Duh- Its Here- The New World Order


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Just what my uncles, who are Mason's have told me. The New World Order is for real, and its here.

They also tell me that I'm a white man with a target on my back. And that I need to shut up and stay low. Guess I haven't listened well... no?

Just listen to the O-tard right now from Paris. Talking coalition this, and coalition that, World this, and world that. And him most declaring proclamation is, the agreement coming out of Paris will be legal binding. A world dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet

You or Orson Wells couldn't make this shit up

And now the buckwheat is apologizing for guns in America, and supported Planned Parenthood and compared gun crimes to ISIS attacks in Paris

This man is just unbelievable

Just what my uncles, who are Mason's have told me. The New World Order is for real, and its here.

They also tell me that I'm a white man with a target on my back. And that I need to shut up and stay low. Guess I haven't listened well... no?

Just listen to the O-tard right now from Paris. Talking coalition this, and coalition that, World this, and world that. And him most declaring proclamation is, the agreement coming out of Paris will be legal binding. A world dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet

You or Orson Wells couldn't make this shit up

Suddenly, Orson Well's version is looking better and better. Orson at least had a sense of humor. BO and company have only arrogance.
Just what my uncles, who are Mason's have told me. The New World Order is for real, and its here.

They also tell me that I'm a white man with a target on my back. And that I need to shut up and stay low. Guess I haven't listened well... no?

Just listen to the O-tard right now from Paris. Talking coalition this, and coalition that, World this, and world that. And him most declaring proclamation is, the agreement coming out of Paris will be legal binding. A world dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet

You or Orson Wells couldn't make this shit up


He needs money to fuel his new world order. His "partners" are counting in him to soak the Americans to fund this nonsense. If Congress cuts off the spigot, his partners will wander off, because they are certainly not going to pay for it.

Nothing in this is legally binding without Congress.
Just what my uncles, who are Mason's have told me. The New World Order is for real, and its here.

They also tell me that I'm a white man with a target on my back. And that I need to shut up and stay low. Guess I haven't listened well... no?

Just listen to the O-tard right now from Paris. Talking coalition this, and coalition that, World this, and world that. And him most declaring proclamation is, the agreement coming out of Paris will be legal binding. A world dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet

You or Orson Wells couldn't make this shit up


And yet, here you are - making it up.

You're delusional.
Making what up? Show us what he made up.
Just what my uncles, who are Mason's have told me. The New World Order is for real, and its here.

They also tell me that I'm a white man with a target on my back. And that I need to shut up and stay low. Guess I haven't listened well... no?

Just listen to the O-tard right now from Paris. Talking coalition this, and coalition that, World this, and world that. And him most declaring proclamation is, the agreement coming out of Paris will be legal binding. A world dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet

You or Orson Wells couldn't make this shit up


And yet, here you are - making it up.

You're delusional.
Making what up? Show us what he made up.
Just what my uncles, who are Mason's have told me. The New World Order is for real, and its here.

They also tell me that I'm a white man with a target on my back. And that I need to shut up and stay low. Guess I haven't listened well... no?

Just listen to the O-tard right now from Paris. Talking coalition this, and coalition that, World this, and world that. And him most declaring proclamation is, the agreement coming out of Paris will be legal binding. A world dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet

You or Orson Wells couldn't make this shit up


And yet, here you are - making it up.

You're delusional.
Luddly noodles can't show you anything but how stupid he is.
I find conspiracy stuff interesting and entertaining. If humans eventually colonize multiple other planets in 1000s of years to come i think each world will have 1 government. Logical way of things developing.

If there is a global shadow government looking to unite the world into 1 government I've always said they'll use highly advanced technology to stage an alien threat. Holograms and CGI video. Images of alien ships orbiting Earth. Unite the world to defeat them. Nuke a few satellites in space and "win" the battle.....but then keep the 1 united government in place.
It is coming. We have GOT to get out of NATO and the UN. Leave that globalist, totalitarian bullshit to the people who want it!
When IS gets world wide, it will happen. Or when the GW fear tactics really take hold
Just what my uncles, who are Mason's have told me. The New World Order is for real, and its here.

They also tell me that I'm a white man with a target on my back. And that I need to shut up and stay low. Guess I haven't listened well... no?

Just listen to the O-tard right now from Paris. Talking coalition this, and coalition that, World this, and world that. And him most declaring proclamation is, the agreement coming out of Paris will be legal binding. A world dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet

You or Orson Wells couldn't make this shit up


And what is this 'New World Order' you speak of....to you anyway?

The NWO tends to be a conspiracy Rorschach Test that people protect their fears upon.
The worldwide collective Left has lost it's mind. They are fucking nuts.
Just what my uncles, who are Mason's have told me. The New World Order is for real, and its here.

They also tell me that I'm a white man with a target on my back. And that I need to shut up and stay low. Guess I haven't listened well... no?

Just listen to the O-tard right now from Paris. Talking coalition this, and coalition that, World this, and world that. And him most declaring proclamation is, the agreement coming out of Paris will be legal binding. A world dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet

You or Orson Wells couldn't make this shit up


There was no agreement made in Paris.

Paris (CNN)President Barack Obama has long made clear he wants action on climate change to be part of his legacy, and Tuesday in Paris he raised the stakes.

A successful outcome for the United Nations climate talks will include a "legally binding" mechanism to ensure countries adhere to their carbon reduction commitments, Obama said at a press conference before heading back to Washington.
Obama ends Paris climate visit with spotlight on legacy - CNNPolitics.com

Who woulda' thunk that the NWO would be about cleaner air and water?
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Just what my uncles, who are Mason's have told me. The New World Order is for real, and its here.

They also tell me that I'm a white man with a target on my back. And that I need to shut up and stay low. Guess I haven't listened well... no?

Just listen to the O-tard right now from Paris. Talking coalition this, and coalition that, World this, and world that. And him most declaring proclamation is, the agreement coming out of Paris will be legal binding. A world dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet

You or Orson Wells couldn't make this shit up


There was no agreement made in Paris.

Paris (CNN)President Barack Obama has long made clear he wants action on climate change to be part of his legacy, and Tuesday in Paris he raised the stakes.

A successful outcome for the United Nations climate talks will include a "legally binding" mechanism to ensure countries adhere to their carbon reduction commitments, Obama said at a press conference before heading back to Washington.
Obama ends Paris climate visit with spotlight on legacy - CNNPolitics.com

Who woulda' thunk that the NWO would be about cleaner air and water?

Whatever he agrees to will be ignored, as he will be.

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