Drug Cartels Invade the USA Every Day, But Media Refuse to Cover the Story


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The drug Cartels send spotters, lookouts and communications relays into the US to enhance their ability to evade US CBP and DEA agents.

If Turkey was doing this Dimocrats would be screaming for a declaration of war! roflmao

Kobach: The Case for U.S. Military Action Against the Cartels | Breitbart

3. The cartels have already invaded and occupied U.S. territory.

Most Americans would likely be shocked to learn that these terrorist organizations have occupied strategic territory within the United States for years. Heavily-armed cartel scouts occupy hilltops along the border in New Mexico and Arizona. They monitor the movements of the Border Patrol and direct their own smugglers when and where to bring in the drugs. Some hilltops are occupied 24/7.

Every once in a while, U.S. law enforcement is able to make a move on these scouts and arrest them. But doing so is extremely dangerous, and more like a military operation than a routine law enforcement arrest. But there has been astonishingly little coverage of the fact that these cartels operate on, and control, U.S. territory.

If an armed foreign terrorist organization penetrated U.S. territory and occupied strategic locations, most people would call that an invasion. That’s exactly what we have. And such an invasion entirely justifies a military response. The safety and sovereignty of the United States is at stake.​

Cartels using Ariz. mountaintops to spy on cops

Cartel scouts in hilltops arrested, Pinal County first to prosecute

But it is all AOK as long as Americas elites can still get their nose candy.

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