVES!!!!
Reserves are REQUIRED by the state the insurance company sells in so if you don't make a profit you don't have reserves you can't sell!

But idiot Obama didn't like the fact capitalism worked so well with Medicare Advantage plans he jacked up the costs for my MA plan.
So instead of the year before I was able to get $50/month in OTC my MA reduced to $40.00... One of the reasons I changed my MA!!!!

I KNOW this is way too much information for you to digest but again this is the biggest problem with our country in the last 8 years!
Too many people like Obama looking for QUICK easy solutions WITHOUT knowing the problems!

As a result of GWB's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act thank goodness we have MAs. These MAs have grown tremendously BECAUSE
they being profit making entities are able to more efficiently manage then traditional medicare which as I pointed out earlier don't process a single claim!

MAs are the model that Trump is looking at as these 500+ MAs are successfully managing 12 million retirees health care costs while paying
Federal TAXES on their profits!!!
Okay so you are saying that the government is paying $800.00 a month for 12 million subscribing retirees just to have someone else manage their medicare accounting. Is that correct?
Reading this story I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb the vast majority of the MSM really is!

If House Speaker Paul Ryan has his way, the 115th Congress won’t just repeal Obamacare, it will dramatically reform Medicare, turning the program into a form of private insurance.

Ryan has long supported the controversial idea and, immediately after the election, he suggested that any Obamacare reform should include Medicare reform. Another key player, House Budget Chairman Tom Price, said Medicare reform was a top priority for the unified Republican government.
Can Paul Ryan actually privatize Medicare?

Dummies! Medicare IS privatized!!!
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) employs over 6,000 employees.
So let's see... how do these 6,000 people pay the over 1 billion claims submitted by over 900,000 Medicare providers for a total of $500 billion a year?
My goodness these people must be so efficient that works out to 168,000 claims per employee but wait
do supervisors do that? NOPE... assume 1 supervisor for every 10 employees or now 187,407 per employee!
now working 2,000 hours a year that works out to 100 claims per hour for a six hour day..breaks,etc.
or 1.7 claims per minute. IMPOSSIBILITY!

So how are these 6,000 employees SO DAMN efficient!
IT is because CMS has contracted with private for profit what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that bid on a profit basis to administer all these 1 billion claims, over 900,000 providers and 35 million beneficiaries.
AGAIN privatized management of Medicare is already happening!
Then add to it the nearly 500 Medicare Advantage (MAs) plans ...almost all for profit that also contract with
Medicare to provide ALL services at a basic charge to Medicare of $800/month per beneficiary!
So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Again privatization of Medicare already has been happening since Bush's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act
which only the dummies of the world fault Bush for the Part D component.
This privatization and modernization of Medicare has managed fairly well 46 million Americans and
all this palaver about oh Trump will privatize Medicare...BULL SHIT... It's already been done!
Curious about how many of these beneficiaries are there involved here that "$800/ month per beneficiary" on. Do you have that figure?

So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Furthermore that is the expense to Medicare. $800 per month. That's it! I'm on a Medicare Advantage plan as I mentioned now for the 3rd time
nearly 12 million of us are! And it is far superior then the traditional Medicare starting with THESE ADVANTAGES:

1) Traditional Medicare beneficiaries i.e. NON- Medicare Advantage plan... get $104.00 deducted per month from their SS payment.
This Medicare deduction reduces people SS check to pay for Part B i.e. their physicians,therapists,etc. component.
I and some of the MA members don't HAVE that deduction because in my case by careful shopping I found my Medicare Advantage plan
actually PAYS my $104.90 monthly payment so I DON"T have it deducted. PLUS side... my MA plan!
2) My MA has an over the counter service that provides me with up to $50 per month in a variety of non-prescription supplies...aspirin, I've even
got a digital blood pressure monitoring system, all sorts of supplies that I'd have to pay for if I weren't a MA member!
3) My MA calls me frequently to advise me of preventative visits that I should make with my physician.
These are the major reasons I like 12 million other Medicare beneficiaries LOVE our MA plans... something Obama hated though!

See these plans are able to make a profit. They have to by the way. Just as insurance companies do. BECAUSE and this is where the
VAST majority of idiots who don't know about health insurance is because WITHOUT profits there are no RESERVES!!!!
Reserves are REQUIRED by the state the insurance company sells in so if you don't make a profit you don't have reserves you can't sell!

But idiot Obama didn't like the fact capitalism worked so well with Medicare Advantage plans he jacked up the costs for my MA plan.
So instead of the year before I was able to get $50/month in OTC my MA reduced to $40.00... One of the reasons I changed my MA!!!!

I KNOW this is way too much information for you to digest but again this is the biggest problem with our country in the last 8 years!
Too many people like Obama looking for QUICK easy solutions WITHOUT knowing the problems!

As a result of GWB's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act thank goodness we have MAs. These MAs have grown tremendously BECAUSE
they being profit making entities are able to more efficiently manage then traditional medicare which as I pointed out earlier don't process a single claim!

MAs are the model that Trump is looking at as these 500+ MAs are successfully managing 12 million retirees health care costs while paying
Federal TAXES on their profits!!!
Okay so you are saying that the government is paying $800.00 a month for 12 million subscribing retirees just to have someone else manage their medicare accounting. Is that correct?

NO! Medicare already has what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that PAY all the Medicare claims sent to them by the million plus Medicare providers. Medicare does NOT administer these claims. The MACs do.
But for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans Medicare pays the MA a flat monthly fee of say $800 whatever both parties agreed to.
THEN out of the $800/month the MA manages the beneficiary's total Medicare services. All claims are sent to the MA which pays the claims.
Medicare simply pays $800/month for the MA to handle all of the claims, the services,etc. as I explained above.

Do you understand? Two distinct entities....
A) Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) handle 36 million beneficiaries and pay the claims.
B) Medicare Advantage Plans (MAs) that handle 12 million beneficiaries that Medicare pays about $800/month and out of that the MA pays claims,etc.
Reading this story I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb the vast majority of the MSM really is!

If House Speaker Paul Ryan has his way, the 115th Congress won’t just repeal Obamacare, it will dramatically reform Medicare, turning the program into a form of private insurance.

Ryan has long supported the controversial idea and, immediately after the election, he suggested that any Obamacare reform should include Medicare reform. Another key player, House Budget Chairman Tom Price, said Medicare reform was a top priority for the unified Republican government.
Can Paul Ryan actually privatize Medicare?

Dummies! Medicare IS privatized!!!
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) employs over 6,000 employees.
So let's see... how do these 6,000 people pay the over 1 billion claims submitted by over 900,000 Medicare providers for a total of $500 billion a year?
My goodness these people must be so efficient that works out to 168,000 claims per employee but wait
do supervisors do that? NOPE... assume 1 supervisor for every 10 employees or now 187,407 per employee!
now working 2,000 hours a year that works out to 100 claims per hour for a six hour day..breaks,etc.
or 1.7 claims per minute. IMPOSSIBILITY!

So how are these 6,000 employees SO DAMN efficient!
IT is because CMS has contracted with private for profit what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that bid on a profit basis to administer all these 1 billion claims, over 900,000 providers and 35 million beneficiaries.
AGAIN privatized management of Medicare is already happening!
Then add to it the nearly 500 Medicare Advantage (MAs) plans ...almost all for profit that also contract with
Medicare to provide ALL services at a basic charge to Medicare of $800/month per beneficiary!
So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Again privatization of Medicare already has been happening since Bush's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act
which only the dummies of the world fault Bush for the Part D component.
This privatization and modernization of Medicare has managed fairly well 46 million Americans and
all this palaver about oh Trump will privatize Medicare...BULL SHIT... It's already been done!
Curious about how many of these beneficiaries are there involved here that "$800/ month per beneficiary" on. Do you have that figure?

So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Furthermore that is the expense to Medicare. $800 per month. That's it! I'm on a Medicare Advantage plan as I mentioned now for the 3rd time
nearly 12 million of us are! And it is far superior then the traditional Medicare starting with THESE ADVANTAGES:

1) Traditional Medicare beneficiaries i.e. NON- Medicare Advantage plan... get $104.00 deducted per month from their SS payment.
This Medicare deduction reduces people SS check to pay for Part B i.e. their physicians,therapists,etc. component.
I and some of the MA members don't HAVE that deduction because in my case by careful shopping I found my Medicare Advantage plan
actually PAYS my $104.90 monthly payment so I DON"T have it deducted. PLUS side... my MA plan!
2) My MA has an over the counter service that provides me with up to $50 per month in a variety of non-prescription supplies...aspirin, I've even
got a digital blood pressure monitoring system, all sorts of supplies that I'd have to pay for if I weren't a MA member!
3) My MA calls me frequently to advise me of preventative visits that I should make with my physician.
These are the major reasons I like 12 million other Medicare beneficiaries LOVE our MA plans... something Obama hated though!

See these plans are able to make a profit. They have to by the way. Just as insurance companies do. BECAUSE and this is where the
VAST majority of idiots who don't know about health insurance is because WITHOUT profits there are no RESERVES!!!!
Reserves are REQUIRED by the state the insurance company sells in so if you don't make a profit you don't have reserves you can't sell!

But idiot Obama didn't like the fact capitalism worked so well with Medicare Advantage plans he jacked up the costs for my MA plan.
So instead of the year before I was able to get $50/month in OTC my MA reduced to $40.00... One of the reasons I changed my MA!!!!

I KNOW this is way too much information for you to digest but again this is the biggest problem with our country in the last 8 years!
Too many people like Obama looking for QUICK easy solutions WITHOUT knowing the problems!

As a result of GWB's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act thank goodness we have MAs. These MAs have grown tremendously BECAUSE
they being profit making entities are able to more efficiently manage then traditional medicare which as I pointed out earlier don't process a single claim!

MAs are the model that Trump is looking at as these 500+ MAs are successfully managing 12 million retirees health care costs while paying
Federal TAXES on their profits!!!
Okay so you are saying that the government is paying $800.00 a month for 12 million subscribing retirees just to have someone else manage their medicare accounting. Is that correct?

NO! Medicare already has what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that PAY all the Medicare claims sent to them by the million plus Medicare providers. Medicare does NOT administer these claims. The MACs do.
But for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans Medicare pays the MA a flat monthly fee of say $800 whatever both parties agreed to.
THEN out of the $800/month the MA manages the beneficiary's total Medicare services. All claims are sent to the MA which pays the claims.
Medicare simply pays $800/month for the MA to handle all of the claims, the services,etc. as I explained above.

Do you understand? Two distinct entities....
A) Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) handle 36 million beneficiaries and pay the claims.
B) Medicare Advantage Plans (MAs) that handle 12 million beneficiaries that Medicare pays about $800/month and out of that the MA pays claims,etc.
So you are saying that all medical cost etc... are taken care of for that $800.00 flat fee a month?
Reading this story I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb the vast majority of the MSM really is!

If House Speaker Paul Ryan has his way, the 115th Congress won’t just repeal Obamacare, it will dramatically reform Medicare, turning the program into a form of private insurance.

Ryan has long supported the controversial idea and, immediately after the election, he suggested that any Obamacare reform should include Medicare reform. Another key player, House Budget Chairman Tom Price, said Medicare reform was a top priority for the unified Republican government.
Can Paul Ryan actually privatize Medicare?

Dummies! Medicare IS privatized!!!
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services (CMS) employs over 6,000 employees.
So let's see... how do these 6,000 people pay the over 1 billion claims submitted by over 900,000 Medicare providers for a total of $500 billion a year?
My goodness these people must be so efficient that works out to 168,000 claims per employee but wait
do supervisors do that? NOPE... assume 1 supervisor for every 10 employees or now 187,407 per employee!
now working 2,000 hours a year that works out to 100 claims per hour for a six hour day..breaks,etc.
or 1.7 claims per minute. IMPOSSIBILITY!

So how are these 6,000 employees SO DAMN efficient!
IT is because CMS has contracted with private for profit what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that bid on a profit basis to administer all these 1 billion claims, over 900,000 providers and 35 million beneficiaries.
AGAIN privatized management of Medicare is already happening!
Then add to it the nearly 500 Medicare Advantage (MAs) plans ...almost all for profit that also contract with
Medicare to provide ALL services at a basic charge to Medicare of $800/month per beneficiary!
So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Again privatization of Medicare already has been happening since Bush's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act
which only the dummies of the world fault Bush for the Part D component.
This privatization and modernization of Medicare has managed fairly well 46 million Americans and
all this palaver about oh Trump will privatize Medicare...BULL SHIT... It's already been done!
Curious about how many of these beneficiaries are there involved here that "$800/ month per beneficiary" on. Do you have that figure?

So Medicare simply manages these 500 advantage plans again most for profit and the MAs actually
manage better the 12 million plus beneficiaries then the MACs.

Furthermore that is the expense to Medicare. $800 per month. That's it! I'm on a Medicare Advantage plan as I mentioned now for the 3rd time
nearly 12 million of us are! And it is far superior then the traditional Medicare starting with THESE ADVANTAGES:

1) Traditional Medicare beneficiaries i.e. NON- Medicare Advantage plan... get $104.00 deducted per month from their SS payment.
This Medicare deduction reduces people SS check to pay for Part B i.e. their physicians,therapists,etc. component.
I and some of the MA members don't HAVE that deduction because in my case by careful shopping I found my Medicare Advantage plan
actually PAYS my $104.90 monthly payment so I DON"T have it deducted. PLUS side... my MA plan!
2) My MA has an over the counter service that provides me with up to $50 per month in a variety of non-prescription supplies...aspirin, I've even
got a digital blood pressure monitoring system, all sorts of supplies that I'd have to pay for if I weren't a MA member!
3) My MA calls me frequently to advise me of preventative visits that I should make with my physician.
These are the major reasons I like 12 million other Medicare beneficiaries LOVE our MA plans... something Obama hated though!

See these plans are able to make a profit. They have to by the way. Just as insurance companies do. BECAUSE and this is where the
VAST majority of idiots who don't know about health insurance is because WITHOUT profits there are no RESERVES!!!!
Reserves are REQUIRED by the state the insurance company sells in so if you don't make a profit you don't have reserves you can't sell!

But idiot Obama didn't like the fact capitalism worked so well with Medicare Advantage plans he jacked up the costs for my MA plan.
So instead of the year before I was able to get $50/month in OTC my MA reduced to $40.00... One of the reasons I changed my MA!!!!

I KNOW this is way too much information for you to digest but again this is the biggest problem with our country in the last 8 years!
Too many people like Obama looking for QUICK easy solutions WITHOUT knowing the problems!

As a result of GWB's 2003 Medicare Modernization Act thank goodness we have MAs. These MAs have grown tremendously BECAUSE
they being profit making entities are able to more efficiently manage then traditional medicare which as I pointed out earlier don't process a single claim!

MAs are the model that Trump is looking at as these 500+ MAs are successfully managing 12 million retirees health care costs while paying
Federal TAXES on their profits!!!
Okay so you are saying that the government is paying $800.00 a month for 12 million subscribing retirees just to have someone else manage their medicare accounting. Is that correct?

NO! Medicare already has what are called Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that PAY all the Medicare claims sent to them by the million plus Medicare providers. Medicare does NOT administer these claims. The MACs do.
But for Medicare Advantage (MA) plans Medicare pays the MA a flat monthly fee of say $800 whatever both parties agreed to.
THEN out of the $800/month the MA manages the beneficiary's total Medicare services. All claims are sent to the MA which pays the claims.
Medicare simply pays $800/month for the MA to handle all of the claims, the services,etc. as I explained above.

Do you understand? Two distinct entities....
A) Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) handle 36 million beneficiaries and pay the claims.
B) Medicare Advantage Plans (MAs) that handle 12 million beneficiaries that Medicare pays about $800/month and out of that the MA pays claims,etc.
So you are saying that all medical cost etc... are taken care of for that $800.00 flat fee a month?

YUP! But of course see you are ONLY thinking about ONE person... me...$800.00. And during the past 3 years I've probably run up
about $45,000 in expenses. But before that... little less then $2,000. SO for couple years my MA made money off me.
Then last year yikes... BUT hey do you understand the fundamentals of "health insurance"?????
$9,600 a year times 12 million people is $115,200,000,000 and THAT is all Medicare had to pay. Nothing MORE no other expenses ZERO!
Any fraud, misapplication, that traditional Medicare has that, estimates in 2014 ran some $60 billion of American taxpayer money, or more than 10 percent of Medicare's total budget, was lost to fraud, waste, abuse and improper payments. $60 Billion Medicare Funds Improperly Paid, Report Finds
When it comes to MAs hey Medicare has ZERO because it is the MA's problem!
And the MAs are BECAUSE most are for profit insurance companies have a really good handle on waste,fraud, abuse,etc.... and
they still end up making a profit. I'm not going waste more time on this because you need a really good fundamental understanding of what
the term "medical loss ratio" is but simply put... Insurance companies' actuaries figure out their premiums based primarily on the "medical loss ratio" which is how much of the premiums is spent on claims. The average health insurance company' MLR is about 80%.
But to show you how frigging dumb obama and his "architects" were they raised that to 85% in Obamacare!
This means after paying claims the insurance company has just 15% to cover wages,salaries,facilities,operations,etc. and then leave
a profit to build reserves out of which they are audited by the states to make sure they will be able to pay future claims!
Dummies! And this is why you saw major companies pull out of Obamacare BECAUSE FUTURE claims were going to be higher then
their other operating costs! So they said this is a losing business and pulled out!
But enough... learn from the Internet!
Ok, I am going to tell my CPAP story again.

I need a new/repaired CPAP machine.

My Advantage plan pays 80 percent I pay 20 percent.

If I had traditional medicare, medicare would pay 80 and I would pay 20 percent.

So I contact my provider and they gave me a number to call. So I call them and they tell me what I will buy and how much I will pay. In other words they just said you are going to pay this much over 13 months. So not knowing any better I said OK. I later called them because I had to change the appointment and I figured out that the machine they were sending would cost about 1900 dollars which seemed high to me. So I call and ask them exactly what it was I was buying.

After that I go on line and find prices for the same thing, 1000 dollars cheaper. I go on the medicare website and find out that we live in a competitive market area and they had a list of suppliers. So I call the first one and ask what they would charge me. After 5 minutes of explaining she finally relented and told me it would be 19 per/month for 12 months, for the same machine, which matches the INTERNET price and is 170 dollars less than what I will pay for the machine through the provider.

So I call back to my provider and ask if I can use that supplier, no dice. I ask if they have more names of suppliers. They give me two dentist numbers, dentists don't provide CPAP, believe me. I call again explaining why I am doing this and how I think that the supplier is ripping BOTH of us off. They don't care. I believe they think me nuts for even asking.

So, why would a for profit company not care about paying 1000 dollars more than they have to? I am thinking they just pass it along. Either they get reimbursed by the government or at the end of year they have more to claim to the government so they get more for the next year. Whatever the reason the system is broken. I don't see why if the price is lower for the same thing they wouldn't be happy to allow me to buy it.

In their defense if I wanted I could fill out a paper to go to another provider and take two weeks to get approved, or disapproved. I could also file a complaint but what would I be complaining about?

My wife told me that I can afford it I should just pay. I hate that attitude.
Ok, I am going to tell my CPAP story again.

I need a new/repaired CPAP machine.

My Advantage plan pays 80 percent I pay 20 percent.

If I had traditional medicare, medicare would pay 80 and I would pay 20 percent.

So I contact my provider and they gave me a number to call. So I call them and they tell me what I will buy and how much I will pay. In other words they just said you are going to pay this much over 13 months. So not knowing any better I said OK. I later called them because I had to change the appointment and I figured out that the machine they were sending would cost about 1900 dollars which seemed high to me. So I call and ask them exactly what it was I was buying.

After that I go on line and find prices for the same thing, 1000 dollars cheaper. I go on the medicare website and find out that we live in a competitive market area and they had a list of suppliers. So I call the first one and ask what they would charge me. After 5 minutes of explaining she finally relented and told me it would be 19 per/month for 12 months, for the same machine, which matches the INTERNET price and is 170 dollars less than what I will pay for the machine through the provider.

So I call back to my provider and ask if I can use that supplier, no dice. I ask if they have more names of suppliers. They give me two dentist numbers, dentists don't provide CPAP, believe me. I call again explaining why I am doing this and how I think that the supplier is ripping BOTH of us off. They don't care. I believe they think me nuts for even asking.

So, why would a for profit company not care about paying 1000 dollars more than they have to? I am thinking they just pass it along. Either they get reimbursed by the government or at the end of year they have more to claim to the government so they get more for the next year. Whatever the reason the system is broken. I don't see why if the price is lower for the same thing they wouldn't be happy to allow me to buy it.

In their defense if I wanted I could fill out a paper to go to another provider and take two weeks to get approved, or disapproved. I could also file a complaint but what would I be complaining about?

My wife told me that I can afford it I should just pay. I hate that attitude.
The theory is cost justification. Insurance companies played this game for years in order to justify raising their rates and then just started f'ing over their customers.

What you would be complaining about.....You would be complaining about cost overcharges in a lil' racketeering scam your insurance provider is doing in collusion with a supplier.
Ok, I am going to tell my CPAP story again.

I need a new/repaired CPAP machine.

My Advantage plan pays 80 percent I pay 20 percent.

If I had traditional medicare, medicare would pay 80 and I would pay 20 percent.

So I contact my provider and they gave me a number to call. So I call them and they tell me what I will buy and how much I will pay. In other words they just said you are going to pay this much over 13 months. So not knowing any better I said OK. I later called them because I had to change the appointment and I figured out that the machine they were sending would cost about 1900 dollars which seemed high to me. So I call and ask them exactly what it was I was buying.

After that I go on line and find prices for the same thing, 1000 dollars cheaper. I go on the medicare website and find out that we live in a competitive market area and they had a list of suppliers. So I call the first one and ask what they would charge me. After 5 minutes of explaining she finally relented and told me it would be 19 per/month for 12 months, for the same machine, which matches the INTERNET price and is 170 dollars less than what I will pay for the machine through the provider.

So I call back to my provider and ask if I can use that supplier, no dice. I ask if they have more names of suppliers. They give me two dentist numbers, dentists don't provide CPAP, believe me. I call again explaining why I am doing this and how I think that the supplier is ripping BOTH of us off. They don't care. I believe they think me nuts for even asking.

So, why would a for profit company not care about paying 1000 dollars more than they have to? I am thinking they just pass it along. Either they get reimbursed by the government or at the end of year they have more to claim to the government so they get more for the next year. Whatever the reason the system is broken. I don't see why if the price is lower for the same thing they wouldn't be happy to allow me to buy it.

In their defense if I wanted I could fill out a paper to go to another provider and take two weeks to get approved, or disapproved. I could also file a complaint but what would I be complaining about?

My wife told me that I can afford it I should just pay. I hate that attitude.

Boo f...king HOO! Your's is a single anecdotal story. I don't deal in anecdotal stories. I deal in real numbers and yea... there were probably some
stupid reason why like YOU are a smoker right???? Plus you said the key words "So not knowing any better I said OK. " WHAT a stupid reason your not knowing any better! In this day with the Internet you should have done just a little more research and I have NO pity for you!

But of course you are an anti-capitalist. Obama lover. Who hates business.
You know who you really should be disgusted with is the legal community as YOU obviously have no idea of what "defensive Medicine" which
costs over $500 billion a year both in private and Medicare insurance. Because idiots like you are so un-informed you let insurance companies
including your example do this! I pointed out the "medical loss ratio" which has obviously gone over your head!
But the real culprits are lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits 96% of which are settled out of court by the insurance companies!
Here read this and get a reality check on health care costs!

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits
by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

So why not TAX lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year?
Take the $27 billion and use it to pay the annual premium per year of $5,000 for each of the truly less then
5 million people that needed AND WANTED health insurance.!

Again these numbers go way over your head I'm sure as the only thing you can relate to is YOUR OWN anecdotal experience!
Ok, I am going to tell my CPAP story again.

I need a new/repaired CPAP machine.

My Advantage plan pays 80 percent I pay 20 percent.

If I had traditional medicare, medicare would pay 80 and I would pay 20 percent.

So I contact my provider and they gave me a number to call. So I call them and they tell me what I will buy and how much I will pay. In other words they just said you are going to pay this much over 13 months. So not knowing any better I said OK. I later called them because I had to change the appointment and I figured out that the machine they were sending would cost about 1900 dollars which seemed high to me. So I call and ask them exactly what it was I was buying.

After that I go on line and find prices for the same thing, 1000 dollars cheaper. I go on the medicare website and find out that we live in a competitive market area and they had a list of suppliers. So I call the first one and ask what they would charge me. After 5 minutes of explaining she finally relented and told me it would be 19 per/month for 12 months, for the same machine, which matches the INTERNET price and is 170 dollars less than what I will pay for the machine through the provider.

So I call back to my provider and ask if I can use that supplier, no dice. I ask if they have more names of suppliers. They give me two dentist numbers, dentists don't provide CPAP, believe me. I call again explaining why I am doing this and how I think that the supplier is ripping BOTH of us off. They don't care. I believe they think me nuts for even asking.

So, why would a for profit company not care about paying 1000 dollars more than they have to? I am thinking they just pass it along. Either they get reimbursed by the government or at the end of year they have more to claim to the government so they get more for the next year. Whatever the reason the system is broken. I don't see why if the price is lower for the same thing they wouldn't be happy to allow me to buy it.

In their defense if I wanted I could fill out a paper to go to another provider and take two weeks to get approved, or disapproved. I could also file a complaint but what would I be complaining about?

My wife told me that I can afford it I should just pay. I hate that attitude.

Boo f...king HOO! Your's is a single anecdotal story. I don't deal in anecdotal stories. I deal in real numbers and yea... there were probably some
stupid reason why like YOU are a smoker right???? Plus you said the key words "So not knowing any better I said OK. " WHAT a stupid reason your not knowing any better! In this day with the Internet you should have done just a little more research and I have NO pity for you!

But of course you are an anti-capitalist. Obama lover. Who hates business.
You know who you really should be disgusted with is the legal community as YOU obviously have no idea of what "defensive Medicine" which
costs over $500 billion a year both in private and Medicare insurance. Because idiots like you are so un-informed you let insurance companies
including your example do this! I pointed out the "medical loss ratio" which has obviously gone over your head!
But the real culprits are lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits 96% of which are settled out of court by the insurance companies!
Here read this and get a reality check on health care costs!

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits
by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

So why not TAX lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year?
Take the $27 billion and use it to pay the annual premium per year of $5,000 for each of the truly less then
5 million people that needed AND WANTED health insurance.!

Again these numbers go way over your head I'm sure as the only thing you can relate to is YOUR OWN anecdotal experience!
I hope for your sake obamacare or medicaid covers being an asshole.

As I said, I didn't get the machine yet, i did some research but don't let that stop you from unhinged reactions.

I am one person and there are many others who never would have asked the question. I am thinking that you arguing against me with an argument against healthcare is preciously ironic.

I was trying to warn people that they just don't have to take it or pay whatever they are told. My wife sent me for a prescription and the pharmacist told me it would be 125 dollars for one month. When she saw my reaction she said, look on the Internet for coupons or ask your doctor. So i did, we ended up paying 5 dollars a month. I posted that story some months ago. The pharmacist was more than happy to take 125 dollars without saying one word. I take to generic drugs, ones all old guy take. When i was deciding to buy a prescription plan or not I called the pharmacy to see how much it would cost me, they would not tell me. They refused to tell me, they said I had to have my health plan card and a prescription. I told them that I would not have a drug plan and would be paying cash, didn't matter they wouldn't tell me.

One did say, it will cost you 350 dollars for 90 days. Searching the internet i found coupons and it ended up costing about 24 dollars for 90 days. So I so far have saved money not getting on a drug plan.
Ok, I am going to tell my CPAP story again.

I need a new/repaired CPAP machine.

My Advantage plan pays 80 percent I pay 20 percent.

If I had traditional medicare, medicare would pay 80 and I would pay 20 percent.

So I contact my provider and they gave me a number to call. So I call them and they tell me what I will buy and how much I will pay. In other words they just said you are going to pay this much over 13 months. So not knowing any better I said OK. I later called them because I had to change the appointment and I figured out that the machine they were sending would cost about 1900 dollars which seemed high to me. So I call and ask them exactly what it was I was buying.

After that I go on line and find prices for the same thing, 1000 dollars cheaper. I go on the medicare website and find out that we live in a competitive market area and they had a list of suppliers. So I call the first one and ask what they would charge me. After 5 minutes of explaining she finally relented and told me it would be 19 per/month for 12 months, for the same machine, which matches the INTERNET price and is 170 dollars less than what I will pay for the machine through the provider.

So I call back to my provider and ask if I can use that supplier, no dice. I ask if they have more names of suppliers. They give me two dentist numbers, dentists don't provide CPAP, believe me. I call again explaining why I am doing this and how I think that the supplier is ripping BOTH of us off. They don't care. I believe they think me nuts for even asking.

So, why would a for profit company not care about paying 1000 dollars more than they have to? I am thinking they just pass it along. Either they get reimbursed by the government or at the end of year they have more to claim to the government so they get more for the next year. Whatever the reason the system is broken. I don't see why if the price is lower for the same thing they wouldn't be happy to allow me to buy it.

In their defense if I wanted I could fill out a paper to go to another provider and take two weeks to get approved, or disapproved. I could also file a complaint but what would I be complaining about?

My wife told me that I can afford it I should just pay. I hate that attitude.

Boo f...king HOO! Your's is a single anecdotal story. I don't deal in anecdotal stories. I deal in real numbers and yea... there were probably some
stupid reason why like YOU are a smoker right???? Plus you said the key words "So not knowing any better I said OK. " WHAT a stupid reason your not knowing any better! In this day with the Internet you should have done just a little more research and I have NO pity for you!

But of course you are an anti-capitalist. Obama lover. Who hates business.
You know who you really should be disgusted with is the legal community as YOU obviously have no idea of what "defensive Medicine" which
costs over $500 billion a year both in private and Medicare insurance. Because idiots like you are so un-informed you let insurance companies
including your example do this! I pointed out the "medical loss ratio" which has obviously gone over your head!
But the real culprits are lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits 96% of which are settled out of court by the insurance companies!
Here read this and get a reality check on health care costs!

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits
by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

So why not TAX lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year?
Take the $27 billion and use it to pay the annual premium per year of $5,000 for each of the truly less then
5 million people that needed AND WANTED health insurance.!

Again these numbers go way over your head I'm sure as the only thing you can relate to is YOUR OWN anecdotal experience!
I hope for your sake obamacare or medicaid covers being an asshole.

As I said, I didn't get the machine yet, i did some research but don't let that stop you from unhinged reactions.

I am one person and there are many others who never would have asked the question. I am thinking that you arguing against me with an argument against healthcare is preciously ironic.

I was trying to warn people that they just don't have to take it or pay whatever they are told. My wife sent me for a prescription and the pharmacist told me it would be 125 dollars for one month. When she saw my reaction she said, look on the Internet for coupons or ask your doctor. So i did, we ended up paying 5 dollars a month. I posted that story some months ago. The pharmacist was more than happy to take 125 dollars without saying one word. I take to generic drugs, ones all old guy take. When i was deciding to buy a prescription plan or not I called the pharmacy to see how much it would cost me, they would not tell me. They refused to tell me, they said I had to have my health plan card and a prescription. I told them that I would not have a drug plan and would be paying cash, didn't matter they wouldn't tell me.

One did say, it will cost you 350 dollars for 90 days. Searching the internet i found coupons and it ended up costing about 24 dollars for 90 days. So I so far have saved money not getting on a drug plan.

And I'm diabetic, take medicine for it, blood pressure and cholesterol and pay ZERO as my Medicare Advantage plan pays!
Again your personal anecdotal stories as MINE also don't amount to a hill of beans as they are Personal,subjective anecdotal.
Over all Medicare Advantage plans are far superior as a whole to Medicare fee for service and Trump being the smart business man will see that quickly and take off some of the anti-capitalist restraints the idiot Obama did on Advantage plans.

Also one further point...because of state laws, Medicare Advantage plans are limited.
Here in Florida it is much more competitive then say in less retired population states... competition!

BUT Trump may introduce the truly exciting plan that IF when I started working in 1967 had been an option, I would have over $3 million in
my SS plan that I would then use to retire on PLUS pay my health expenses PLUS leaving a nest egg for my son!
But most of you anti-capitalists ignorant people shout this "don't gamble my SS in risky stock market"!
How many times have you heard that?
Well if I had been able to tell SS where to invest my and my employer's SS contributions (over $100,000) I figured out the other day, that
over 40 years...and investing the first 20 in the "risky stock market" then slowly phasing out of speculative market
and into bonds and more secured... as I said above I'd have over $3 million!

But these idiots that bitch about GOP wanting to put SS into "risky stock market"....GEEZ what idiots!
Ok, I am going to tell my CPAP story again.

I need a new/repaired CPAP machine.

My Advantage plan pays 80 percent I pay 20 percent.

If I had traditional medicare, medicare would pay 80 and I would pay 20 percent.

So I contact my provider and they gave me a number to call. So I call them and they tell me what I will buy and how much I will pay. In other words they just said you are going to pay this much over 13 months. So not knowing any better I said OK. I later called them because I had to change the appointment and I figured out that the machine they were sending would cost about 1900 dollars which seemed high to me. So I call and ask them exactly what it was I was buying.

After that I go on line and find prices for the same thing, 1000 dollars cheaper. I go on the medicare website and find out that we live in a competitive market area and they had a list of suppliers. So I call the first one and ask what they would charge me. After 5 minutes of explaining she finally relented and told me it would be 19 per/month for 12 months, for the same machine, which matches the INTERNET price and is 170 dollars less than what I will pay for the machine through the provider.

So I call back to my provider and ask if I can use that supplier, no dice. I ask if they have more names of suppliers. They give me two dentist numbers, dentists don't provide CPAP, believe me. I call again explaining why I am doing this and how I think that the supplier is ripping BOTH of us off. They don't care. I believe they think me nuts for even asking.

So, why would a for profit company not care about paying 1000 dollars more than they have to? I am thinking they just pass it along. Either they get reimbursed by the government or at the end of year they have more to claim to the government so they get more for the next year. Whatever the reason the system is broken. I don't see why if the price is lower for the same thing they wouldn't be happy to allow me to buy it.

In their defense if I wanted I could fill out a paper to go to another provider and take two weeks to get approved, or disapproved. I could also file a complaint but what would I be complaining about?

My wife told me that I can afford it I should just pay. I hate that attitude.

Boo f...king HOO! Your's is a single anecdotal story. I don't deal in anecdotal stories. I deal in real numbers and yea... there were probably some
stupid reason why like YOU are a smoker right???? Plus you said the key words "So not knowing any better I said OK. " WHAT a stupid reason your not knowing any better! In this day with the Internet you should have done just a little more research and I have NO pity for you!

But of course you are an anti-capitalist. Obama lover. Who hates business.
You know who you really should be disgusted with is the legal community as YOU obviously have no idea of what "defensive Medicine" which
costs over $500 billion a year both in private and Medicare insurance. Because idiots like you are so un-informed you let insurance companies
including your example do this! I pointed out the "medical loss ratio" which has obviously gone over your head!
But the real culprits are lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits 96% of which are settled out of court by the insurance companies!
Here read this and get a reality check on health care costs!

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits
by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

So why not TAX lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year?
Take the $27 billion and use it to pay the annual premium per year of $5,000 for each of the truly less then
5 million people that needed AND WANTED health insurance.!

Again these numbers go way over your head I'm sure as the only thing you can relate to is YOUR OWN anecdotal experience!
I hope for your sake obamacare or medicaid covers being an asshole.

As I said, I didn't get the machine yet, i did some research but don't let that stop you from unhinged reactions.

I am one person and there are many others who never would have asked the question. I am thinking that you arguing against me with an argument against healthcare is preciously ironic.

I was trying to warn people that they just don't have to take it or pay whatever they are told. My wife sent me for a prescription and the pharmacist told me it would be 125 dollars for one month. When she saw my reaction she said, look on the Internet for coupons or ask your doctor. So i did, we ended up paying 5 dollars a month. I posted that story some months ago. The pharmacist was more than happy to take 125 dollars without saying one word. I take to generic drugs, ones all old guy take. When i was deciding to buy a prescription plan or not I called the pharmacy to see how much it would cost me, they would not tell me. They refused to tell me, they said I had to have my health plan card and a prescription. I told them that I would not have a drug plan and would be paying cash, didn't matter they wouldn't tell me.

One did say, it will cost you 350 dollars for 90 days. Searching the internet i found coupons and it ended up costing about 24 dollars for 90 days. So I so far have saved money not getting on a drug plan.
Hey Freewill don't forget to inform the Medicare agency about the lil' scam your provider has going. It may not amount to much for just one person with one item but its a bunch when you include them all together when those goes start pulling that crap. Your state probably has an agency in the AG's office a toll free number that looks into insurance racketeers.
Ok, I am going to tell my CPAP story again.

I need a new/repaired CPAP machine.

My Advantage plan pays 80 percent I pay 20 percent.

If I had traditional medicare, medicare would pay 80 and I would pay 20 percent.

So I contact my provider and they gave me a number to call. So I call them and they tell me what I will buy and how much I will pay. In other words they just said you are going to pay this much over 13 months. So not knowing any better I said OK. I later called them because I had to change the appointment and I figured out that the machine they were sending would cost about 1900 dollars which seemed high to me. So I call and ask them exactly what it was I was buying.

After that I go on line and find prices for the same thing, 1000 dollars cheaper. I go on the medicare website and find out that we live in a competitive market area and they had a list of suppliers. So I call the first one and ask what they would charge me. After 5 minutes of explaining she finally relented and told me it would be 19 per/month for 12 months, for the same machine, which matches the INTERNET price and is 170 dollars less than what I will pay for the machine through the provider.

So I call back to my provider and ask if I can use that supplier, no dice. I ask if they have more names of suppliers. They give me two dentist numbers, dentists don't provide CPAP, believe me. I call again explaining why I am doing this and how I think that the supplier is ripping BOTH of us off. They don't care. I believe they think me nuts for even asking.

So, why would a for profit company not care about paying 1000 dollars more than they have to? I am thinking they just pass it along. Either they get reimbursed by the government or at the end of year they have more to claim to the government so they get more for the next year. Whatever the reason the system is broken. I don't see why if the price is lower for the same thing they wouldn't be happy to allow me to buy it.

In their defense if I wanted I could fill out a paper to go to another provider and take two weeks to get approved, or disapproved. I could also file a complaint but what would I be complaining about?

My wife told me that I can afford it I should just pay. I hate that attitude.

Boo f...king HOO! Your's is a single anecdotal story. I don't deal in anecdotal stories. I deal in real numbers and yea... there were probably some
stupid reason why like YOU are a smoker right???? Plus you said the key words "So not knowing any better I said OK. " WHAT a stupid reason your not knowing any better! In this day with the Internet you should have done just a little more research and I have NO pity for you!

But of course you are an anti-capitalist. Obama lover. Who hates business.
You know who you really should be disgusted with is the legal community as YOU obviously have no idea of what "defensive Medicine" which
costs over $500 billion a year both in private and Medicare insurance. Because idiots like you are so un-informed you let insurance companies
including your example do this! I pointed out the "medical loss ratio" which has obviously gone over your head!
But the real culprits are lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits 96% of which are settled out of court by the insurance companies!
Here read this and get a reality check on health care costs!

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits
by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

So why not TAX lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year?
Take the $27 billion and use it to pay the annual premium per year of $5,000 for each of the truly less then
5 million people that needed AND WANTED health insurance.!

Again these numbers go way over your head I'm sure as the only thing you can relate to is YOUR OWN anecdotal experience!
I hope for your sake obamacare or medicaid covers being an asshole.

As I said, I didn't get the machine yet, i did some research but don't let that stop you from unhinged reactions.

I am one person and there are many others who never would have asked the question. I am thinking that you arguing against me with an argument against healthcare is preciously ironic.

I was trying to warn people that they just don't have to take it or pay whatever they are told. My wife sent me for a prescription and the pharmacist told me it would be 125 dollars for one month. When she saw my reaction she said, look on the Internet for coupons or ask your doctor. So i did, we ended up paying 5 dollars a month. I posted that story some months ago. The pharmacist was more than happy to take 125 dollars without saying one word. I take to generic drugs, ones all old guy take. When i was deciding to buy a prescription plan or not I called the pharmacy to see how much it would cost me, they would not tell me. They refused to tell me, they said I had to have my health plan card and a prescription. I told them that I would not have a drug plan and would be paying cash, didn't matter they wouldn't tell me.

One did say, it will cost you 350 dollars for 90 days. Searching the internet i found coupons and it ended up costing about 24 dollars for 90 days. So I so far have saved money not getting on a drug plan.

And I'm diabetic, take medicine for it, blood pressure and cholesterol and pay ZERO as my Medicare Advantage plan pays!
Again your personal anecdotal stories as MINE also don't amount to a hill of beans as they are Personal,subjective anecdotal.
Over all Medicare Advantage plans are far superior as a whole to Medicare fee for service and Trump being the smart business man will see that quickly and take off some of the anti-capitalist restraints the idiot Obama did on Advantage plans.

Also one further point...because of state laws, Medicare Advantage plans are limited.
Here in Florida it is much more competitive then say in less retired population states... competition!

BUT Trump may introduce the truly exciting plan that IF when I started working in 1967 had been an option, I would have over $3 million in
my SS plan that I would then use to retire on PLUS pay my health expenses PLUS leaving a nest egg for my son!
But most of you anti-capitalists ignorant people shout this "don't gamble my SS in risky stock market"!
How many times have you heard that?
Well if I had been able to tell SS where to invest my and my employer's SS contributions (over $100,000) I figured out the other day, that
over 40 years...and investing the first 20 in the "risky stock market" then slowly phasing out of speculative market
and into bonds and more secured... as I said above I'd have over $3 million!

But these idiots that bitch about GOP wanting to put SS into "risky stock market"....GEEZ what idiots!
If you were so f'ing bright you would have to depend on SS for your diabetic issues. Fuck Wall Street having any more control over other peoples retirement and health.
Ok, I am going to tell my CPAP story again.

I need a new/repaired CPAP machine.

My Advantage plan pays 80 percent I pay 20 percent.

If I had traditional medicare, medicare would pay 80 and I would pay 20 percent.

So I contact my provider and they gave me a number to call. So I call them and they tell me what I will buy and how much I will pay. In other words they just said you are going to pay this much over 13 months. So not knowing any better I said OK. I later called them because I had to change the appointment and I figured out that the machine they were sending would cost about 1900 dollars which seemed high to me. So I call and ask them exactly what it was I was buying.

After that I go on line and find prices for the same thing, 1000 dollars cheaper. I go on the medicare website and find out that we live in a competitive market area and they had a list of suppliers. So I call the first one and ask what they would charge me. After 5 minutes of explaining she finally relented and told me it would be 19 per/month for 12 months, for the same machine, which matches the INTERNET price and is 170 dollars less than what I will pay for the machine through the provider.

So I call back to my provider and ask if I can use that supplier, no dice. I ask if they have more names of suppliers. They give me two dentist numbers, dentists don't provide CPAP, believe me. I call again explaining why I am doing this and how I think that the supplier is ripping BOTH of us off. They don't care. I believe they think me nuts for even asking.

So, why would a for profit company not care about paying 1000 dollars more than they have to? I am thinking they just pass it along. Either they get reimbursed by the government or at the end of year they have more to claim to the government so they get more for the next year. Whatever the reason the system is broken. I don't see why if the price is lower for the same thing they wouldn't be happy to allow me to buy it.

In their defense if I wanted I could fill out a paper to go to another provider and take two weeks to get approved, or disapproved. I could also file a complaint but what would I be complaining about?

My wife told me that I can afford it I should just pay. I hate that attitude.

Boo f...king HOO! Your's is a single anecdotal story. I don't deal in anecdotal stories. I deal in real numbers and yea... there were probably some
stupid reason why like YOU are a smoker right???? Plus you said the key words "So not knowing any better I said OK. " WHAT a stupid reason your not knowing any better! In this day with the Internet you should have done just a little more research and I have NO pity for you!

But of course you are an anti-capitalist. Obama lover. Who hates business.
You know who you really should be disgusted with is the legal community as YOU obviously have no idea of what "defensive Medicine" which
costs over $500 billion a year both in private and Medicare insurance. Because idiots like you are so un-informed you let insurance companies
including your example do this! I pointed out the "medical loss ratio" which has obviously gone over your head!
But the real culprits are lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits 96% of which are settled out of court by the insurance companies!
Here read this and get a reality check on health care costs!

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits
by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

So why not TAX lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year?
Take the $27 billion and use it to pay the annual premium per year of $5,000 for each of the truly less then
5 million people that needed AND WANTED health insurance.!

Again these numbers go way over your head I'm sure as the only thing you can relate to is YOUR OWN anecdotal experience!
I hope for your sake obamacare or medicaid covers being an asshole.

As I said, I didn't get the machine yet, i did some research but don't let that stop you from unhinged reactions.

I am one person and there are many others who never would have asked the question. I am thinking that you arguing against me with an argument against healthcare is preciously ironic.

I was trying to warn people that they just don't have to take it or pay whatever they are told. My wife sent me for a prescription and the pharmacist told me it would be 125 dollars for one month. When she saw my reaction she said, look on the Internet for coupons or ask your doctor. So i did, we ended up paying 5 dollars a month. I posted that story some months ago. The pharmacist was more than happy to take 125 dollars without saying one word. I take to generic drugs, ones all old guy take. When i was deciding to buy a prescription plan or not I called the pharmacy to see how much it would cost me, they would not tell me. They refused to tell me, they said I had to have my health plan card and a prescription. I told them that I would not have a drug plan and would be paying cash, didn't matter they wouldn't tell me.

One did say, it will cost you 350 dollars for 90 days. Searching the internet i found coupons and it ended up costing about 24 dollars for 90 days. So I so far have saved money not getting on a drug plan.

And I'm diabetic, take medicine for it, blood pressure and cholesterol and pay ZERO as my Medicare Advantage plan pays!
Again your personal anecdotal stories as MINE also don't amount to a hill of beans as they are Personal,subjective anecdotal.
Over all Medicare Advantage plans are far superior as a whole to Medicare fee for service and Trump being the smart business man will see that quickly and take off some of the anti-capitalist restraints the idiot Obama did on Advantage plans.

Also one further point...because of state laws, Medicare Advantage plans are limited.
Here in Florida it is much more competitive then say in less retired population states... competition!

BUT Trump may introduce the truly exciting plan that IF when I started working in 1967 had been an option, I would have over $3 million in
my SS plan that I would then use to retire on PLUS pay my health expenses PLUS leaving a nest egg for my son!
But most of you anti-capitalists ignorant people shout this "don't gamble my SS in risky stock market"!
How many times have you heard that?
Well if I had been able to tell SS where to invest my and my employer's SS contributions (over $100,000) I figured out the other day, that
over 40 years...and investing the first 20 in the "risky stock market" then slowly phasing out of speculative market
and into bonds and more secured... as I said above I'd have over $3 million!

But these idiots that bitch about GOP wanting to put SS into "risky stock market"....GEEZ what idiots!
If you were so f'ing bright you would have to depend on SS for your diabetic issues. Fuck Wall Street having any more control over other peoples retirement and health.

Well I KNOW I'm a whole hell of lot smarter then you it sounds like and maybe that's why I'm getting back what I PAID into SS/Medicare.
I'm certainly no dummy like you that bitches about "Wall Street" as "Wall Street's" been very good to me!
Ok, I am going to tell my CPAP story again.

I need a new/repaired CPAP machine.

My Advantage plan pays 80 percent I pay 20 percent.

If I had traditional medicare, medicare would pay 80 and I would pay 20 percent.

So I contact my provider and they gave me a number to call. So I call them and they tell me what I will buy and how much I will pay. In other words they just said you are going to pay this much over 13 months. So not knowing any better I said OK. I later called them because I had to change the appointment and I figured out that the machine they were sending would cost about 1900 dollars which seemed high to me. So I call and ask them exactly what it was I was buying.

After that I go on line and find prices for the same thing, 1000 dollars cheaper. I go on the medicare website and find out that we live in a competitive market area and they had a list of suppliers. So I call the first one and ask what they would charge me. After 5 minutes of explaining she finally relented and told me it would be 19 per/month for 12 months, for the same machine, which matches the INTERNET price and is 170 dollars less than what I will pay for the machine through the provider.

So I call back to my provider and ask if I can use that supplier, no dice. I ask if they have more names of suppliers. They give me two dentist numbers, dentists don't provide CPAP, believe me. I call again explaining why I am doing this and how I think that the supplier is ripping BOTH of us off. They don't care. I believe they think me nuts for even asking.

So, why would a for profit company not care about paying 1000 dollars more than they have to? I am thinking they just pass it along. Either they get reimbursed by the government or at the end of year they have more to claim to the government so they get more for the next year. Whatever the reason the system is broken. I don't see why if the price is lower for the same thing they wouldn't be happy to allow me to buy it.

In their defense if I wanted I could fill out a paper to go to another provider and take two weeks to get approved, or disapproved. I could also file a complaint but what would I be complaining about?

My wife told me that I can afford it I should just pay. I hate that attitude.

Boo f...king HOO! Your's is a single anecdotal story. I don't deal in anecdotal stories. I deal in real numbers and yea... there were probably some
stupid reason why like YOU are a smoker right???? Plus you said the key words "So not knowing any better I said OK. " WHAT a stupid reason your not knowing any better! In this day with the Internet you should have done just a little more research and I have NO pity for you!

But of course you are an anti-capitalist. Obama lover. Who hates business.
You know who you really should be disgusted with is the legal community as YOU obviously have no idea of what "defensive Medicine" which
costs over $500 billion a year both in private and Medicare insurance. Because idiots like you are so un-informed you let insurance companies
including your example do this! I pointed out the "medical loss ratio" which has obviously gone over your head!
But the real culprits are lawyers who file frivolous lawsuits 96% of which are settled out of court by the insurance companies!
Here read this and get a reality check on health care costs!

90% of physicians surveyed say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
--- Emergency medicine, primary care, and OB/GYN physicians are most likely to practice defensive medicine.
--- 79 to 83% of surgeons and OB/GYNs have been named in lawsuits.
"Physicians contracted by the federal government practice significantly less defensive medicine as they are protected against lawsuits
by the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. "
-- BUT........Only 48% practice defensive medicine compared to 92% of non-government physicians.

So why not TAX lawyers 10% of their $270 billion a year?
Take the $27 billion and use it to pay the annual premium per year of $5,000 for each of the truly less then
5 million people that needed AND WANTED health insurance.!

Again these numbers go way over your head I'm sure as the only thing you can relate to is YOUR OWN anecdotal experience!
I hope for your sake obamacare or medicaid covers being an asshole.

As I said, I didn't get the machine yet, i did some research but don't let that stop you from unhinged reactions.

I am one person and there are many others who never would have asked the question. I am thinking that you arguing against me with an argument against healthcare is preciously ironic.

I was trying to warn people that they just don't have to take it or pay whatever they are told. My wife sent me for a prescription and the pharmacist told me it would be 125 dollars for one month. When she saw my reaction she said, look on the Internet for coupons or ask your doctor. So i did, we ended up paying 5 dollars a month. I posted that story some months ago. The pharmacist was more than happy to take 125 dollars without saying one word. I take to generic drugs, ones all old guy take. When i was deciding to buy a prescription plan or not I called the pharmacy to see how much it would cost me, they would not tell me. They refused to tell me, they said I had to have my health plan card and a prescription. I told them that I would not have a drug plan and would be paying cash, didn't matter they wouldn't tell me.

One did say, it will cost you 350 dollars for 90 days. Searching the internet i found coupons and it ended up costing about 24 dollars for 90 days. So I so far have saved money not getting on a drug plan.

And I'm diabetic, take medicine for it, blood pressure and cholesterol and pay ZERO as my Medicare Advantage plan pays!
Again your personal anecdotal stories as MINE also don't amount to a hill of beans as they are Personal,subjective anecdotal.
Over all Medicare Advantage plans are far superior as a whole to Medicare fee for service and Trump being the smart business man will see that quickly and take off some of the anti-capitalist restraints the idiot Obama did on Advantage plans.

Also one further point...because of state laws, Medicare Advantage plans are limited.
Here in Florida it is much more competitive then say in less retired population states... competition!

BUT Trump may introduce the truly exciting plan that IF when I started working in 1967 had been an option, I would have over $3 million in
my SS plan that I would then use to retire on PLUS pay my health expenses PLUS leaving a nest egg for my son!
But most of you anti-capitalists ignorant people shout this "don't gamble my SS in risky stock market"!
How many times have you heard that?
Well if I had been able to tell SS where to invest my and my employer's SS contributions (over $100,000) I figured out the other day, that
over 40 years...and investing the first 20 in the "risky stock market" then slowly phasing out of speculative market
and into bonds and more secured... as I said above I'd have over $3 million!

But these idiots that bitch about GOP wanting to put SS into "risky stock market"....GEEZ what idiots!
If you were so f'ing bright you would have to depend on SS for your diabetic issues. Fuck Wall Street having any more control over other peoples retirement and health.

Well I KNOW I'm a whole hell of lot smarter then you it sounds like and maybe that's why I'm getting back what I PAID into SS/Medicare.
I'm certainly no dummy like you that bitches about "Wall Street" as "Wall Street's" been very good to me!
You have every right to like Wall Street and myself and others have every right to say fuck you and Wall Street being in control over our future. If you were so bright you would have that "nest egg" for your "son" but instead you want others to pay for your expenses out of their nest eggs that are already paid for.

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