Duck Dynasty Robertson's rape/murder fantasy

Utterly amazing what some will believe with absolutely zero evidence to support those beliefs.
Even more amazing is what some will believe with absolutely zero evidence in order to justify hating someone.

Case in point!

Where is the evidence of "hating someone"?

Calling someone out for saying something utterly despicable doesn't automatically make that the equivalent of "hating" them.

But thanks once again for proving that you are not qualified to engage in this discussion.
Well, saying this about someone when there's no evidence for it is pretty hateful. You obviously know nothing about Phil Robertson.

It was an ugly glimpse into his sick and perverted mindset

Now, are you saying that you do NOT hate Phil Robertson? Just how DO you think about him?

What you believe is your problem, not mine.

Hate is a negative emotion that consumes the hater, not the hated.

I harbor no hatred for anyone.

That doesn't stop me from calling them out when they say something hateful which is what PR is on the record for doing when it comes to both gays and atheists.

Obviously you don't know the meaning of the term either. Try Googling it.

And children.

He's definitely a predator but he's NOT a Christian.
You have a seriously twisted mind if you think that proves he approves of doing it. He's relating a scenario, an illustration. Good grief, you're desperate to gin up hate toward the guy and what he stands for.

I am taking him literally based upon what he said. This came out of his sick and perverted mind. He has to take accountability for his own words.
Then you have a comprehension problem. When you hear Obama cheerfully claim "I", or "we" killed Osama Bin Laden, do you picture him in camo, toting a gun and charging the house?

No, but Obama takes responsibility for having OBL killed. It is conservatives who want to claim that Obama wasn't the one who killed OBL, but actually Bush, so maybe that is what you are picturing, Bush in camo toting an AR15 and charging the house.......:)

And, OBL was killed in an act of war, that is totally different than some idiot walking into a home and doing what your hero Duck said he did.
So, it's okay for Obama to use verbal imagery that we all understand he doesn't mean literally, but it's not for Phil Robertson?

Its not okay to use verbal imagery that depicts two children being raped and killed, a woman being raped in front of her husband and decapitated. If you think that mentioning bringing a gun is on the same level as what Phil said, you're either a very crass person or just pretending to be obtuse.

If a liberal had said this, they'd be all over it. And rightly so.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, crimes against children should be shouted to the rooftops and this despicable man has described, in great detail several crimes against children, as well as adults.

He's not a Christian but if his fear of eternal fire and brimstone keeps him from acting on most/all of his sick fantasies, great. We should be grateful for that.

It's very disturbing to me that posters here defend the indefensible.
When Phil starts talking about atheists having no restraint for raping and killing and molesting, he is talking about me. I don't take kindly to that. In fact, Phil has said everything I need to know about Phil, and as far as I am concerned, he represents the very worst of Christian self righteousness. I don't have to hate him to be disgusted with him. He is not worthy of hate. Ignorance is not hateful. It is pathetic.

I agree.

I've lived many years without ever having such a horrible fantasy as his. Who is he to say that I'm just one prayer away from torturing, mutilating, raping and murdering children and adults?

That's HIS fantasy. Not mine.
Personally, I doubt if Christianity is keeping Phil from raping and killing.

It is bad enough that he would say that us atheists would even consider raping and killing, just because we reject his faith. As far as I am concerned he has revealed himself as slime for attacking atheists in that manner. Still, I have read enough Christian dogma on this board to recognize that many Christians think that he should become the spokesperson for the World Council of Churches.

Apparently the teachings of Jesus have become overlooked in the Christian Right's zeal to demonize us.

It was not about Christians or Atheists keeping anyone from raping and killing. You are missing the whole point of what he said.
He never said who the person or persons were who attacked an Atheist family.
He never said that it was Atheists who attacked an Atheist family.
When Phil starts talking about atheists having no restraint for raping and killing and molesting, he is talking about me. I don't take kindly to that. In fact, Phil has said everything I need to know about Phil, and as far as I am concerned, he represents the very worst of Christian self righteousness. I don't have to hate him to be disgusted with him. He is not worthy of hate. Ignorance is not hateful. It is pathetic.

I agree.

I've lived many years without ever having such a horrible fantasy as his. Who is he to say that I'm just one prayer away from torturing, mutilating, raping and murdering children and adults?

That's HIS fantasy. Not mine.

Then it's a good thing you weren't there at the Christian Prayer Breakfast. It was meant for them not anyone else.
It is one little snipet of a recording and you have no other context to go with what the whole speech was about.
You have missed the whole point of what he said. He never said anything about you or anyone else personally.
Perhaps Muttly should be more concerned about the ACTUAL ACT!

Personally, I doubt if Christianity is keeping Phil from raping and killing.

It is bad enough that he would say that us atheists would even consider raping and killing, just because we reject his faith. As far as I am concerned he has revealed himself as slime for attacking atheists in that manner. Still, I have read enough Christian dogma on this board to recognize that many Christians think that he should become the spokesperson for the World Council of Churches.

Apparently the teachings of Jesus have become overlooked in the Christian Right's zeal to demonize us.

It was not about Christians or Atheists keeping anyone from raping and killing. You are missing the whole point of what he said.
He never said who the person or persons were who attacked an Atheist family.
He never said that it was Atheists who attacked an Atheist family.
Of course they ignore what he actually said, because what he actually said is politically inconvenient. Their vain hope is to gin up hatred towards him by lying about him. It's sad when you do that.
If Phil is the kind of person whose ignorance and intolerance you respect, then you guys can feel the warmth and love from his Christian sanctimonious drivel to your heart's content. If he is going to heaven, then I am certainly going to book a different destination. And I don't give a rat's ass who he was speaking to. He was speaking about me, and that is all that matters. I did not NOT feel the love of Jesus Christ from his quote.
If Phil is the kind of person whose ignorance and intolerance you respect, then you guys can feel the warmth and love from his Christian sanctimonious drivel to your heart's content. If he is going to heaven, then I am certainly going to book a different destination. And I don't give a rat's ass who he was speaking to. He was speaking about me, and that is all that matters. I did not NOT feel the love of Jesus Christ from his quote.
The only ignorance and intolerance if from you and your bigoted friends

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