Duck Commander Sticks to Principles

Duck Commander Sticks to Principles
As he should, no one would expect him to do otherwise; he has every right to defend his hate and ignorance.

Otherwise, there’s no such thing as ‘political correctness,’ the objections to Robertson’s hate and ignorance were perfectly appropriate, having nothing to do with being ‘thin-skinned.’
No, of course not. Political correctness and thin-skinned Americans? What was I thinking?!

Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?
Everyone in America has a right to hate anyone they want

Phil Robertson proves that
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Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Great question, [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] !

In my little world, especially because we're lucky enough to live in this country, we allow people to say what they're thinking, even if we don't like it.


Because it provides us with an excellent opportunity to engage that person in mature, civil public debate.

Why do we want to do that?

Well, two reasons: First, with patience, honesty and passion, we may be able to change their mind, or at least soften/alter it somewhat. But probably more importantly, if we can do it in public, we may be able to change/alter the minds of many others. And we did it organically, by truly changing hearts and minds, rather than exacerbating animosities through punishment, which just makes it take that much longer to change hearts and minds. We do it civilly and through the culture. Like adults.

For some reason you seem to think that I like racial and gay slurs. I do not, and I never use them. You will never see me do so, nor will you see me agreeing with someone who does. In fact, I may very well dislike them just as much as you. And unless I know who is thinking such thoughts, I'll never be able to change their hearts and minds -- sometimes through debate, sometimes through leading by example -- and progress is slowed.

Thanks for the question.

Does that make sense?

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Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Phil was politically correct and did not use any "slurs" in what he said, but the way many on the far left are acting as if he did. Show's where the true hatred lies, it is in the far left.
Yes! Of course conservatives should stick to their core principles, such as this:

"Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."

Too many conservatives try to hide what they really believe, such as the above...

...good for Phil Robertson, for being proud to proclaim it.

Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Phil was politically correct and did not use any "slurs" in what he said, but the way many on the far left are acting as if he did. Show's where the true hatred lies, it is in the far left.

Equating gays and lesbians with bestiality is not treating fellow humans with decency and respect and is deserving of public censure.

Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Great question!

In my little world, especially because we're lucky enough to live in this country, we allow people to say what they're thinking, even if we don't like it.


Because it provides us with an excellent opportunity to engage that person in mature, civil public debate.

Why do we want to do that?

Well, two reasons: First, with patience, honesty and passion, we may be able to change their mind, or at least soften/alter it somewhat. But probably more importantly, if we can do it in public, we may be able to change/alter the minds of many others. And we did it organically, by truly changing hearts and minds, rather than exacerbating animosities through punishment, which just makes it take that much longer to change hearts and minds. We do it civilly and through the culture. Like adults.

For some reason you seem to think that I like racial and gay slurs. I do not, and I never use them. You will never see me do so, nor will you see me agreeing with someone who does. In fact, I may very well dislike them just as much as you. And unless I know who is thinking such thoughts, I'll never be able to change their hearts and minds -- sometimes through debate, sometimes through leading by example -- and progress is slowed.

Thanks for the question.

Does that make sense?


So what is wrong with pointing out that these slurs are not acceptable in our society? What makes that "political correctness" and not just simple human decency?

Yep, good for him. I don't care much for his views, but I'm glad to see him not letting the PC Police have their way. Even better to see all the pushback from around the country, which is clearly getting stronger every time something like this happens.

The PC Police want the power to pretend they're "offended" so that they can punish those with whom they disagree. It was very effective for a long time, but that's clearly changing. Finally.



Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Phil was politically correct and did not use any "slurs" in what he said, but the way many on the far left are acting as if he did. Show's where the true hatred lies, it is in the far left.

You've just identified a fundamental difference between liberalism and conservatism.

Conservatives don't consider this a slur:

"Women with women. Men with men. They committed indecent acts with one another. And they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."
Equating gays and lesbians with bestiality is not treating fellow humans with decency and respect and is deserving of public censure.

Homosexuality is a paraphilia just like the other ones.

Was listed as such in the DSM until the homosexual political pressure of the 60's to remove it.
Tell me something....what does it look like in your perfect little "non PC" world? Everyone walk around calling people the N word or the F word for gay man?

What is so wrong with being decent to your fellow human being? When did simple respect become "politically correct"?

Great question!

In my little world, especially because we're lucky enough to live in this country, we allow people to say what they're thinking, even if we don't like it.


Because it provides us with an excellent opportunity to engage that person in mature, civil public debate.

Why do we want to do that?

Well, two reasons: First, with patience, honesty and passion, we may be able to change their mind, or at least soften/alter it somewhat. But probably more importantly, if we can do it in public, we may be able to change/alter the minds of many others. And we did it organically, by truly changing hearts and minds, rather than exacerbating animosities through punishment, which just makes it take that much longer to change hearts and minds. We do it civilly and through the culture. Like adults.

For some reason you seem to think that I like racial and gay slurs. I do not, and I never use them. You will never see me do so, nor will you see me agreeing with someone who does. In fact, I may very well dislike them just as much as you. And unless I know who is thinking such thoughts, I'll never be able to change their hearts and minds -- sometimes through debate, sometimes through leading by example -- and progress is slowed.

Thanks for the question.

Does that make sense?


So what is wrong with pointing out that these slurs are not acceptable in our society? What makes that "political correctness" and not just simple human decency?

I'm all for pointing it out. You aren't getting it.

There's a difference between, on one hand, pointing it out and starting a conversation and on the other hand, shutting down the debate and punishing that person.

Surely you see the difference.


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