Dimocrat Govenor Protects Illegals On Registered Voter Rolls


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Can there be reasonable doubt any more that Dimocrats are using illegal voters? If not why are they keeping them on the voter rolls?

Non-Citizens to Stay on North Carolina Voter Rolls Before 2020 Election

North Carolina’s Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed legislation this week that would have purged self-admitted non-citizens from the state’s voter rolls.

The plan, supported by the state’s Republicans, would have allowed election officials to contact North Carolina residents who escaped jury duty by claiming they were not United States citizens. If those residents confirmed that they are non-citizens or did not respond within 30 days, they would be removed from the state’s voter rolls.

Cooper told local media he vetoed the plan because it would have created “a high risk of voter harassment and intimidation and could discourage citizens from voting.”

roflmao, that is like saying we should not enforce any of our laws because we risk possible conviction of innocent people.
I suspect no one is going to admit that they are non citizens to get out of jury duty.

A jury summons is an official court summons. The court could hold you in contempt and / or impose a $50 fine for each time you fail to appear. If you lose your jury summons, contact the Clerk of Superior Court office in your county as soon as possible to obtain reporting information.

Procedures to request an excuse or deferral vary from county to county. Read your summons for specific instructions. Generally, you must contact the Clerk of Superior Court office if you want to be excused or defer your jury service. You must have a compelling reason why you cannot serve on the assigned date. For example, you may request to be excused if you are a full-time student; you are 72 years of age or older; or you have a documented medical reason that prevents you from serving.

Jury Service | North Carolina Judicial Branch
“Non-citizens most often become registered to vote by mistake when they fill out an application for a service, like a driver’s license,” Adams continued.

They can't fill out an application for a drivers license in North Carolina. Well, I suppose they could fill it out but it goes nowhere.

From a quick search, the only way to register to vote in North Carolina is to register to vote. It doesn't appear they have a system that automatically registers you when you apply for other services.
75% of felons that had their voting rights returned to them voted in these recent state and local elections. The Democrats don't need illegals to vote now. They'll still use them though.

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