Drug commercial warning to pregnant women: "It could cause harm or death to an unborn baby."

It's a baby, until it isn't.

It’s not YOUR baby, it’s not your body and it’s not your family, so it’s really none of YOUR business.

It is every American's business.
Woman's rights:
1. no sex
2. sex with condoms
3 sex with birth control
4. day after sex pill.

Unborn Children's rights:
1. the right to continue to live.
2. not be ripped apart bodily into sales parts in the womb.

There you go. Both rights intact.
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It's a baby, until it isn't.

It’s not YOUR baby, it’s not your body and it’s not your family, so it’s really none of YOUR business.

Dear Dragonlady Blackrook
Is it our business when the state executes a person
who turns out to be innocent?
When it's done under the COLOR of law and govt
then EVERYONE is responsible for damages caused by that action.

I don't agree that it's not the business of others
where life and termination is involved
AS ENDORSED BY PUBLIC LAWS that are supposed
to represent and include the beliefs of ALL people in order to be law.

What I WILL AGREE with you on
is there is NO WAY to ENFORCE laws after pregnancy
has already occurred without violating the due process
of Women more than Men in Investigating alleged violations.

So because of complications with due process of law
DISCRIMINATING against women more than men,
when usually the men have EQUAL if not MORE responsibility
in the case of sexual abuse or coercion for the decision
to have sex and create the pregnancy,
that's why Constitutional defenses have been invoked
to block laws or regulations penalizing abortion. The penalty
and defense process involved with govt enforcement
would in itself intrude on the women in ways that
violate other Constitutional protections.

The key would be to address the decision to have sex
at the point where the men and women can be held
equally responsible. But at that point, this is personal
and has to be policed or regulated by consent. So that's
why these arguments go in circles, because govt cannot
be intruding in people's personal decisions, but on the other
hand YES people like Blackrook DO HAVE EVERY RIGHT
to INSIST that any public laws through govt INCLUDE
and represent his/their beliefs EQUALLY. That is a
Constitutional right and principle EQUALLY as due process.

it IS their business as long as they are citizens
and the govt laws are supposed to represent their beliefs EQUALLY.

So both respect for beliefs (both prochoice and right to life for unborn), due process, etc
are required to protect in order for laws to be fully Constitutional.

We just haven't found a way to do both, so what we
have now are compromises left and right, similar to the
health care law where both sides have their own beliefs in conflict,
and both continue to demand equal inclusion and protection by law.

And we haven't found a way to satisfy both and violate neither one.
There are political beliefs stakes on both sides,
where neither can overrule or exclude the other.

That is why we would need to resolve conflicts
and form policies by mutual consent to fully and equally
include political beliefs on both sides, with both the
abortion issues and the same with health care that
has run into a similar clash of political beliefs where
neither should be discriminated against by abusing
govt to endorse one over the other and excluding opponents.
It's a baby, until it isn't.

It’s not YOUR baby, it’s not your body and it’s not your family, so it’s really none of YOUR business.

It is every American's business.
Woman's rights:
1. no sex
2. sex with condoms
3 sex with birth control
4. day after sex pill.

Babies right:
1. the right to continue to live.
2. not be ripped apart bodily into sales parts in the womb.

There you go. Both rights intact.
Many view the day after sex pill as an abortion pill.
That being said, it beats where the "line" is currently drawn.
Can u claim an unborn baby on your taxes ? Why not! It’s peeeeepole!

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